Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Blood, Honor, and Time: Volume 2 Side Quests - Quest 3 – A Bonding Experience

Everyone gets junk mail that advertises something they may or may not be interested in. Donna and I happen to get a letter that advertises a new cabin for couples. We’re given exclusive access to it as its first-time inhabitants. It’s supposed to be a cozy place where we can stay together in isolation for the week. This idea obviously appeals to Donna who’s been bugging me about it ever since we got news of it. I’ve had my scouts check the place out and they said it was clean so I guess we can go. I leave my family in charge of my kids as Donna and I head out in our first vacation by ourselves in a while. Actually, it’s our first vacation in a while period. I’m always keeping myself busy with requests, meetings, and other activities to make sure the cultures keep their trust in me. Maybe it is time to take a breather.
When we arrive at the cabin, it looks exactly as the ad and my Sparrows reported. The cabin is a small house that looks perfect for a newlywed couple with all of the decorations around it that make it feel like a home. We get our bags, put them inside the house. I then rest on the couch because of the long ride. Donna plops herself on top of me.
She says, “Whew. It took a while to get here, but we’re finally alone together with nothing to worry about and no one to bother us.”
“I’m bored already.”
“I can make this way less boring if you want.”
“You’re trying to now even without me saying anything.”
“You’ve got that right. We finally have some time to relax so we should make the most of it.”
“Why does that always involve us being naked together in your mind?”
“It’s more comfortable this way. Don’t act like you don’t like it because I know you do.”
“Sure, I do. It’s just that I’d like some time to relax before you start stripping me.”
“Too bad.”
For the rest of the day, Donna and I silently enjoy each other’s company while talking about things off and on. It took us a while to get to the cabin and life has been so exhausting that doing nothing is the best thing that we could do right now. Donna is the first to fall asleep so she’s stuck on me. Even though I wanted to eat and drink something before we slept, I guess I’ll have to deal with it. At least it’s nothing major that I should be concerned about.
Once I fall asleep, I hear a finger-snapping noise. Donna has disappeared and the flames that lit up the room have all gone out. My clothes and bags are gone and there’s no sign of anyone coming in or out of the house.
“Donna?” I call out only for the rug to fall out from under me.
I fall down a hole and land in the hand of some demon-looking creature.
“Who are you?” I ask the creature with my hands up ready to fight.
The creature just smiles before closing its hand on me, which transports me back to my hometown. Everything appears to be normal except for my missing clothes. Corso and Stella find me in the crowd. They don’t comment on how I look and appear to be normal.
“What are you doing here, Benedetto?” Stella asks, “Aren’t you supposed to be with Donna?”
“Yes, but I don’t know what’s happening now.”
“You should come back home. She’s waiting for you so you two can go to the cabin you’re vacationing at.”
What? She’s saying I didn’t go yet? What’s going on here? Since I don’t know what else to do, I go home to find my family waiting for me with my bags packed near the entrance. I remember it being this way before I left. After a single blink, everyone is gone. It’s quiet all of a sudden as this situation keeps getting stranger. Someone behind me covers my eyes. It feels like Donna.
Sure enough, I hear her voice say, “Get ready for a surprise in three, two, one…surprise!”
“What is all of this?!”
I open my eyes to see the horrifying sight of my entire family with my friends, and Sparrows slaughtered in front of me. Donna is in the pile of bodies with our children around her so the one behind me is a fake.
I put my hands on the throat of the Donna behind me and say, “Who are you?!”
The fake Donna just smiles at me before turning into the creature I saw before. For some reason, I have my weapons with me. I try fighting with them, but the creature manages to knock me down. When I get up, I see that I’m wearing my older gear with my older weapons. Every time I fight against the creature, I get knocked down, and every time I get up, I get younger and younger until I’m a child. Now, it’s obvious that I can’t fight the creature like this. Before I can do anything else, I’m enclosed in a box of knives with Donna inside as well.
The box slowly closes on us as I try to push it away with my hands and feet. The knives cut at my skin, but I’m not going to let it end like this. There’s no way I’m going to make Donna suffer a horrible death like this even if I can reset time. She clings to me as she tries her part in pushing away the knives.
“Benedetto! I’m sorry for making us take a vacation here.”
“It’s not your fault things are like this. Just don’t give up! What did that creature show you?”
“It showed me everyone we knew horribly killed with their remains piled on top of one another.”
“It showed the same to me.”
“I tried to fight it, but I couldn’t do anything.”
“This thing can’t be defeated normally it seems.” I then get an idea that can get us out of this situation. “Donna, I think this creature is making us see things. We shouldn’t be afraid of it no matter what it shows us.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. There’s no other explanation for this other than this isn’t real.”
“Okay, I trust you.”
Donna holds onto me as the knives close in faster on us. She puts her face on my shoulders as I hold her tightly. I stare directly into a knife as it closes onto me as it shatters as it touches my eyes and our bodies. A loud cry is then made as everything else around us shatters as we’re instantly transported back into the cabin. We still have the cut marks on us, but at least we’re back to normal. Not wanting to get comfortable here anymore, we pack our stuff then leave the cabin.
Once we’re back home, our wounds are treated, and we tell our story to our family and Sparrows. A team goes out to destroy the cabin, but they never find it. Donna and I have to spend a lot of time resting at home because of our injuries, but this is fine for me in terms of a vacation. As long as I’m with those I love, my mind is at ease and nothing will scare me.

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