Monday, August 19, 2024

My Oblivion Characters


Imperial, Paladin, Mace and Shield, Restoration
    An imperial guard who was put in jail thanks to the shenanigans of the thieves' guild now has a second chance at freedom and uses it to fulfill the emperor's last wish, helps in the crusade of the Knights of the Nine, and even involves himself with the Fighters Guild, Arena, and improves his skills as a battlemage at the Mages Guild all while helping people along the way to help the nation he loves and serves.

Breton, Two-Handed, Spellblade
    He escaped the politics of High Rock to serve the Divines better as a traveling knight, going wherever he felt he was being guided to. During an assassination attempt by the Dark Brotherhood, he kills the assassins but lands himself in prison since the assassins were dressed in civilian disguises and the guards were the ones who wanted the particular target dead. Despite being put in prison for a virtuous act, this act was nothing more than an act of divine intervention to put Emmanuel near the emperor and put him on a path to save the world. In addition to this, Emmanuel becomes a Knight of the Nine, an honored member of the Fighters Guild, Mages Guild, and the Divine Avenger of the Arena.

Sarai the Eternal
High Elf, Vampire, Mage
    A veteran, eternal member of the Dominion, Sarai gets her Imperial contacts to take her to the region of Cyrodiil under the guise of a prisoner to avoid suspicion and the notice of the Mythic Dawn who the high elves wish to put an end to before they can open the gates of Oblivion. Unfortunately, this doesn't happen, but the blame is placed upon the Imperials rather than Sarai, and all credit for ending the crisis is given to Sarai rather than those who helped her. While in Cyrodiil, she aids in minor conflicts that interest her and involves herself in the Mages Guild to further her own already overwhelming magical power.

Nord, Vampire, Two-Handed Weapons, Stealth Archer
    A Nord who dreams of being like the heroes of old, she travels the lands to gain the strength to do so, however, a bar fight where she is insulted by fellow Nords for admitting that she used stealth in some of her hunts ends her up in jail for beating the men to death. Still, she doesn't stay in jail for long due to the emperor's assassination and simply resumes her journey as if nothing happened. She gains glory in the Arena only to come out hungrier for more. As if answering this need, the Dark Brotherhood gives her the chance to join their ranks which she accepts to hunt greater prey and become famous or rather infamous faster. By the end of her time with them, she realizes that her vampirism is more of a curse than a blessing and that she lost out on gaining true glory since she doesn't help in the Oblivion crisis or through other avenues since she gets kicked out of Fighters and Thieves guild because of her bloodlust.

Orc, Mage, Hand-to-Hand
    Inspired by legends of great orc mages and the royal princess of a secluded manor of orcs, the dress loving, Grimgothica gets her father's permission to go to Cyrodiil to learn from the Mages Guild, however, her inner virtue flares up her anger and she defends an innocent person in the streets and puts her in jail due to her appearing to be the aggressor. She manages to escape during the assassination of the emperor and moves on to first involve herself with the Arena to gain fame and reputation to fill out her resume for the Mages Guild, which unfortunately does nothing for her besides give her training. Regardless, she eventually joins the Mages Guild and becomes the Archmage, fulfilling her dreams and making her family proud.

Dark Elf, Thief, Archer, One-handed swords
    Not wanting to involve herself in the drama of the houses of Morrowind, Delilah abandons her house in favor of creating a house of her own in a foreign country, however, she slips up while stealing from a corrupt politician and lands herself in jail. During the assassination attempt of the emperor, she tried to defend him, but couldn't, and yet, she walks free thanks to his blessing at his death. Once she hears about the Grey Fox and Thieves' Guild, she gets in contact with them, does their jobs, and becomes its leader and Grey Fox thereby creating her own house and pseudo-family.

Wood Elf, Not-Stealthy Assassin, Unarmed, Archer
    An aloof wood elf, with a desire for fame and the hunt, Bathsheba wanders the lands in search of coin and adventure. During an assassination contract where her influential contractor tricked her into killing her competition, Bathsheba was caught in the act and referred to her contract as coming from a legitimate authority, which landed her contractor in jail as well. Lucky for her, the assassination of the emperor allows her to slip out during the chaos. Since she is near the Arena, she has fun there and is then contacted by the Dark Brotherhood whom she views as nothing more than a mercenary group. She becomes known as the short-stack assassin who has the reputation of simply running up to her targets and punching them to death along with everyone who gets in her way. By the end, she realizes how evil the Dark Brotherhood is and redeems herself by working for the Thieves' Guild instead, whom she creates problems for as well due to her non-stealthy and lethal methods.

Fist of Justice
Khajiit, Monk, Unarmed, Restoration
    An unknown monk, whose real name is not known by anyone, the Fist of Justice wanders the lands beating villains and monsters to death wherever he goes. His personal crusade doesn't care for the laws of any land, and as a result, he is put in jail as he is seen as nothing more than a deranged cat monk. Divine Providence smiles at him as the assassination of the emperor gives him a way out of jail. From there he joins the Arena to fight the vain criminals and glory hounds, helps the Fighters Guild and Mages Guild, and aids in the Oblivion Crisis and Knights of the Nine before leaving Cyrodiil to wherever he feels his fists are called to next.

Desire the Coveter
Argonian, Conjured weapons only, Mage, Stealth
    A femme fatal that some called the Lusty Argonian Mage, Desire gave the appearance of a simple, flirtatious Argonian while also having a bite to her thanks to her ability to conjure weapons and summons at a moment's notice to get what she wants at a moment's notice, however, her tricks get the wrong people mad who framed her for a crime and landed her in jail. Thanks to her charms and skills, she is able to escape prison and resume her quest for her wants, but does so with extra caution this time. First, she aids the Mages Guild to gain status while helping out here and there in one-off quests and jobs. Afterward, she would put her magical skills to the test to help with the thieves guild whom she viewed as charming rouges and her most valuable ally in dispelling any flaws in her reputation and her way to obtaining treasures and jewelry she couldn't get legitimately.

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