Saturday, October 5, 2024

Revoker of Grace: Chapter 2 – Successor of Judas

Chapter 2 – Successor of Judas

While on the way to my next location, a quiet home and farm outside of a town got my attention. It’s a place taken from my dreams, but someone else is living it, and I couldn’t let that happen, so I cursed every man, woman, and child in it and satisfied my lustful desires on those I thought attractive enough. Some of them must’ve enjoyed it because demons of lust start bursting from their crotches, eyes, and chests. With that done, I continue flying to where the demons lead me. Ahead of me, I see a town full of beastmen, elves, and normal humans from various parts of the world going about their business.

I’m surprised that my magic hasn’t touched the people here yet. I’ve seen many affected on the way here, but this place is somehow untouched. It truly is a place of dreams. A place I could’ve lived in and enjoyed, if God allowed it. Instead, he gave it to these other people, and because of that, I will make them all suffer. Surely, there are many faithful here all of whom will fall and enhance my power.

Without further ado, I unleash my dark magic on the town, and within minutes, most of its inhabitants twist and contort as their demons form from their bodies and torture them. I admire the work of the demons and my own hands as I walk through the town as if walking through a room full of trophies and awards. One many has three mouths with long tongues, each speaking different lies A woman’s head has been moved to her chest, separating her breasts to move to her armpits. Her crotch has become a mouth, her hands have green pincers on them, and an eye and horns sit on her neck, looking around for prey to poison and stab. Each person suffers uniquely and in such a way that I feel the reach of my magic increase and start to touch those far away.

I think of violating some of the people here to make myself enjoy this even more, but then the thought occurs to me that the pleasure is useless. In fact, it reminds me of my inability to have children and makes me realize that the demons tempted me to have my way with the family to remind me of this as one of my major reasons for hating God, something which I am bitterly thankful for. Every husband I had couldn’t give me a child, and because of that, I didn’t allow them to share in the experiments and magic that prolonged my life. Even if they asked me, I would’ve told them it was too dangerous, which was true since they were experiments after all, and not every subject survived. Still, it irks me to no end that a man who violated me and had me violated by every manner of man, woman, and beast was the one who ended up giving me a child.

There goes another reminder of why I should hate God thanks to the demons in my head constantly bringing up memories of the past to prod me to make others suffer and fall from grace. My recollection of the past is halted by a firework-like spell being set off in the air, a signal that typically comes from the guards to attract the attention of nearby help. Sure enough, I find guards trying to cut the demonic growth from the citizens while being helped by citizens and others like them who can bear the pain of the demons afflicting them. Their efforts and magic don’t do anything to help anyone and they only manage to increase their suffering, a fact that I state aloud.

“Give up! God has abandoned you!” I add.

Those who are trying to help yell at me to stop and try to appear as threatening as possible with their weapons raised and spells ready. I merely laugh at them before charging at the soldier brave enough to run ahead of everyone. She reminds me much of my old self, especially since she wears brown and black leather armor and wields a simple sword and shield. My hatred of it seeing it is such that I immediately direct much of my power on her to worsen her suffering. Her demons that come out of her body are like mosquitos, but instead of taking her blood, they use their mouths to pour what smells like alcohol into her mouth forcefully and every hole in her body.

While the woman suffers, I pick up the sword and shield and swing it around before assuming a fighting stance and beckoning the others to fight me. Using such basic weapons again feels like being with an old friend and it doesn’t take long for me to awaken my skills to defeat the foolish faithful soldiers and citizens. Of course, I didn’t kill them because of my spell’s effects and only worsened the suffering inflicted on them by their demons. The others who didn’t join in the fight and just watched, run away, however, their appearance mutates into that of emaciated half-rats and half-dogs as they run, a sight that makes me laugh. The sound of approaching horses then catches my attention as I see a small squad of knights enter the town who are mostly unaltered by my spell.

They look at me in bewilderment and ask me if I have anything to do with what is happening. The Church is truly more pathetic and incompetent than I thought it was if they can’t tell the obvious, so I admit my guilt and immediately charge at them. I must also admit that cutting at these knights is more satisfying than using my magic on them. It’s truly a sad sight to see the poor state of the Church’s army in the Americas. When I was a soldier, we conquered every inch of this side of the world and had each of the bandit kingdoms in check. Now, it struggles to even keep its own faithful in line and corruption out of its leaders and poor.

Speaking about the corrupted, beastmen and men of other races enter the town dressed in rags and ruggedly makeshift armor. Their weapons are of a similar quality with their best swords, shields, and hammers being the spoils taken from the Church’s soldiers.

“Now, what do you want? Do you have a love for God and the Church or are you here to help me?” I ask.

“We have no love for their God, but we are their friends. Release them and us from your spell, witch! We will not go down as easily,” one of the men who is half-crocodile says.

I laugh at the man’s words and see why this town is so weak in faith. Of course, the Church would become weaker when it allies itself with its enemies who do not love God. The bandits are offended by my laughter as they promise to kill me and run at me with their weapons raised. To my surprise, the woman who reminded me of myself stabs me in the back with a dagger and leaves it there before falling and resuming her struggle with her demons. What she did hardly affects my ability to deal with the bandits, but it does throw me off, allowing the bandits to get more than a few hits and cuts in until their eventual defeat. Going over to the woman who stabbed me and is being drowned in alcohol by her demons, I crouch over her, pull the dagger from my back, and put it into her hands that I hold.

“You want me to die and pay for my sins, don’t you? Haha, well, I do too,” I say before making the woman stab herself.

I make her stab herself over and over again as she tries to resist me while crying and screaming.

“We can’t always get what we want,” I continue. “We don’t deserve to. We’re all scum, all abandoned by God. Keep crying and screaming, if it makes you feel better. He isn’t listening to any of it. If he is, it pleases him to hear you suffer. That’s all we’re good for, after all. It’s all I was good for.”

Turning the dagger on myself, I make the woman stab me again and again as I start to hysterically laugh and cry at what I said. Just as before, I find myself in a dark void. This time, the light is even more distant and I am ready for Dominic’s arrival.

When I see him appearing, I immediately say, “Leave me alone! I’m already far too gone and you’re not bringing me back!”

“You know you aren’t,” Dominic says in the same strong, reassuring voice that I remember. “What happened to the Priscilla I remember? The one I always looked up to?”

“I killed her and she’s never coming back! She was innocent just as she was pathetic.”

From the light behind Dominic, I see a small figure come out from it. It’s an infant boy with light coming out of a hole in his chest and neck. He holds his head in one of his arms, is clothed in grey, and has light coming out of his eyes and mouth just like Dominic.

“Mother,” the boy says.

“Get away from me!” I say while running away in the dark and the direction away from the light.

Looking around me, it’s as if I’m running in place and getting nowhere.

“Mother, it’s me, Harald, the one you killed at birth.”

“You’re nothing but a bastard child who should’ve never been born, to begin with! You sided with your vile father against me! I hate you!”

“I know you don’t mean that, mother. You know that deep in your heart your faults and that you don’t want this.”

Both Harald and Dominic reach out to me, their warmth radiating like the sun.

“I went back and forth repenting and refusing to and I’ve decided to never repent again. If God truly cared for me, he would’ve never allowed me to fall back into sin and my sinister state of mind. Look around you. It is proof he has abandoned humanity on earth, one of many times, and surely not the last.”

Dominic and Harald look at me with sadness in their eyes as they disappear. I find myself back in the town I was in, but…where is that woman? Where are the people I fought? The demons tell me that God has given them the strength to break through their sufferings and given them the chance to run away while I was distracted.

“I’ll find them,” I say as I leap into the air and follow the whispers of the demons. “I’ll find every remaining servant of God and make them suffer! No one will escape my wrath!”

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