Sunday, August 25, 2024

Tyranny of the Blessed Race: Chapter 2 – A Tyrant’s Dream

Chapter 2 – A Tyrant’s Dream

Waking up on Sunday, I go about my daily routine, getting my little sister up, getting dressed, and praying the morning prayers with my family. My parents, my sister, and I get in our flying car and get to mass, celebrate it, and then fly off to eat breakfast at our typical restaurant. My parents talk about work and maximizing the time spent having fun today so they can deal with whatever they do in the government. To be honest, I never really cared about that. My sister and I are always thinking about what park to go to next or beauty of the world to see. Today, we aren’t able to do any of it as an alarm rings throughout the city and the guns on top of the churches and buildings start firing at the ships in the sky who fire back at us.

What happens next is a blur of chaos, yelling, crying, and holding onto my father’s and sister’s hands as we try to get to safety. By the time it gets quiet and I think we’re safe, I see that I’m holding the dismembered hand of my little sister who is in pieces while my parents were crushed by falling debris. At that time, my entire world was destroyed, so all I did was cry while still holding onto my little sister’s hand. Even when the authorities arrived, they had to carry me away because I didn’t want to leave my family’s bodies, let go of my sister’s hand, or continue living.

“Let me hold her hand! I promised I would never let her go!” I yelled out at the authorities.

It took me a good month of getting help from surviving priests before I wanted to continue living, and even then, I didn’t want to do much other than sulk and wish the strange condition that sharpened my ears and made my skin slightly yellow would kill me.

Huh? What was I just remembering a moment ago? I wasn’t myself, and yet, I felt that I was the person reliving memories.

“That was another part of my magic, Cystitis,” Evander says. “I can alter your memories as I said, and also make you live through the memories I want you to.”

Evander and I are in a void of light where I see thousands of his memories. He is truly powerful and scary because of it.

“You must’ve lived for a thousand or so years,” I say.

“People do call me the oldest man to live since I’ve lived since the end of humanity’s futuristic age. After the event you witnessed, I eventually picked myself up, became a politician like my parents, and then king of the elves once the people of the Holy Land mutated along with me and the complete destruction of the technology of the past.”

“That memory…I know you relieve it a lot. You’ve changed it for yourself multiple times to see what your life would’ve been like if nothing happened or if your family survived and ruled alongside you, just to name two out of hundreds of times you relived it.”

“And? I can enjoy a good dream from time to time so I can rest while my allies maintain this dream.”

“You’re stuck in that moment. You haven’t grown up despite all the centuries you’ve lived, so you’re trying to make your life as good as you thought the past was.”

“My motives for putting the world in a dream reality aren’t so selfish. Witness what I have for proof.”

Since everyone else in the Holy Land has been mutated into elves and are magic wielders, I no longer feel as special as I once did, but at least, I don’t need to be kept in the shadows for my safety and guarded twenty-four-seven. After a particularly hard battle against Vicar Sylvatic’s ratmen that I helped out in, I heal the wounded and pay for the funeral of those that died during it and the many battles before it. Seeing battle and the damage caused by the evil men in this world propels me to aid charities and do more work on the frontlines.

“Sir, shouldn’t you let others do the work? You are the king,” a personal guard of mine asks.

  “Exactly. It’s the reason why I should be out here helping rather than legislating and enjoying my luxuries at home. I can do more good out here than in a conference room, and if someone needs to speak to me or decide on a matter, then they can conjure a messenger bird or come out here,” I say.

I have outlived everyone and their children’s children who suppressed me from using my magic to help the world. Now, I will no longer allow that to happen and put these powers that God gave me to proper use. My parents always told my sister and me that we would accomplish great things and make them proud, and I intend to not make them look like they overestimated me.

“If that is so, then what of this dark light magic that I hold in my hand?” I say and use while using said magic to regain control of my mind.

“It’s a strange thing. I would’ve guessed that it’s hex magic, but because of the cross in the center rules out that possibility. Also, those who are powerful hex and curse magic users under the dream spell aren’t able to do the things you can, meaning that this must be magic God is allowing you to use,” Evander says.

“Then why doubt that it is God’s will that this dream be lifted from the world?”

“Because of how long it’s been going on and the results that I have produced such as your conversion. You can’t say that the world isn’t better like this living comfortably and peacefully in a dream reality where they live faithfully for God. Look at your reflection, remember how easy it was to fall back into those terrible sins of yours once the veil was lifted.”

I look at my reflection in the mirror that Evander has conjured. I see my blue eyes, beige skin, long grey hair, and basic grey shirt and pants that I’ve typically worn in this dream. The image then shifts to my actual self which appears more unnatural to me and uncomfortable to look at. In fact, looking at it makes me want to erase it forever, and replace it with the look I have now.

“You have the right idea,” Evander says. “This is your true self as God sees it. Live the life you were meant to and I’ll let you forget all about what happened here and allow you to only remember the parts you need to, so you don’t have to relearn the lesson or accidentally use the dark light magic you discovered.”

I seriously consider the idea, however, knowing that I easily fell for the temptations embedded in my soul means that my heart isn’t totally dedicated to the Lord, therefore meaning that if I were to somehow die and be brought to judgment, God would find no true love of Him in my heart and damn me to Hell. Bringing up this point to Evander, he looks at me oddly for a few seconds as he seems confused and struggles to think of a response.

“I see your point, however, this dream reality is what it is, part dream, part reality. Because of this, when you love God, part of your heart will be His and you will be saved,” he argues.

“God wants our whole heart, not just part of it,” I say.

“He will have all of it when He has part of it.”

“You know that’s not true. Even if it were, we’re loving God under this illusion of your spell, and forced love is not love at all.”

“Let me show you what love is then and how I have loved.”

Flashes of memories of Evander being with friends and enjoying time alone come into my mind along with times were he prayed and meditated on his course of actions in an adoration chapel before acting upon them, one such time was before he cast his spell over the entire world with his allies who he meditated with. My dark light magic dispels these memories even though I hardly concentrate on using it.

“You’re making this harder when you refuse to see things from my point of view,” Evander says.

“This magic is doing it on its own. I can’t really control what it does nor do I know how to,” I say. “Besides, if I kept seeing things from your perspective, feeling the things you felt, and thinking your thoughts, I wouldn’t be able to see the flaws in your ways. Are you trying to force me to be like you or convince me?”


“Then why do you keep pushing your thoughts and memories into mine? Again, forced love is not love at all.”

“All right, I see what you mean and what I must do to properly convince you to my side. I will now bring you to those I have convinced that haven’t been affected by my magic.”

I ready my mind and soul for the next challenge ahead by breathing in and out and thanking God for allowing me to conquer this latest one. If anything, I hope this next one is easier because Evander will not play around with my thoughts, memories, and emotions.

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