Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Immortalis Fides: Lore - Church Militant

    After Pope Sylvantic's reign, one kingdom boarding Eastern Europe that was once called Germany hundreds of millions of years ago decided to take the remaining advanced weaponry for its own because no government body should hold it, not even the Church. At first, most people trusted them since they had the most people speak out against Sylvantic, but many distrusted them because they had taken justice into their own hands against Sylvantic on several occasions that they didn't always take credit for, and most of their people controlled the military and guard. Regardless of people's worries and support, this kingdom did whatever it wanted and got the chance to do it without pushback after the Great Betrayal. They were the first ones on the frontlines to defend humanity against the ratmen and sacrificed the most. They also were the ones who made defenses around the border separating the lands of ratmen and mankind and boldly made excursions into the wasteland only for their men to die in them.
    Because no one could contest its power, the kingdom took whatever it wanted as payment for its help, executed those it considered heretics and traitors, and occupied territories and buildings of importance all in the name of the greater good. They hastened their research into repairing the advanced technology of the past and were said to have used it against the ratmen on the border. Factions within the kingdom started to grow as some opposed what the kingdom had become, others said that they weren't doing enough, and some other groups were in between. Fights broke out between these groups until one day, a similar event to the Great Betrayal happened to this kingdom where a chain of explosions caused by the damage of advanced technology changed the land and its people. The vegetation and wildlife had grown twice as big with some of them being as tall as churches and become poisonous and its people now had green skin, jagged teeth, could eat the fruit that grew from its land, and were twice as physically strong as they were before.
     Because of this change and the lands not being as dangerous for normal humans to inhabit, many in the kingdom considered this change a blessing. In addition, their people could now enter the wasteland of Eastern Europe without any effect on them, which only further proved to themselves the validity of their virtue. The kingdom was now named Bernhard and its people were called orcs, named after the humanoid creatures of millennium-old fiction. Many of those in the Church were concerned by this change as the people of Bernhard were also more violent and demanding of them while others were happy that there was now a people able to strike within the ratman-infested wasteland, but at the end of the day, both could agree that this added to the many new changes of the present age and were wondering what else could happen, especially since those in the Holy Land held the last remnants of the space fairing age.

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