Saturday, August 24, 2024

Tyranny of the Blessed Race: Chapter 1 – Blinding Light, Intoxicating Dream

Chapter 1 – Blinding Light, Intoxicating Dream

The sun's rise fills my room with light from the windows, gently waking me up for a new wonderful day. I go downstairs and eat breakfast with my family, which is made for us by my wife and mother. My children laugh and play with their food more than they eat it, but it’s always nice to see them smile and giggle. It fills me with energy more than the food does. After saying our morning prayers, we head out to daily mass, go back home, and work on making clothes. We supply all kinds of clothes for the people in town and make plush toys for the children and adult children from time to time.

My kids come and ask me for a toy after helping with work around the house and the neighbor’s house. I can’t say no to their smiles and sweet demeanors so I give them each a bear plush. They thank me and run off. When will I learn to tell them no? After cleaning the clothes of my family and neighbors, I call it a day, eat dinner, read a story with my family, and then go to bed.

The morning sun rises and my day begins again. Today, I help out in the shop, fit people for outfits, dresses, and suits, and exchange gold for our goods. My kids come and ask me for a toy for helping out on the neighbor’s farms and I give them each a horse plush. Seeing this, my wife slaps my arm and complains about spoiling them.

“How can I say no to them when they work so hard and they’re so sweet?” I ask.

My wife dismisses my excuse and continues filling the racks with clothes and talking to her friends. She’s probably just jealous I haven’t treated her for a while. I think we’ll go out to the countryside for the weekend and go to the shopping outlet where we’ll be the ones buying and indulging ourselves in the best foods and drinks in the area. Maybe next month we can go down to the beach and enjoy the week with the kids while the rest of my family takes care of the shop. They usually don’t mind as long as we have a good time and come back relaxed and refreshed. Once the day’s duties are done, I close up the shop, join my family for dinner, read a new story, and then head to bed.

The next day comes and goes like usual with my kids asking me for a toy to reward them for cleaning the church and the learning they did in school. Again, my love for them gets the better of me as I look through the toys to see which is best to give them. Among the toys, I see one that I don’t remember seeing before, a rat. Picking up the rat and inspecting it, I see a large rat dressed in a red dress, jewelry, and wearing makeup with blood on its mouth and claw-like nails that are painted pink. My kids take the rat thinking that it’s the one I’m giving them, thank me, and then run off. While looking at my kids, I can’t help but feel a strange attraction to them different than the usual love that I feel for them.

Something is wrong with me. Probably just the result of working, so I step out and take a quick nap in a chair, however, while sleeping, I see the rat again. This time I see it raping men, women, and children, tearing them apart afterward, and torturing people for the amusement of others. The rat looks at me and I see it turn into me for a split second before I wake up and see that I overslept. It’s nighttime now, but for some reason, it’s oddly dark out and I don’t hear the usual bustling sounds of the town or the typical sounds of my family chattering. I call out to see if anyone is around and no one answers.

Everything around me starts to darken. At first, I think it’s just my eyes or imagination, but once everything around me start to disappear, I panic and immediately start praying to God for help to know what to do next. It’s then that my eyes focus on a strange light in the distance. Going to it, I see a cross in the center of a flame-like light that gives off a dark golden aura about it. Something about it compels me to lift it and project my will through it, and once I do, the darkness around me is dispelled and I see that I’m in a room with a seemingly hundreds of thousands of people all of which seem to be dreaming. Most horrifying of all, I see that I’m the rat I’ve been seeing, and the strange urges I’ve been feeling hit me hard as I feel the need to take advantage of the people who are dreaming and do unspeakable things to them.

By the time I try to get out of bed I’m on, a blinding light shines on my face and I see that I’m back to my normal self, waking up to another morning. The light I’m holding is still in my hand and is transparent but still here. My wife wakes up confused and asks what’s wrong.

“This light I’m holding showed me something strange and horrifying. I don’t even know how to start explaining it,” I say.

“What light?” she asks. “You’re not holding anything. It was probably nothing more than a weird dream.” She then kisses me, takes my hand, and pulls me downstairs where she and my mother start making breakfast.

No, no, no. This light is truly still in my hand no matter how much it is fading right now, and despite the horrible things it showed me and made me feel, it felt right and true, in a strange way. Feeling its call to use it again, I project my will through the light that now erases everything around me and shows me a light in the distance that’s approaching me. No, it’s not a light. It’s an angel, no, a person, an elf with a golden crown that has twelve jewels of different colors in it. He has gold and green eyes, light gold hair, light beige skin, pointy, sharp ears, and is clothed in a bright, almost overwhelming gold light.

Smiling at me, the man says in a youthful voice, “You’re an odd one. I didn’t think you, of all people, would be able to dispel the light.”

“Who are you and what’s going on?” I ask.

“My name is Evander and you are living in a paradise of my creation. Through God’s blessing and the many centuries he’s allowed me to live, I was able to create this dream reality you are living in to finally bring the world to peace.”

“How did you bring peace to the world through a dream reality?”

“Magic and the aid of my most trusted friends. When it was first cast, everyone on Earth instantly fell under the dream and didn’t even know it. It all happened in the blink of an eye. The dream makes you think you’re going about your daily life while pushing you towards love and faithfulness to God and keeping you alive no matter what happens. If you die, sin, or take a wrong path in life, then I correct it, and the dream makes you think you simply had a nightmare.”

“How could someone truly devote themselves to God in a dream even if this dream is part reality?”

“God has a foothold in their heart that will take over the rest of it thereby making it acceptable to Him and ensuring the person’s salvation.”

“You seem to make sense, but I don’t think it’s right to force people to love God this way.”

“As if you would know better.”

“I may be a simple tailor, but I am a devoted and faithful man.”

“That’s what you think. What do you think your name is?”

“It’s Cyrus.”

“It’s actually Cystitis, and you are a ratman madame who runs an underground prostitution ring. Those visions you’ve been seeing are memories of your past life and those feelings are the temptations that my magic protects you from.”

“What? What about the family I had?”

“You have no family. You don’t even have any parents. From what I’ve discovered about you, you were born like every other ratman. By that I mean, a ratman raped your mother, injected her with the serum the ratmen use to impregnate women, and when you were born with ten or so others, you cannibalized your mother since ratmen infants only eat human flesh and are hungry as soon as they are born.”

“That can’t be! I don’t believe you!”

“Remember for yourself. I’ll give you a glimpse of what your old life was like.”

Everything around me changes in a flash of white, as I see that I’m back in the ratman form I was seeing. I’m now in an underground town with people around me pleasuring themselves with one another or alone while also being on drugs. In one room, I watch a crowd witness a mother giving birth to ratmen children and being eaten alive by her young. As this is happening, the crowd cheers and pleasures themselves with some of them eating the cooked remains of a ratman infant. I remember this all now as if it were yesterday and all that I remember.

More terrible memories then come flooding back into my mind even as I try to fight against them. I had caught a princess and wanted to influence her. Knowing that the best way to break someone was through their mind, I forcefully changed her husband into a ratman woman just as I had been changed and then raped him in front of her. Afterward, I skinned her children alive in front of her, which finally broke her, allowing me to have some influence in the kingdom she was from. Another memory has me eating my captives alive and yet another has been having my way with my products to test them out before selling, keeping, or eating them. Yes, I remember the pleasure of it all and the high that it gave me. A wave of temptation washes over me as I crave what I once indulged in and craved. Perhaps…I could have another taste…

At the snap of a finger, I am brought back to my senses by Evander as everything changes back to the void of light we were in and I resume my normal human form. I can’t help but feel ashamed of wanting to fall back into my usual habits, though at the same time, I know that something about this dream reality is wrong.

“You were a peculiar case and hard egg to break. It took…a century or a century and a half to make you into a faithful servant,” Evander says.

“A century?!” I say.

“I’m not entirely sure how long I’ve had this spell over humanity, but it would have to be a century or three give or take a few decades. Why would I keep track of time when time is at its end? There’s no point in keeping it if everything is as it should be.”

“No, you’re wrong. Humanity shouldn’t be forced to live within a dream even if it makes them into better people”

“Who are you to tell me this? Hundreds of men and women have woken up from the dream and tried to convince me to end it while others tried ending it themselves, and you can see that their efforts were in vain. Now, I didn’t kill them. They were respectable people, so I made them forget what happened and allowed them to keep living in their happy, peaceful dreams, and I can do the same for you. You can resume your life with your family and forget any of this ever happened.”

After considering it for a second, a voice within my conscience pushes me to say, “I refuse.”

I then try using the dark light I have to dispel the dream, however, not much happens as a result of it and Evander’s magic overpowers me.

“Don’t think you can fight against me. I didn’t know you were part high elf given that you are wielding a strange light magic. Regardless, I will be merciful to you as God intends and convince you why you should allow this dream to continue.”

Seeing that I can’t do anything, I allow Evander to guide me wherever he wants me to go. Lord God, is this fate what you truly want for humanity? Is this the end of time? What is this dark light I’ve found, and how do You want me to use it? As always and in all cases, let Your will be done and help me accomplish it.

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