Thursday, August 29, 2024

Immortalis Fides Lore: The United Kingdoms of the Americas and Sea Kingdoms

The Far West

United Kingdoms of the Americas

“There is only true freedom when there is true order.”

According to its loyal citizens, this collection of nations under a single banner has lasted the longest out of every kingdom in the world. This is only true in that the nations comprising it have changed over its hundreds of thousands of years of existence. The greatest change to the Americas is that many of them have turned into beastmen and can use various kinds of magic that are also found on the other side of the world though they can’t change between beast and man like those in Draco. Their greatest claim to fame is that the nations all act and share as one with various points of view and governance to be part of the same one. Their laws are also typically looser than other kingdoms, but also, this focus on freedom has led to its worst aspect.

The Americas are home to the most bandit kingdoms and tribes all of which can competently hold land and take it. Each of the bandit groups claims what they are doing is right either by a skewed sense of faith in God, false faith in other gods, or an overabundance of faith in themselves. These bandits have also spread to other parts of the world to gain more land and to further legitimize themselves as rulers, however, none of them have been able to match the strength and size of any kingdom on Earth, so far. Meanwhile, the legitimate rulers of the Americas crush these bandit groups wherever they are while doing their best to keep in contact with the rest of the world despite the treacherous oceans that keep them isolated from it.

Atlantic and Pacific Kingdoms of the Seas

“God makes His home in peaceful hearts”

During the final war at the future’s end, many of the warring ships in the sky landed in Earth’s oceans. Despite the wideness of the ocean, these ships mostly fell near each other and the ships ended up sticking to one another as if God forced them together through the sea. A firefight with small arms ensued for a week since the canons and guns on the ships were all broken, and by the end of the week, both sides were exhausted from fighting. One side was determined to make peace with the others while the other side wanted to continue fighting until the other was dead. The majority ended up overriding the minority and peace was established and those who wanted to continue fighting were forcefully exiled from the island of ships.

In time, the Catholics managed to convert the non-Catholics and the island of ships became their home. After fifty years, the people on the ships mutated, obtaining gills, the ability to swim into the deepest parts of the ocean, and to communicate and control sea life. This was considered by all to be a blessing from God and a sign that converted the last of the non-Catholics to the Catholic side. Many more broken isolated ships were found at sea, all of which became part of the larger sea kingdom. Those who managed to make it to land reported back to the people on land that the world was still in a state of conflict with one another and decided to stay isolated.

Both the people stranded on the Pacific and Atlantic oceans made contact with one another and found that they both had mutated into fish people and made peace with former enemies. They also decided since both were peaceful and done with war that they’d only help each other out, passing travelers, and never involve themselves with the affairs and conflicts on land. Those who tried to disturb this peace were either killed or exiled from the islands of ships depending on how the peace was disturbed and the people from the land who tried to convince them to join them were sent on their way after being given enough food and clean water to survive on their way back. Even after centuries of war and conflict on the land, the fish people of the Pacific and Atlantic continue to enjoy their peace in the ocean.

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