Monday, July 3, 2023

Lore for my next book

Angels of the Shadows
This is the proper name for the death squads and are called angels because their duty is viewed as holy despite being a dark job, to say the least.

The Sorrows

The Sorrows are the primary Angel of the Shadow squad. They are a jack-of-all-trades squad that is proficient in everything from riot suppression to coordinated strikes on suspected criminal outposts. If needed, they will aid other squads and the normal police force. The Sorrows will pray and do penance for the criminals in prison and hold funerals for the victims of criminals and even for the criminals themselves. In addition, they will hold processions for the dead and actively offer current criminals the chance to repent if they chose to do penance by serving in their squad.

Their patron is St. Pluvia, otherwise known as the crybaby cop. He was known to always pray, cry, and do penance for criminals and sinners. It didn't matter what the criminal did or if the criminal did something evil for the sake of it. Pluvia would still cry, have some reason to pity them, and then did penance for the wicked soul. Even when he died, his eyes would constantly leak tears and this was used as one of the miracles attributed to him so that he could be recognized as a saint with the other miracles being the sudden repentance of certain criminals thought to be beyond redemption that sudden presented themselves to the police and offered to pay for their crimes because of the crying cop they saw in their dreams, which was accurately described as being Pluvia. Because of this, St. Pluvia became a primary saint venerated by everyone in the kingdom and the patron saint of the first Angel of the Shadows squad.

Inflamed Penitents

After the use of homemade chemical weapons by revolutionaries that ended the lives of many officers and civilians alike, the need for a squad to take care of criminals in hazardous situations like this one. The Inflamed Penitents were created out of this need and will be the first ones called to situations where chemical weapons are used, ones that take place in burning buildings, and the like. Unlike the Sorrows, their armor is less bullet resistant and more resistant to the chemicals they'll encounter. They also primarily use close-range weaponry such as submachine guns and shotguns since they typically operate in close-quarters environments. On occasion against heavier resistance, they will use flamethrowers, acid grenades, and tear gas that will make their targets bleed from their eyes. The members of the Inflamed Penitents are comprised of reformed prisoners as well as volunteers from the Sorrows and police force.

St. Pertinax is the patron of these penitents. Pertinax's mother gave him his name since it was a struggle for him to be born not only due to birthing complications but also because his mother was wanted dead since she was raped by a governor and he wanted Pertinax dead and his mother had evidence of his crimes. This was what his mother said before she died and thanks to her, Pertinax was born and her rapist and everyone involved with him were executed for their crimes. To repay the mother's sacrifice, Pertinax was given in adoption to a wealthy family that happily accepted him as one of their own. After hearing what happened to his biological mother when he was a teenager, he decided to be a man of charity and a cop.

When he wasn't on duty, Pertinax would be giving away his riches or helping at his local parish that fed and clothed the poor. While on duty, he would be the first one to charge into danger and would risk his life to save the lives of his fellow officers and innocent civilians, especially children. One day when he was off-duty, Pertinax saw that a riot was taking place and even though he didn't have any weapons, he threw himself at the mob in an attempt to stop them and protect the people they were attacking. It wasn't until after the SWAT officers were deployed did he get support. By the time they reached him, Pertinax was badly beaten, cut, and burned, but somehow still living. He made a full recovery a month later to go back to his routine of helping the poor and throwing himself into danger. It is said that his body has more scar tissue than untouched skin and he was more resistant to pain and fire than most to an almost superhuman degree because of it. Due to his great feats, Pertinax was quickly recognized as a saint after his death along with his mother.


Otherwise known as the Royal Guard, the Dominion is comprised of the best of the best cops and Angels of the Shadows that typically guard important members of the government. What's lesser known is that they also keep a close eye on their superiors and can execute them at a moment's notice if they suspect them of corruption. They are even able to execute the king and/or queen if need be. Though their armor appears to be medieval and for show, their armor is some of the strongest there is by even being able to take an explosive before being broken. Their weapon is a singular gun that can be modified with different parts. It can be a sniper, pistol, assault rifle, shotgun, or even grenade launcher.

St. Servus is their patron saint who is also known as the princess knight. Born a woman of royalty, she enjoyed a luxurious life. Her ascent through the ranks of the police force was aided by the influence of those she knew and was related to. Eventually, she became part of the Royal Guard. Her position allowed her to be in earshot of important conversations between the government's leaders some of which were treasonous talks that involved these corrupt leaders trying to enrich themselves and enact laws that is contrary to God's. She couldn't get solid evidence of their corruption since they covered their tracks well by burning and destroying physical evidence and assassination of witnesses. The corrupt officials then managed to get her out of her job and denounced her as a crazy conspirator so that no one would take her seriously and she wouldn't be able to find work.

The friends that she made in her life aided her when she was at her lowest and gave her a secret place to hide and operate from. After years of operating in the shadows, Servus and her allies managed to get undeniable proof of corruption on video. The corrupt officials were then swiftly executed and their wealth and possessions were liquidated and spread out to those affected by them. Servus didn't want any reward and was fine with just getting her job in the Royal Guard back. Her virtue, her accomplishment of a seemingly impossible task, and her want to see justice through made recognizing Servus as a saint an easy decision not long after her death.

True Servants

True Servants are the juggernauts and veterans of the Angels of the Shadows. Instead of choosing to go into government or retire, these officers chose to continue to dedicate their service to the law. This group is the most heavily equipped with nearly impenetrable armor that is resistant to burning, chemicals, and explosives. They wield large guns that are typically mounted on turrets. These turret guns have two kinds of ammo loaded into them, one box magazine holds hundreds of armor-piercing rounds while the other box holds explosive ammo.

Unlike the previous patron saints, St. Opus was not known for anything that made him stand out other than his lifelong dedication to his job and going above and beyond in his duties until his death. It wasn't until his death that the case for his sainthood was submitted. Officers and civilians would report every now and then an apparition of fire that looked like him coming to save them when they were fighting criminals. There is even a video of his apparition appearing from a squad car and leading the way while firing bullets of fire at a group of revolutionaries. These reports and this video led to his canonization and veneration as the saint of ordinary hardworking men and women.

Notable criminal offenses that result in immediate execution
- Corrupting and endangering children
- Obscuring and perversion of facts
- Conspiracy and government corruption
- Worshipping false gods and evangelizing others to do so
- Rape and human trafficking
- Distribution of pornography and performing or getting an abortion (the mother would be executed and the child would be given to a better family typically a wealthy one)
- Assault in a situation where violence is not needed
-  Rioting or starting a revolution or aiding in one in any way

How to obtain a job in the government and become king and/or queen
- To get a job in the government, one must serve as an officer of the law for a period of time, at least ten years. This period of time may be lessened by notable deeds or by having a person in government recommend them for a higher position. After that, they have to become mayor of a city for four or more years, governor for a few more years than that, and then overseer of the continent for five or so. Once all that time has passed and they are deemed wise enough by the other overseers, a person may be crowned king or queen by the overseers once both king and queen have died. A king and queen rule for the rest of their lives and most usually rule for five years at least and ten years at most with one king who ruled for twenty years during which the entire world lived in prosperity.

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