Dead Men Walking

There was a small group of the Cursed that tried to completely meld with the armored skin of the dragons. This was to evolve man to the next level so they could be stronger and more adept at survival. They even thought if they could successfully do it then they be able to obtain the abilities of the dragons like breathing fire or living long for centuries.  When they attempted it, their bodies did meld with the skin though they also meld with the mind of the dragons. Seeing an opportunity, Luciferum took the minds of these people under his control and gave them special orders. These people would abduct wandering individuals who are alone at night and drag them into the Earth to turn them into creatures such as themselves.
These kidnappings usually occur around places far from civilization or highly dangerous areas like poisonous forests, molten wastes, or predatory swamps. A few of these "people" have been killed and dissecting their bodies show that they're now half dragon and half demon. They don't appear to need food or drink and live only to abduct and turn more victims into them. It is also discovered that they also do have a less powerful version of that dragon's abilities though they are still formidable opponents.

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