Battle Prayer of the Knights of the Sacred Blood of Christ - (Song/Poem Attempt #57 from Good vs Right)

(After singing the Apostles' Creed, Our Father, Three Hail Marys, and a Glory Be, the following must be sung)

Let us pray. Oh God, who is all-knowing, all-wise, and all good, it is known that you are a God of battles and the army that has your favor shall obtain victory. We pray,

Response: Grant us your favor, Oh Lord, to us, your poor servants.

Let us be your instruments of justice.

R: So that thy will shall be done as it is in Heaven.

Make our aim true.

R: So that our anger is just.

Protect us from all dangers especially those of the spirit.

R: So that we may forever serve you in Heaven.

Always be in our hearts, Oh Lord, who is truth and love itself.

R: Always and forever we shall love you.

St. Jude, Saint of Impossible Causes.

R: Pray for us.

St. Joseph, Terror of Demons.

R: Pray for us.

St. Michael the Archangel, Prince of the Heavenly Host.

R: Pray for us.

Our Lady of Victory.

R: Pray for us.

Jesus Christ, Savior of all.

R: Pray for us.

Jesus Christ, Ruler of the Universe.

R: Pray for us.

Jesus Christ, Conqueror of Death.

R: Pray for us.

Use your weapons of justice as you see fit, Oh Lord, for we are yours and yours alone as we enter into battle.

All: Amen.

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