Saturday, October 5, 2024

Revoker of Grace: Chapter 3 – Daughter of Satan

Chapter 3 – Daughter of Satan

Where are they? Where are the remaining faithful of God?! I’ve been hunting them these last couple of days while hardly paying attention to the unfaithful and uncaring. It is only the faithful who threaten my plans and slow them down. God has been spiteful to me before, but he’s being more spiteful than usual. Despite my power covering each inch of the Americas, spreading to the fishmen of the Pacific and Atlantic, and starting to take root on the other side of the world, there are faithful who escape my grasp, break my spell over them, and work to help others and make them do the same.

Even the faithful at the secluded convent I’m at continue to resist me and refuse to lose their faith despite some of their friends having already given into despair. It is the suffering and prayers of people like these that weaken my power and inspire others to keep the faith and bring back some from having lost it. One of the nuns has sharp wood coming out of her and a brown snake with horns coming out of her throat while a priest has a mutated green body with a huge face in the center of his chest and a horn coming out of each of his hands. Both are guilty of heinous sins, and yet, both are thorns in my side and work against me somehow even as I increase their mutations and suffering. No, I can’t let them take all my attention when other pockets of resistance need stomping out.

I need to do something to make sure these weeds stay dead and stop popping up. The demons have increased their whispering and complaining. They only allow me moments to rest and recuperate until they start whispering, reminding me of my hatred of God, and kicking my senses to get me moving. The mutual relationship we have with one another is of hatred of God and both of us know that I’m the one losing the most out of our arrangement. All I get is the satisfaction of having upset God while they get the souls of many falling into Hell. In that regard, we are the same in this foolish task, but it is one that we carry out for the thrill and satisfaction of the moment.

I teleport instantly to a place I’ve already been, a town known for supplying the Americas with food, water, clothes, weapons, armor, and other commodities. A place that feels like another spit in my face from God and a reminder of what I can’t have. Ahead of me, I see citizens and soldiers with few boils and mutations on them as they work through the suffering inflicted on them by their demons. The demons whisper to me which of them are the most faithful and should be attacked first. Even though it wouldn’t be smart to attack them first, it’s not like I can die in this fight anyway, so I charge ahead screaming in anger at them.

Why did these people receive a greater blessing than I ever could? What makes them different? Why does God love them more than he loved me? The demons whisper to me their every sin and show on their bodies as my curse retakes its hold on their bodies. They tell me why their sins make me no different than me and why I am wiser than them to accept the damnation that I deserve. I know that I am worthless scum and don’t need their reminders. While fighting, I let every attack hit me in the vain hopes that I’ll be killed, and it’s these vain hopes and want to die that increase my power and allow me to keep living. After many of the faithful fall again, the rest start to back away.

“What? Lost the will to fight?” I ask.

No, that doesn’t seem to be the case. Their demons would’ve transformed them into a cowardly form if that was the case. Instead, they’re plotting something. They start praying out loud, a sound that brings pain to my ears and body. I start using my magic on them to stop, and when that doesn’t work, I put their own blades into their mouths and throats to get them to stop them, but this doesn’t work too well either as they offer up their suffering as prayers, which causes me even more pain. Eventually, the demons whisper to me to leave, so I teleport to a safe location in a forest in shame and defeat.

How could this happen? How could I be defeated when my power should be absolute and greater than anything anyone alive has? I’ve been alive for hundreds of years, gathered as much power and knowledge as possible, and I’m still somehow a failure. I expected my spiteful journey to last longer and reach each end of the earth before God did anything about it, but he is spitting in my face and denying me what I desire yet again. At least I know I’m really getting on his nerves now if he’s trying to put a stop to my plans this early in it.

There’s no time to rest now. I’ve got to accelerate the reach of my magic and make more people fall if I want everyone in the world to feel the effects of my curse. I’m not done yet. I won’t be stopped so easily! I know you hear me, “Lord”. You’ll regret the day that you allowed me to be brought into existence.

Listening in on the whispers of the demons, I focus on the next target they bring my attention to. There’s a group of the faithful who are converting the non-believers to believe, pray, and do penance as they do. Evangelists like them must be having an easier time to convert than most seeing as how the one true faith is the only one that can counter my spells, so I must stop them immediately. When I arrive at their location, I find that a few of the non-believers are already praying like the faithful while the rest are either listening to what they’re being taught or still struggling with their demons that are slowly but surely being weakened by the prayers and penance of the faithful. Speaking of them, my eyes center on one of the faithful, the woman who reminded me of myself that I saw not too long ago.

The sight of her causes me to scream out in anger and focus all my attention on her. I don’t care that everyone else around me is cutting, stabbing, bludgeoning, and hitting me with their different kinds of magic. I want her to suffer first and the most out of everyone here.

“Why are you cursing everyone?” she asks me.

“Because God owes me for everything he did to me. Every work I did for him and the suffering I had to go through was in vain! He didn’t give me the happiness that I deserve!” I say.

“You said to me that we don’t deserve what we want and you’re right. We only get what God gives us, but that should be enough for us. Trust me when I say that the love of God is the ultimate reward even if we have to suffer our entire lives to seemingly no end.”

“Shut up! You don’t know what you’re talking about, girl. I’ve lived hundreds of years and know that what you say isn’t true because of it.”

The woman’s fighting capabilities have improved since we last met, but she can’t resist the effects of my spell for long as her demons eventually overcome her and make her drown in alcohol again. I laugh as it happens and then start stabbing with her own weapon. It’s now that I also get the idea of violating her after I deal with everyone else around me so she suffers from demons of lust as well. This is going to be easier said than done as her allies start praying and offering their pain to weaken me and relieve the woman of the effects of my spell. Once free from it, she grabs my hands and looks at me with a gentle expression that gives me pause.

“I forgive you,” she says.

“What?” I say.

“I know you’re hurting and why, so I forgive you. Let me help you deal with your pain.”

My old appearance flashes in my mind over the woman’s face as she reminds me of myself again, this time with her words.

“Huh? You don’t know me or the pain I’ve gone through. You’re drunk. Let me go!”

The prayers of her friends and energy radiating from the woman are weakening my power. I also see Harald and Dominic by my side hugging me with a smile on their faces.

“Please. It’s not too late for you. I can help you deal with what you’re going through.”

Using all my strength, I teleport away to a safe place and immediately fall to the ground, out of breath and defeated once more. Noticing that part of my hair color has changed back to black and parts of my skin are back to its original color causes me to panic and ask the demons to give me their power, a request that they are silent on.

“Mother, I still love you,” the voice of Harald says in my head. “I’m here for you.”

“I’ve never stopped looking over you, Priscilla,” Dominic’s voice echoes. “You’ve always been in my prayers no matter what you’ve done.”

“Shut up, both of you! You’re both liars! You keep appearing and talking to me for a short time and then disappearing! You don’t care about me. You keep doing so because God wants to torture me! Leave me alone!” I say before screaming and then crying.

This can’t keep happening! I have to step up my efforts to stop God’s influence from erasing everything that I’ve done. I need to do something to really increase the suffering and pain in the world and break the faith of the faithful. Ah. I know what to do.

I’ll fly over to the Vatican and cut the head off the Church. Pope Jude the Third will be my next target. I wanted him to be one of my last because I wanted to torture him the most since he’s one of Dominic’s descendants, but it looks like I’ll have to make him an example to the rest of the world. Afterward, I’ll jump from kingdom to kingdom spreading my curse like opening new wounds on a body. It’s not like I have to stay in the Americas to make sure my curse stays here.

The demons agree with my plan, give me their power once again, restoring my corrupted appearance, and allow me to fly faster than ever so I can reach the Vatican as soon as possible and deliver a fatal blow to God and the Church, the idea of which causes me to hysterically laugh.

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