Saturday, August 3, 2024

Blessed are the Imperious: Chapter 3 – End to Another Day

Chapter 3 – End to Another Day

When I get home and tell my family everything that happened except for the parts that I’m supposed to keep secret, they burst out in cheer, kiss, hug, and congratulate me. They then conjure messenger birds to tell our friends about it and hold a spontaneous party for me, one that I’m surprised a lot of people come to on such short notice, but then again, I hold a position on the highest part of the Elven Council, so it’s best for them to be supportive of me if they want me to show them favor or do them favors. During the party, I do my best to keep conversation with my guests and family, however, the secrets that I uncovered won’t stop coming up in my mind. Most people I talk to notice this and I simply say that I’m exhausted over today’s events, which is partially true and an excuse they accept. Half-truths are better than lies and more convincing as I’ve learned in my time in politics.

My mother takes particular note of my fatigue and allows me to step out for some fresh air to recuperate my mind. She not only doesn’t want me to embarrass myself and my family as a result in front of the guests but genuinely cares for my health and knows that rest is equally as important as work. I sit on a chair on the balcony and look out at the night sky that looks more like that of a late afternoon sky in other kingdoms. My family’s home stands equal to many of the medium-sized castles in this city of castles, churches, and buildings that are mixtures of both with some of the biggest castles and churches casting their shadows on us, a constant reminder that there are always people more powerful than us no matter how much influence and wealth we have. Still, the light of the golden moon shines upon all in the city and the stars can be clearly seen.

Speaking of the reminder, today was a reminder of the very same thing. Evander is the most powerful man in the world now that the wars have brought every other kingdom to their knees, but then again, he was always the most powerful and influential out of all of them. I may have a high seat on the council, but my wants and will cannot override his if he has his mind set on something. His experimental light magic is both amazing and terrifying in how it can warp a person’s perception of reality and move their will toward the caster’s goal. Even though his ambition is noble, I have a fear within me that warns me of the possible ways it may be misused, but at the same time, what can I do about it besides pray and trust in Evander and God that the best results come of it?

The life of a royal and politician such as myself is exhausting. Many who are poor, from other kingdoms, and who don’t have as much as me think that I live a life of comfort, luxury, and power, but it’s taxing just as any life of work is, if not greater due to the many responsibilities I have. I’ve done much work today, and yet, there is more to be done and things that could’ve been done today. Remembering my father’s wisdom, he said that there’s an infinite number of work to be done, and breaking yourself to get ahead of it will not make a dent in the future’s work, so we should never sacrifice our time with family and loved ones and push ourselves too hard lest we cripple ourselves and make us regret what we could’ve done. He’s right, as he usually is.

Today is just another day in my long life and the day’s work is done. I am satisfied with what I’ve managed to accomplish and look forward to doing more tomorrow for the glory of God, my family, and my people. For now, I will rest and enjoy the fruits of my labor and leave tomorrow in God’s hands as I do with my present and past.

The End

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