Friday, July 27, 2018

Truths that are hidden, but plain to see. Part 2

It is self-evident that God would've given supreme authority to an institution (which is the Church) when it comes to teachings and doctrines. A book or story can have many interpretations of it, which would and has lead to many sects/versions/denominations of Christianity. This is why the Church must have and teach the correct interpretation of the scriptures, history, and traditions. It must also be free from error thanks to God so that it will never lead God's people astray.

It is self-evident that everyone lives with faith in their lives. You can never truly know how another person feels and thinks about you. You never know if the scientific and religious truths being taught to us are being taught by honest people who don't have other motives or if they got part of their research wrong. You never know when the weather will go wrong and if you'll be killed in the storm. It is then therefore obvious that we all have faith in people and reality so we do not live in constant fear and worry.

It is self-evident that demons exist. There are many religions that have rituals and prayers to get rid of demons and possessed people. If a person is possessed, they will exhibit behaviors that psychiatrists can't figure out. They will usually recommend a priest if their condition cannot be medically explained. Demonic possession has a long history and the cure to them is the work of a priest with the Vatican having the most experienced and famous exorcists. It is then evident that demons exist and if we're talking about the most effective religion, then it would be Christianity and then Catholicism if we're talking about the most effective version.
(It is then self-evident that God exists when using this example. If demons fear and bend to the power of God, then God must exist.)
It is self-evident that angels exist if demons exist. Demons are just fallen angels after all. Demons are fallen angels due to their similar abilities but angels will use them for good while demons will usually do evil.

(Needs some work but good enough) It is self-evident that souls exist and that humans are more than flesh and bone. There are many cases of out of body experiences and paranormal research where humans will see the afterlife or be operating without a physical form. Human bodies can also be possessed by other spirits (such as demons as stated above), which implies that the human body is a tool that can be used by forces that don't reside within it and aren't visible to the human eye. It can then be reasoned from this that humans have souls and since souls can't be possessed, souls are inferred to be the primary essence of a person.

It is self-evident that good and evil exists. Most actions will have a positive or negative effect on the person or people. If the action has an overall positive effect, then it is good and opposite if it is evil. It is good to work and stay active in order to make the most out of our lives. It is evil to take advantage of others and be lazy and waste our lives on vanity and temporary pleasures. The only actions that could be gray are personal opinion or if the actions have equally good and evil consequences. Someone's favorite color, genre of book, music, game, and career choice are all personal opinions. If there is a scenario where two equally good lives are at risk and only one can be saved, then saving one person's life is the best choice even though someone else's life is lost. It would be best if both are saved, but in this event, the best scenario would be if at least one survives. This scenario is a bit uneven since a good action is still taken but I still think this can give you the right idea.

It is self-evident that good will prevail in the end. Good people will help each other grow and prosper. Evil people will only look out for themselves and their own agenda while forsaking everyone else. Evil people also have a tendency to fight each other since they only care about themselves. Good people, on the other hand, will help each other understand the viewpoint of the other and put their minor differences aside for the greater good. Thus, because evil is self-destructive and good is pure and understanding, evil will be destroyed and good will prevail in the end.
It can then be inferred from here that good is eternal and evil is temporary. Since we've already established that God is good, then it can then be said with confidence that God is eternal. (This along with the previous self-evident truth about good and evil actions rules out the possibility of God committing evil actions)

It is self-evident that medicine and doctors don't save lives, they only extend them. There has never been a case of a person living far beyond the normal life expectancy. New viruses and diseases will mutate and adapt to the medication and practices we invent to counter them. Because of that, every person on earth will die at some point no matter how far medical research goes.
This, however, is not to say that doctors shouldn't stop extending lives since life is precious and beyond value.

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