Sunday, February 11, 2018

The Monster and His Mistress Children of God Part III

Taking a break from their long journey, Mao and Bella stop at a small farm, which appears to have expanded into its own small town. They stop their horse at a breakfast house and leave it outside. After a hearty meal, they meet a couple with a scarred horse who want to trade with theirs for their wedding.
With child-like wonder in his eyes, Mao excitingly says, “Yes! We’ll gladly trade horses with you.”
“No!” Bella tries to say but Mao covers her mouth.
“Don’t mind her, she’s a bit cranky so she’s a bit uncharitable right now. I’ll be making the decision for the both of us.”
Bella hits Mao behind the head, which knocks him out.
She yells out, “Don’t you dare disregard your wife’s opinion! Try that again and I’ll knock you down again! Now get up!”
Bella scares both horses, which have run off. The couple chases both horses as Bella waits for Mao to get up, but he doesn’t.
“Mao?” she says as she sits on him and snaps her fingers in his face, “Mao?”
She kisses him to wake him up, but it doesn’t work. The couple come back with both horses. Bella has changed her mind and allows them to trade horses. The bride thanks Bella for giving her the tip on being a wife and the two ride off. With a couple slaps to the face, Bella tries to wake up Mao and again, it doesn’t work. She puts Mao on top of the horse and they ride off to a small village with a resting center.
At this place, Bella gets a doctor to examine Mao and he says that, “He’s going to be out for a while. What hit him exactly?”
“The horse did,” Bella says.
“Well that makes sense considering how long he’s been out. Thankfully, his injuries aren’t bad. All he needs is a bit of rest and he should be good.”
“Thank you doctor.”
Bella pays the doctor then shuts the door behind him as he leaves. She sits by Mao’s side and kisses his head.
“I’m sorry Mao. I don’t know what came over me.”
She starts touching his face then looks around before sitting on top of him to touch the rest of him with a lustful pleasure. A sound outside snaps her out of her perverted mindset to see two families fighting each other. There are already unconscious people around them and they appear to be at a standstill. Bella instinctively goes out to try to stop them.
Both families notice her, and people say, “Look at her!”
“She’s beautiful!”
“That young girl has the sun as her face!”
“Does she have a boyfriend? If not, then she’s mine!”
“My wife isn’t as gorgeous as her!”
Bella says, “Why are you fighting?!”
“This jack hasn’t paid me yet!”
“I don’t have the money yet! I’ve been going through a rough patch in my life.”
“You’ve been spending on yourself and you know that for a fact! Both of us need that money to take care of our families!”
“Tell me is it true that you’re keeping the money to yourself?” Bella asks.
“I need to use some of it to keep going. I can’t pay them back if I’m starving to death.”
“You can go a while without food. We need to pay our debts or else we’ll be homeless!”
“You’re in debt as well?”
“Yes, I am.”
“It’s because they had that expensive party last month.”
“And why are you in debt to them?”
“Because we went on vacation and overspent our savings. They gave us money to continue on.”
“And you’re a week past due.”
Bella then gets mad and says, “You’re both in debt because you overspent on luxuries. You, who went on the expensive vacation, pay them in full or half for now. You can fast for a while. You, who had the expensive party, do the same thing. Both of you should learn not to spend so much money on trivial things.”
“Are you serious?”
“Fight me then if you have an issue with it.”
One of the families charges at Bella and her training from her past life kicks in. She uses their weapons against them, breaking them over their bodies and heads while also knocking them out.
“Now you have to pay them in full.”
Bella looks over to the other family who are intimated by the beautiful young woman they thought they knew.
“Do you want the same treatment?”
“N-no. We’ll fast and remember not to overspend on luxuries.”
Bella kicks the butt of one of the people on the ground who have it up as one last warning. She goes back to Mao who is finally awake.
“Ow!” he says while rubbing his head, “It feels like a horse hit me.”
Bella restrains herself while asking, “Are you feeling okay, Mao?”
“Yeah, I am. Where are we?”
“In a small resting town. Not too far from Be’er Sheva.”
“Well let’s get moving if that’s where we’re supposed to go.”
The two go to Be’er Sheva to find it divided in half. The city is having a civil war. There is no time to find out what’s going on since Mao and Bella are attacked for no reason. Feeling the sin in the air, Mao transforms into his angel form. Because of this senseless violence happening in Israel, Mao’s angel form’s skin becomes leathery and parts of it even fall off including his facial skin. He is now a grim reaper angel with cut off horns. With his arms out, the earth rips apart and bleeds blood and lava, which consumes the area. Few are spared by the lava as bodies melt in the streets. Some of the people taken by the lava are children. At least all children go to Heaven, right? Mao comforts Bella as they escape the destruction.
He says, “It’s okay Bella. It’s going to be okay.”
She cries in his arms as they fly off. The screams of the damned echo loud enough to shake the ground beneath them. Mao puts Bella down a few miles away from it all and transforms back into his normal human form.
“We didn’t even get a chance to talk to them to see what was wrong,” Bella says.
Mao kisses then holds Bella from behind and says, “I’m sure it’s better that we don’t. Let’s hope the rest of Israel isn’t like this.”
As soon as they turn around, they see a damaged Jerusalem. It’s walls of holes
Bella hits Mao across the head then says, “You jinxed us you idiot!”
“I didn’t do anything!” Mao says before holding Bella’s hands, “Listen to me. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. We can do anything together. Our love is stronger than iron, everlasting like the Heavens. As long as we do what’s right, justice and goodness will succeed in the end. Are you ready?”

Bella looks deep into Mao’s eyes, takes a breath, and says, “I’m ready as long as you are my love.”

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