Wednesday, August 21, 2024

My Skyrim Characters


Imperial, Paladin, Stealth Archer
    A nationalistic guard who comes from a family who served Cyrodiil as guards, politicians, businessmen, and soldiers. He travels on his own to Skyrim to put Ulfric to the sword himself, but he is arrested for abandoning his duty and is wheeled off for execution by corrupt Thalmor and Imperial agents who don't care for his dedication to his people. He escapes during a dragon attack and joins the Imperial Legion despite what they did to him and finally kills Ulfric. Once the war is finished, he marries Uthgerd the Unbroken, a Nord he fights alongside and someone he recruits to the Blades to give her a new purpose in life besides being a fighter, and now, a mother of two children. His call to duty then pushes him to help end the dragon threat, vampire menace, aid the Companions, and defeat Miraak, and help in other Imperial matters and smaller conflicts along the way.

Breton, a Paladin without a shield, Restoration spells
    Emmanuel is a traveling knight who is inspired by the ways of the Knights of the Nine and claims to have been trained by a hidden sect of their order. He goes to Skyrim to reinstate the worship of Talos and is caught along with Ulfric by the Imperials. On the executioner's block, he is saved by Divine Intervention and is able to escape. He then aids the Stormcloaks retake Skyrim, helps stop the dragon threat to the land, aids the College of Winterhold and Companions, and takes place in the Dawnguard's crusade against the vampires. Afterward, he defeats Miraak and settles down with Anwen, a priestess of Diabella he met on his journey, and has children with her. Even in his retirement, he continues to go out and help the people of Skyrim in service of the Divine.

Sarah the Eternal
High Elf, Necromage Vampire, Mage, Necromancer
    A centuries-long-standing and secret member of the Dominion, Sarah travels to Skyrim to do her duties as always. It's been ages since she was last here, which was when she helped clan Ravenwatch destroy the threat posed by the Greymoor clan. Now, she pretends to be a criminal who just happened to get caught on the border of Skyrim, so she can oversee the execution of Ulfric and then eliminate General Tullius, however, a dragon attack ruins it all, forcing her to take down both sides some other way. Her journies through Skyrim to accomplish her mission do much to change her such as her time with the Companions, College of Winterhold where she meets Onmund, who she marries and has children with, and Serana, who she becomes quick friends with. After taking control of clan Volkihar, she finds a new purpose in life and somewhat rediscovers her conscience.
    Turning on the Dominion and siding with her Psijic Order, she helps Skyrim gain its independence, saves it from the dragon threat, and puts an end to Miraak before his ambitions come to fruition. At the end of her journey, she now watches Skyrim with her new clan and family from the dark, waiting for the next challenge to appear while also hunting minor prey in the meantime such as the Dark Brotherhood and keeping down the thieves guild.

Orc, Mage, Conjured Weapons and Summons
    Inspired by the news that an orc became Archmage in Cyrodiil, Grimgothica escaped her stronghold to become a great mage in Skyrim. A mixup while traveling lands her on the wrong side of the executioner's block, but a dragon attack frees her from her situation, allowing her to freely resume her journey. With her summons, conjured swords, and great axe, she impresses the College of Winterhold with her abilities, saves it from the calamity affecting it, and becomes the Archmage. She aids the Imperials in restoring peace to Skyrim, brings down the vampire menace, and marries Marcurio, a mage and mercenary she hired to help her whom she eventually falls in love and has children with.

Dark Elf, Stealth Mage/Conjured Weapons
    Daughter of Deliah, the head of the Cyrodiil thieves' guild, Leah travels to Skyrim to aid the thieves' guild there to become more like the one her mother controls. On her way there, she is ambushed by bounty hunters who turn her into the nearest Imperial authorities for their reward who just so happened to be the ones bringing Ulfric Stormcloak to his execution. After a dragon attack that gives her the opportunity to escape, she goes to Riften, helps the thieves' guild reestablish itself as a force in Skyrim, and then helps the Stormcloak rebellion, since she is Ulfric's biggest fan. She settles down and marries a beggar named Angrenor Once-Honored since he was a reliable informant of the thieves' guild and a former Stormcloak soldier, has two kids with him, and helps out around Windhelm. Finally, she feels the call to adventure again to stop the vampire threat by aiding the Dawnguard and now casually aids the people of Skyrim while spending time with her new family.

Nord, Stealth Archer, Two-Handed, Werewolf then Vampire then Human
    After centuries of fruitless fighting and killing, Priscilla abandons the Dark Brotherhood and her vampiric powers in favor of serving alongside Ulfric in the war against the elves. She finds true fulfillment and honor in this, but at the same time, still gets dreams by the Night Mother who tempts her with a future contract on the emperor's head. Bringing this matter to Ulfric in private, he waves it away as nothing more than a dream and wouldn't want to associate with the Dark Brotherhood and kill the emperor in such a way. Priscilla holds this against him, and when she, Ulfric, and the other Stormcloaks are captured, she goes her own way to help Skyrim in the way she sees fit, rejoins the Dark Brotherhood, and kills the emperor. News of this doesn't please Ulfric, so he sends Priscilla to learn the true meaning of honor from the Companions. After learning and dealing with their werewolf curse, Priscilla holds this curse she now deals against Ulfric and the Companions. Filled with spite, she aids the Imperials against their Ulfric and kills him.
    Her bloodlust is not satiated yet as she obtains the Ebony Blade, one of many daedric artifacts she collects, and uses the lives of the Companions to fuel its power. She also obtains the Skeleton Key and has no intention of returning it to Nocturnal and aids the Forsworn rebels in their breaking out of Cidhna Mine. While in Markarth, she drinks her sorrows away and ends up falling in love with a fellow drunk named Cosnach who she now has a family with. Afterward, she tries to do some good in the world by aiding the Dawnguard, but can't help but fall into the temptation of power again and becomes a vampire once more. Even though she ended Harkon's threat to the world, she doesn't feel any better or fulfilled and so finally embraces her role as Dragonborn, kills Aludin, and cures herself of vampirism, so she can see Sovngarde after death. Finally, she defeats Miraak and then settles down in seclusion with her family and is at peace after so many years of fighting.

Illustrious the Desired
Argonian, Assassin, Daggers, Stealth Archer
    Sometimes known as the real Lusty Argonian for her seductive personality, Illustrious is Ulfric's secret wife and assassin. Due to her association with him, she is almost executed when they are caught, however, a fateful dragon attack allows her to escape. Seeing that Ulfric is weak and almost killed, she decides to change sides to spite him and helps the Imperials regain Skyrim only to spite them as well by joining the Dark Brotherhood and killing the emperor. In addition, she becomes the head of the thieves guild and collects many of the daedric artifacts. She is not without any redeeming qualities as she helps the Dawnguard and marries an orc named Ghorbash the Iron Hand and has a family with him.

Wood Elf, Two-Handed, Restoration spells
    The child of a Breton man and a Wood Elf woman, Matias was mocked by his brethren for appearing to be a human with elf qualities about him. He wasn't good at being a stealthy hunter like many other wood elves, but he was more virtuous and dedicated to his faith. Thus, he became a paladin able to use restoration spells and proficiently use two-handed hammers and swords. After hearing the news of Ulfric's war, he journies to Skyrim thinking that he's the problem only to be convinced by Ulfric'c conviction of faith and join his side. He narrowly avoids execution thanks to a dragon attack and properly joins up with Ulfric to retake Skyrim and reinstate the worship of Talos. While aiding the holds, he comes across Mjoll the Huntress with whom he falls in love and has children. Afterward, he helps end the threats of dragons, vampires, and the first dragonborn.

Marcelo of the Godhand
Khajiit, Unarmed, Restoration Spells, Destruction Spells
    Much like his father before him, Marcelo wanders the lands led by Divine Providence to snuff out evil wherever it may be and make his home in the affected area to defend it. He unknowingly comes across Ulfric who is being attacked by Imperials and comes to the rescue, however, he is beaten by a large number of guards and soldiers and carted off for execution. The Divine Intervention by Akatosh smiles at him as a dragon attack gives him the chance to escape and then properly serve under Ulfric and retake Skyrim for the Nords. While in Windhelm, he helps a woman by the name of Viola Giordano who takes an interest in him since she is a cat lady, and the two marry and adopt children. Not everything is on an upward trend as a dragon attack almost claims the life of his family and since Marcelo primarily fights with his fists, there wasn't much he could do besides punch the dragon once the guards and his friends from the Companions (that he is the leader of) brought the beast down with arrows.
    Going to the College of Winterhold, he learns destruction spells, helps them in their plight, and becomes lifelong friends with J'zargo, another Khajiit. Now with better weapons to fight the dragon threat with, he kills Aludin and then goes the extra mile by defeating the vampire threat and then Miraak, so that the land of Skyrim and him will know peace, at least for now and while he lives.

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