Saturday, March 27, 2021

Birthday month reflections: March 27th

Dreams can be life-changing and dangerous if you're not careful in your interpretation of them. You could have a dream that could mislead you or a dream that could be warning you of impending danger. The dreams that compromised my Society's Monsters books were ones that I took too seriously because they were different from my others since there were so many that were connected to one another and because I felt like I lived through months and years in them. At one time, I even believed that these dreams were memories from past lives and this prevented me from being truly Catholic for a time until I stopped believing in them after much praying and penance. Don't act like you're knowledgeable in dreams because a psychic told you to believe in your dreams or because you've read non-Catholic books on them. Trust in God, the teachings of the Church, and your local parish priest to help guide you in your interpretations of your dreams.

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