Thursday, August 1, 2024

Blessed are the Imperious: Chapter 1 – A Day in the Life of the Powerful

Chapter 1 – A Day in the Life of the Powerful

Today is a special day, and representatives from all the kingdoms in the world have come before the Elven Council for aid now that the recent wars have ended. People from Draco to Phasianus to the United Kingdoms of the Americas, Leo, Canis, and Polypus are here. The building we are meeting in is said to have been the home of the Holy Family and is more like a chapel than a meeting room with each kingdom having its place in the room. The high elves like I sit at the highest point of the Elven Council and are dressed in a combination of white and gold colors with rays of light designed on their trims. As for the wood elves, they are dressed in outfits that are made of leaves and colored gold, brown, and green. Lastly are the dark elves whose outfits are long, colored black, grey, and gold, and elongated at the end as if each of their sleeves is a blade.

First up is a lord from Leo who is dressed in knightly armor and flowing kingly robes who stands up and says, “We request that you convince Draco to give us back our land. During the war and before it, we allowed them to keep it after they cleared out the bandits and cultists that claimed it, but now that we require resources and our budget is tight, we would like to have back what was ours.”

“Your request is denied. What you want should be negotiated only between you and Draco as it is a private matter you both agreed upon,” Evander decides.

Evander is our king and the oldest man alive. Despite his age, he looks younger than most people. His green and gold eyes are striking and his blonde hair is like that of a high elf while his skin is beige like that of a normal human from the West whereas most high elves have golden skin. He wears a crown that has twelve jewels in it representing the twelve tribes of Israel, twelve apostles, and twelve ruling parties of the Holy Land, and also wears a white royal garb that is covered with high elf light armor that is colored white and gold. If I want my family and me to get ahead in the world, he’s the one I need to appease.

“We have already tried to negotiate to get our land back to no effect.”

“Then that is the reality you must live with and I can only recommend that you try again later.”

Defeated, the lord from Leo sits down while a lord from Draco stands up.

“I am here to represent Emperor Jianyu while he recovers from what happened to him during the war and his family stays by his side,” the lord of Draco explains.

“Emperor Jianyu is in our prayers.”

“Thank you. We request that greater security be implemented to ensure that the orcs and their allies adhere to the terms of peace that were agreed upon after the end of the war. As you know, the orcs and their allies, especially those in Canis, are quick to use violence and slow to debate and reason and were the ones who started the war to begin with.”

“If I’m not mistaken, the orcs started the war due to the Odollam spies from Draco silencing dissenters from Bernhard and Canis by converting them to your side or outright killing them.”

“What you heard was nothing more than an unfounded conspiracy.”

“It is a reasonable assumption given Odollam’s history, especially since they humbled the Church’s own thieves guild when they discovered a conspiracy against Draco.”

“As if your hands are so clean.”

Evander grins.

“If I am guilty of anything, then I must be better at you for hiding for it so long. You’re a child at this game of politics while I am an elder, lord. Do try to play it better and subtler. In fact, I will show you how it’s played in that I will go back on my previous decision with Leo and allow them to have their land back. Draco is stretched thin as it is.”

Hearing the words, “child” and “elder” coming out of Evander’s mouth sounds strange since his voice is young, and yet, so filled with experience. The lords representing Draco burst into anger and argue incoherently at Evander. This is my time.

Standing up, I yell, “If you call yourselves civil, then sit down and accept what was decided with humility! You came here asking for help, not to demand it, so don’t expect to get what you want like a begging, spoiled child.”

The other lords rally behind my words. This makes the lords of Draco sit down in embarrassment and accept Evander’s decision. Confidently, the lords of Serpentis and Equus request the same things as Leo and obtain it along with relief from their debts from Draco, both of which Draco has to begrudgingly accept. Next up, the lords of Canis and Bernhard stand up together.

“I speak for both our kingdoms when I ask that Draco pay greater reparations for the damages down before and during the war,” the orc lord from Bernhard says.

Immediately standing up, one of the lords of Draco says, “We are giving away land and forgiving debts left and right, but we will not be impoverished from all these demands. We can only do so much within reason.”

“Come now. Isn’t Draco the most powerful kingdom in the world? You snakes have your handprints and agents everywhere, even on the other side of the world, so surely you can give more, especially since you’re mostly to blame for the war.”

“You were the ones who struck first, and speaking of having handprints and agents everywhere, you orcs have your guards and soldiers stationed everywhere as well.”

“It’s not our fault that people prefer to hire our soldiers as guards and knights in their armies because of our renowned strength and craftsmanship.”

“I must take a center position in this,” Evander interrupts. “Draco will pay reparations, but only within reason. In addition, Bernhard and Canis will do the same for their part in starting the war since the blame is split between you.”

“I beg you to reconsider. Draco is notorious for taking advantage of law gaps and rulings to get their way. It’s one of the reasons why we started our just war against them,” the orc lord argues.

The orcs and fiery men of Canis begin to get rattled up, so I stand up to say, “Accept the decision to show the world that your kingdoms aren’t just barbarians that participate in politics because you have to, and if you want to hold a fighting competition to get what you want, then that can be arranged. I’ll even personally participate and humble all your knights if you desire.”

The lords of Bernhard and Canis smile and some of them laugh.

“I like you, girl. You actually have a backbone and know our ways. Because of that, I’ll agree with your decision and the men of Bernhard and Canis leashed as long as we can have that competition to change your decision, Evander,” the orc lord says.

“So be it. The competition will be arranged for next year. Is that acceptable?”

“Yes, it is. It’ll give both our warriors enough time to heal from the war and prepare themselves for the fight.”

As we all sit down, Evander says to me, “Good work, Sarah.”

His tone sounds slightly disappointed. Is this result not what he wanted or have I upset him in some way? The corpse men of Corvus and the knowledgeable men of Polypus stand next with an octopus man from Polypus representing them. They ask for simple things they need to rebuild their homes and guards to keep them safe. During this, I missed my chance to add my thoughts and suggestions as other elves recommended and said what I wanted to such as an exchange of books and knowledge from the halls of the libraries in Polypus and valuable materials from the dead lands of Corvus. I can’t forget that I’m not the only one trying to move up in the world and must be doing my best at all times.

My next chance immediately arrives as the beastmen from the United Kingdoms of the Americas present their pleas to us. The representative of their group is a man with the head of an eagle and dressed in a large red, white, and blue royal garb. It’s always strange to me to see a normal-looking human with them whenever they show up.

“First of all, I’d like to thank you for all the trade you’ve given us recently,” the eagle man says with a bow. “But now I must ask for help in our conflicts with the bandit kingdoms in our land, which we’ve been at perpetual war with for centuries.”

“What kind of aid do you need?” Evander asks.

“Troops. Many of our own were sent to help Phasianus in their civil war and Bernhard’s war against Draco. As a result, the bandits took advantage of the lower number of troops defending our homeland and have been taking territory at an alarming rate.”

“We’re already recovering from one world war. Why should we involve ourselves in another conflict?” a high elf lord asks.

“Because they need our help,” I say. “Criminals and sinners will continue to act on their devious plots. It doesn’t matter if we’re taking part in a war or licking our wounds from one. The world moves on and we should move with it.”

“Well said, Sarah,” Evander says with a gentle smile. “You shall have your help from us. We are allies and recently made our alliance official, after all. Talk to my generals for specifics. Oh, and speaking of Phasianus, are their representatives not here?”

A dark elf lord says, “They said they sent their prayers and regards for everyone in this meeting because they’re still taking care of the poor in their kingdom and the Asiatic states that were harmed during their war and said they saw no reason to involve themselves with this meeting.”

“Those emperors are just like their father. Good. Have a messenger conjure a bird to tell them that they’ll get whatever they want. What of the fishmen of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans?”

“Absent like always since they never seem to want anything on their floating ships,” a wood elf lord says.

“Sometimes I feel jealous of their peaceful lives. Your Holiness, you have been oddly quiet during this meeting. Do you not require any assistance from us?”

Pope Jude the Third, who is a high elf, stands up from his part of the room that represents the land of eternal night, Noctua, and says, “If I had a need, I would have asked you. I’m only here as a formality to oversee it and make sure the right decisions are made.”

Evander grins.

“Of course, Your Holiness. Thank you for coming and thank you all for being here. May the work we’ve done here glorify God in the way He desires.”

The final prayers of the meeting are said and everyone is dismissed. As I leave with the other elves, I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see Evander.

I bow my head and then ask, “Yes, my king?”

“I’m impressed at your initiative in the recent meetings, especially this one where you kept the peace,” Evander says.

“Thank you. I learned from the best, my teachers, family, and you, of course.”

Evander chuckles with a grin and then says, “Your brown-nosing has rewarded you with a chance to obtain a higher seat on the council for you and your family. We’ll discuss everything at my personal library over lunch.”

“I cannot thank you enough for your generosity and this wonderful opportunity.”

“Wait for me at the entrance while I go say goodbye to the lords. After which, we will see if you are truly deserving of the opportunity given to you.”

“Of course, my king.”

Before leaving the chapel, I look at myself in the mirror. My black hair which is put into a royal pigtail style is still composed, there is not a blemish on my light gold skin, and my black lipstick and eyeshadow aren’t smudged or ruined in the slightest. I don’t think I should do anything to the beauty mark below my mouth on the right, so I should be good to go. Looking into my grey eyes, I smile at myself, thank God, and calm my emotions. This is the opportunity I worked so hard for and I need to do better than my best to take advantage of it. I can’t fail now and I won’t. There’s not a chance that a high elf like me at the top of society can fail at this point, after all.

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