Monday, June 26, 2023

The Betrayed, His Worshippers, and Other Logical Contradictions: Chapter 5 – Reluctant Lover

Chapter 5 – Reluctant Lover

A man named Zachary has been wandering from place to place on a mission from God to preach repentance and belief in God. For the most part, he’s been shunned by everyone he’s visited with few people listening to him and even fewer doing as he says. Regardless of the outcome, Zachary hardly stays in one place for too long before he is commanded to go somewhere else.

“Why must I continue?” Zachary asks in between destinations.

He receives no answer. Instead, he comes across a family in need that requires food and water. Since he has these things with him, Zachary gives what he has to the family, but now has nothing to eat and drink himself.

“Is it possible for me to rest?”

Again, no answer. Zachary comes across a farm in need of help and is fed and taken care of for a time until more help comes. Now with more help than he can pay, the owner has to fire someone so that the others may be properly paid. Not wanting the others to go without a job, Zachary volunteers, leaves with a pack full of food and bottled water and resumes his aimless journey.

“Is it possible that there’s someone else out there who cares for me?”

No answer comes like usual. The next town that Zachary comes across seems to share the same faith that he does, but theirs is incomplete and infected with falsehoods and half-truths. He tries to teach them the whole truth to the best of his ability. Despite this, they reject his every claim and kick him out of town.

“Why should I bother asking?”

“Did you need something, my son?” a voice says during the stary night. “If you do, you know that everything I have is yours.”

“Why haven’t you been answering my prayers? Have I been suffering for nothing?”

“I’ve been answering your prayers in the silence that I know you can hear Me in and you’ve responded. Your suffering is not for nothing as you bring change and plant seeds of future change wherever you go.”

“My efforts have done precious little and my questions have only given me more questions. What of the evil in the world? Why let it continue at the large scale that it is now? I know that I’m a sinner like the rest, but some are willfully sinful and ignorant and it seems like nothing will change them.”

“While they still live there is a chance they may repent. My will can still be done despite the evil that rules this world and if the wicked need to meet an early death, then it will happen when I decide at the right time.”

“And despite Your goodness and divine plan, evil continues to dominate and make it seem like You don’t care for anyone. When will this hopeless situation end? Can more than a drop of Your mercy fall to the earth?”

“You’ve seen my mercy and the impossible happen when I let the wicked continue to live despite their deeds and unrepentance. This is a greater miracle than you can imagine.”

“It’s truly greater than I can imagine. Allow me some glimpse into it to keep me going as You did when You started me on my journey as a preacher. You showed me that I was nothing without You and that I wasn’t truly myself without Your guidance and knowledge of Your laws. I’ve asked for more guidance and still do to this day, especially when I continuously fall into sin and do not know why. Answer me as to why You let me fall repeatedly and not be completely who I’m meant to be.”

“You are who you need to be right now. These failures of yours are trials to keep you on that path.”

“One more question, if I may ask. I know that my words have been filled with the venom of anger, unappreciation, tiredness, and impatience. The trials that You have put me through wound me to my soul and the relief You have given is like a drop of water on raging flames. Would it be possible to give me what I need to continue on according to Your will?”

“What you need is on its way here, but knowing what you really mean, I will tell you this. Do not forget that the joys of this life are passing. Even those who live comfortably and think they have everything they need, are still unhappy and half-full and constantly want new things because they do not have Me, which the soul constantly longs for to be completely happy. I will say again that everything I have is yours including Myself. I will be with you and will continue to help you bear your sufferings until the end of your days when you will finally receive your due reward. Remember that love involves suffering and that I have suffered for you. Continue on with your head held high with this knowledge. You are on the right path.”

Zachary waits to hear more and doesn’t until he hears someone walking toward him. This person turns out to be a priest to whom he knows he must confess his sins. It’s at this time he realizes or rather remembers that the love of God is a prize without match. He continues on his lifelong journey, preaching, falling, repenting, converting, suffering, and loving much for the sake of God and others. At the end of his life, he dies on the route to his next destination in the dirt like a man without a home.

When Zachary is brought to Heaven and his sins are presented, the blood and suffering that he went through for God covers the list of his sins and he is immediately brought to Heaven. There, he doesn’t see castles made of priceless gems or a kingdom talked about in fairytales. Instead, he sees the face of God and is completely immersed in His presence, and he is satisfied and happier than anyone living on earth can imagine and can only have the faintest tastes of but can have nonetheless if they live as Zachary has who had one goal in mind; to love God with his whole heart, mind, and being.


The End

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