The Rose in the Desert (Song Attempt #4)

I'm a broken man
Pieces missing and pieces in the wrong place
A face hurt by life
And a life made miserable by my own decisions

It's all hopeless for me
But then a light appeared and I saw your face
You came to give me happiness and joy

I tried to push you away
I tried to show you that I didn't deserve your unending love
How could someone as magnificent as you even try?

But you persisted
You loved me in ways I never knew someone could
You showed me the hidden potential inside me
I knew joy and happiness that made all the suffering worth it

I returned the favor
You gave me all of you and I gave you all of me
I dedicated my life to you
You're like an angel from the highest place in heaven
One with few flaws and sins

A diamond in the rough
A light in the darkness
The Rose in the Desert

We are unstoppable because of the love we share
And so we lived on
Together forever

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