Enemy Empires of the Ecclesia Aeternam

Summaries provided by the Recorders of the Ecclesia Aeternam.

Jewish Empire

Otherwise known as the Alliance of Jewish Banking Clans by some, the Jewish Empire is primarily a juggernaut business empire. They have a small army and a structured government with kings ruling each planet, but they mainly influence the universe through their business deals rather than conflict or political disputes. There's a saying among all empires that if you're a notable individual and a mercenary comes after you, then the Jewish Empire probably sent them after you, even if you think you're friends with them. Because of this, no one is really their ally and empires only do business with them when they feel like they need to. Out of all the powerful empires, this one is the one that has participated in the least conflicts not counting the ones they make start between other empires.

During the Gentle Extermination, their banks and businesses were destroyed along with everything they had. Their sympathizers were arrested and deposed from their positions of power while the survivors who didn't repent fled into the unknown regions.

Islamic Empire

Sometimes called Mercenaries of the Holy Prophet, the Islamic Empire is mostly known for its wars and soldiers. They fight and subjugate those who refuse to submit to them. If they are a minority on the planet they are allowed to live on, they have tactics of infiltrating the rest of the society with their ideals. Business and politics are hardly talked over and usually solved by the sword, so to speak. Peace is only established with them when their forces are exhausted as their faith in their god is strong and even this is fleeting as they teach the next generation how they can get revenge when the present generation is gone. As it is said, those who live by the sword die by it. The repentant were spared while the remnants are said to be in the unknown regions or nonexistent since most in this empire fought to their vain end.

Protestant Alliance of Christ

This empire is a coalition of various "Christian" denominations. The largest empires in this alliance are the Lutherans, Baptists, and Calvinists while the other Protestant empires are small as they have very few planets under their control and their strength is minimal at best. Sometimes, the alliance will have civil wars because of their conflicting ideas of what Christ would want or has taught and the ruling denominations will shift over to the victors. These victors will be the ones deciding things until the next civil war. What keeps this alliance together is also the reason they formed, that being their hatred for the Ecclesia Aeternam, Orthodox, Islamics, and Jews. The pagans are hated last in their hearts, but most Protestants call Catholics, Orthodox, and Islamics Satan worshippers anyway. These empires were burned to ash all the same. The survivors were converted or fled to the unknown regions if they were foolish.

Orthodox Empire of the Lord

This particular empire is a close rival to the Ecclesia Aeternam since they share more valid sacraments than the Protestant Empire, but they are nevertheless, enemies of God and His Church due to their refusal to submit to the Pope and the Holy Doctrines given to her by the Holy Spirit. During certain times they act as reluctant allies while other time act as fierce rivals. "This Great Schism that was started by them can only be mended with Holy Fire to cauterize the wound," a cardinal under Pope Dolce V's papacy once said. This cardinal seems to have been right as no other way of conversion has better mend the schism than by destroying the heretics, converting the repentant, and scaring the rest with holy fear into the dangerous unknown regions.

Pantheon of the Gods

A small empire of pagan empires. These empires were once the greatest empires in the universe until the Ecclesia Aeternam rose to power. They were secular empires that worshipped science and the continuous evolution of man's ability to develop new technologies, but this creative vision dried up and was given to the Church as she began to outdo them in all fields of technology, weapons, medical research, and so on. Before they knew it, they were out of power and forced into the unknown regions. Since they've lived in the unknown regions longer than anyone else, they know more about the region's resources and dangers than most do.

Because of this and because they were ignored by most, they grew large enough to form an empire known as the Satanic Empire of the true god. This empire came and went during the era of War and Peace as they were quickly eradicated by the Ecclesia, Orthodox, Protestant, Islamic, and Jewish empire respectively. Records of this short time are not well recorded as if the empires were embarrassed to be fighting against a common foe together while having relatively good relations. With the Satanic empire crushed, no one knows what the pagans and other secular worshipers are doing in the unknown regions. Groups have been deployed to investigate this along with their further exploration of the unknown regions.

Fidelis ad Dogma

These heretics of the Ecclesia Aeternam separated themselves from her because they believe in dogma over the authority of the current Church leadership of their time. They created their own church with their own pope that lead a hostile revolution that marked the start of a civil war within the Church that would last nearly three hundred years with brother killing brother and family being turned against family. In this time of bloodshed, it was thought that the main reason the conflict was started was because of infiltrators within the Church. It isn't until the true pope of the time, Pope Chaleureux IV, defeats the anti-pope and reunites the Church as it begins to heal, but this time of healing was brief as the theories of the true culprits of the civil war emerge to kick the Church while she's down.

Alliance of Empires

This alliance of the Church's enemies grew in the unknown regions for centuries. They built their empire in secret. As such, not much is known about them. From the few reports there are, these empires didn't get along too well despite their mutual hatred for the Church. There are said to have been multiple civil wars between them because of their religious differences, which is why it took so long for them to emerge. Their arsenal of weapons was on par with that of the Church's along with their more advanced weapons that they used to destroy the suns and subsequently the galaxies controlled by the Church. When they attacked the Milky Way galaxy, they proclaimed that they brought their entire populations from the unknown regions, what they had done to the other galaxies, and which empires were going to take which planets. They then set their terms of surrender that the Church did not submit to. This lead to an intense battle that destroyed both empires. Their effect on the universe was so devastating that humanity became confined on Earth with none of the technologies that they have enjoyed for generations, which is currently considered both a blessing and punishment by God.

Even though they are destroyed, conflict and suffering has not ended and will not end until the Lord's second coming.

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