Sunday, December 11, 2022

A Reconciliation of Hearts: Less than Nothing: Chapter 3 – The Burden of Others’ Faults

Chapter 3 – The Burden of Others’ Faults

Days like this I can hardly stand. Criminals are sent here and to other places to serve their penance and be better people. My role in it is similar to helping their victims, however, it’s different by miles. These people aren’t all repentant and the things that cause them pain and worry aren’t exactly things one should worry about. When I complain about helping these people, I am reminded by a voice in my head of my own sinful behavior and that I typically regard myself as less than worthless so I keep quiet. Thankfully, I’ve been able to do my job from afar, but this time, I’ll be closer to them because of my new ability.

The kingdom I’m working for is big on redemption and its people always tell stories of villains and the worst sinners becoming the best saints. Even though I’m actually feeling optimistic for the first time in a while, I have my doubts that most of the criminals I’ve talked to and will talk to will regret the evil that they’ve done. Sure, I’ve managed to change despite my previous thoughts, however, not everyone is the same and there are those who would rather be damned than change. Well, I guess if the Absolute was patient with me, then I have to try with others.

“Bring them in,” the warden of the prison says.

When I get my first look at the prisoners, I see what I’m afraid of. I see men and women who wish they were free so they could entertain their vices. Hearing what they regret and are upset over is sickening. One wishes they could kill their way out of here. Another lusts over one of the guards and wants to keep them in a place where they can do whatever they want with them for days on end. Yet another is impatiently waiting to break out with the help of a traitor among the prison guards. I tell the other guards about this traitor who is quickly arrested and interrogated by others who can read hearts to find more possible traitors.

It’s useless trying to take the pain away from some of these criminals. I take away their pain and they hurt themselves again with their yearnings for sin. For some reason, this doesn’t discourage me and I delve deeper into their hearts to try to help them. That is when I feel their conceited heart. A cold, dead thing that’s black and full of holes. Corruption has given it multiple mouths, one that constantly talks about its craving for sin while the other’s voice that cries out for truth is silent in comparison. The heart has dirty golden spikes that make it hard to embrace and are almost like a crown.

Common among the hearts of the conceited is the voice of the vainglory. Hearing these demonic whispers is maddening. It reminds me of when I was torturing people with Griffen, the many gifts I was given, and even the sick satisfaction I got out of breaking good people. I made them grovel before us because I wanted to feel like the least bad piece of trash and that the strong were exposed to be as weak as me. I wanted to feel rewarded, loved, and that I was irreplaceable at times, but the truth is that I never was. Even though the temptations are whispering to me again, remembering the shallow reward of my sins and the strangely invaluable peace that I now have pulls me back from giving into them. For a second there, I considered killing many just by looking at them and taking over this city for myself. Thanks be to the silent voice of the Absolute for snapping me out of it.

What am I even thinking? I’m going to need a break soon or else my exhaustion may get to me. No one wants to change. Not one bit. These people are too proud. Too confident in their own strength and false truths. What am I even going to do? It’d be better if they talked to a priest or had the Absolute break them down and question their false view of reality that they trust so much. I’m useless here, and again, I’m beginning to think that I’m useless no matter what I do.

What’s the point of helping people feel better if they don’t change for the better? No, wait stop thinking like that! I’m beginning to hate both my new positive thoughts and my negative ones. I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t help it. Oh, no. The prisoners that my heart is affecting are now getting rowdy. Since I can’t do anything to stop it, the prison guards bring in people who can and lead me to a safe place where I’m supposed to stay until things settle down.

I can’t believe I lost my nerve there or maybe I shouldn’t be. Me making mistakes is normal after all. It’s normal for everyone, but me…no, I shouldn’t think that I’m completely worthless. There’s no use in it.

“Leave this guy in the cell. He won’t go anywhere,” I hear a guard say.

Looking to see who they’re taking in, I’m surprised to see one man that I never thought I’d see again come in. It’s a man whose name is Nixon who was essentially the king I used to work for who forced Griffen and me to do his dirty work. He had power over the other self-proclaimed kings and queens because his minions made us work for him. The last time I saw him, I killed him and made him feel that he defecated himself to death, but our surprise rescuers with hearts of gold convinced Griffen and me to spare him and the other masters. Right now, Nixon appears to be in a work condition than when I left him.

Why I’m looking at him despite my feelings of hatred towards him, I do not know. He’s in a pitiable state with a tear stained face of fear and sleep deprived eyes. While looking around as if looking for an assassin, Nixon finally notices me, screams, and backs into a corner with his hands raised up.

“Have mercy on me! Have mercy on me, Pasito! I’m sorry!” he screams out.

The guards come over to see what’s going on. Seeing that nothing is happening, they tell me to be careful with Nixon. One even whispers to me that it would be better if I put this pathetic once great villain out of his misery before they go back outside of the hallway.

“What are you talking about?” I ask Nixon.

“I’m sorry for your arms! I set up those bandits to attack you so that when I saved you, you’d be in debt to me!”

“That was you who set that up?”

“Yes, and I’m sorry! I’m sorry also for what I put Griffen and you through! I’m sorry for everything that I’ve done to everyone! I’m sorry, Absolute, for doubting your power!”

What got into him? Judging from the voice of his heart, it looks like his confession is genuine. Talking to the guards, I find out that they don’t know what happened to him either. His entire kingdom and everything that he’s built up has been destroyed and is still being broken down so it makes sense that this has something to do with it. He’s been humbled by the Absolute, a person that I never expected to apologize for anything. It’s weird to think this, but I feel pity for him despite what he’s done to me and the world. I have this feeling in my chest that wants to help him, however, there’s nothing I really can do except for one thing.

Approaching his cell, I swallow my previous feelings of him as if I’m swallowing a rock, and then say, “Nixon, I forgive you.”

He looks at me with astonishment and new life in his dead eyes before slowly approaching me.

“Are you sure?” he asks.

“Of course I’m sure. I don’t hold your crimes against you anymore.”

Nixon then begins to cry before reaching through the cell’s bars to hug me. The guards come, but I tell them it’s okay.

“Bless you, bless you a thousand times and more, Pasito!” Nixon says while crying.

“Okay, okay. Get off. Thank the Absolute. I have done nothing more than give you my forgiveness,” I say.

“But it’s a treasure worth more than the many kingdoms I once conquered. Nevertheless, you are right.”

Turning around, Nixon throws himself to the ground to kiss it and thank the Absolute for everything he now has. I can feel his heart lightening, becoming warm, and filled with light. My own heart feels lighter as if I was unknowingly carrying a heavy weight.

“Hey, Pasito. The prisoners are calm now. Are you ready? You look it,” one of the guards says.

“What do you mean?”

“You’re smiling.”

“I am? I tend to unintentionally do that nowadays.”

“Regardless, it’s good to see that and Nixon not screaming and jumping at shadows. What did you do to him?”

“Me? Nothing other than forgive him. It was all the Absolute.”

“You forgave that thing in the cell?”

“I know. I surprised myself too.”

The rest of the day goes better than I expected and some of the prisoners even repent like how Nixon did, which surprises me and makes me happy. Happiness. It made me happy? I never thought that helping these people would and despite the prisoners that are still obstinate in their sin, I feel strangely hopeful that they will one day change. Speaking of that, what changed in me? Maybe the question I should be asking is what went back to normal.

I feel as if I came home from a long journey. My heart feels more complete than ever now. Is this what it feels like to be myself? Is this who I’m meant to be? Despite the fact that it means embracing the suffering of everyone I meet, I no longer fear or hate it. I now know what it means to suffer for someone else’s sake. What it means to love someone else despite their flaws is crystal clear. But what if I fail again? No one becomes perfect in this life after all.

“I will be with you as I have always been,” the voice of the Absolute rings in my ear.

Of course. How stupid of me to forget that. Oh well. There’s nothing for me left to do besides keep doing what I’m meant to and remind people that no one is worth less than nothing and everyone is loved by the Absolute, which is a gift worth more than everything in the world.


The End

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