Quotes from the People of Fides Aeternam

"If a sinner will not nail his sins to the cross, I will nail him to a cross instead" - saying of the Righteous Executioners

"I am the sword and shield of the Lord. It is better that I die in service to Him than to surrender to my enemies" - saying of the soldiers of the Church

"I declare war on all the empires of heretic and heathen because they have declared war on my Lord. If they will not submit, they will perish" - Pope St. Peter XX

"The endless reach of space is proof of God's endless love for us" - St. Curieux

"I want nothing more to be God's tool. It doesn't matter how much pain I have to go through. It doesn't matter if I am rewarded for my efforts. It only matters if God wills it" - anonymous Catholic citizen

"When I am asked by a sinner why I burned down everything they worked for, I tell them, 'When you stand before God, these things will stand as a witness against you. The weight of them will drag you down to Hell. This is mercy.' " - anonymous member of the Cleansers 

"It is a vain thing to be against the Holy Catholic Empire because you will be against God and His faithful" - Pope St. Ferrum

"Everything and everyone that is against God and His Holy Church must be obliterated and sent into the pits of Hell" - saying of the Divinus Carnifex

"Submission or slavery. Salvation or death. Catholicism or Satanism. These are the only two choices in life that are reworded in multiple ways but mean the same thing" - Saint Gloria

"The Catholic Space Empire is formally called the Ecclesia Aeternam because it is a Church established at the beginning of time and will stand for all eternity" - Pope St. Kanja

"Even in the darkest corners of the galaxy, God is there" - saying of Catholic explorers

"Though my body may be broken and in pieces, I am at peace knowing that I served my God" - dying words of Servant of God Sergent Jiānchí

"I cannot run away from God no matter how far into space I travel. Even in the unknown regions, I hear Him close by. Such is the love of God for His creations" - part of Blessed Pródigo's many poems while on the run from his crimes

"I will serve my God the same way He served me. I will work, suffer, and die for the sake of everyone in the universe" - St. Ostinato from the Monks of Mortification

"If over a hundred billion people saying the daily rosary saved the Church, then imagine what would happen if everyone in the universe said the rosary" - Venerable Amorosa

"There are only two ways to deal with heathens and heretics; conversion or taking their head off. There is no third option" - saying of St. Michael the Archangel's Legion

"I would rather die a thousand painful deaths than commit one sin" - the recorded last words of a Catholic prisoner in an Anglican jail

"We are the Church militant. We fight demons with our prayers and their servants with our lives. We are Ecclesia Aeternam and we will fight and live without end until our Lord's second coming" - saying of Bishop Cerno who served under Pope St. Ferrum

"I spill my blood in penance for my sins. I spill the blood of my enemies for their penance" - saying of the Knights of the Sacred Blood of Christ

"Victory belongs only to those who have submitted their existence to Jesus Christ, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Master of the Universe and Reality" - saying of the Scribes of the Sacred Scriptures

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