Thursday, October 3, 2024

Revoker of Grace: Chapter 1 – Spite Incarnate

Chapter 1 – Spite Incarnate

I’ve been rotting inside a cell for who knows how many years and a faithful servant of God for many hundreds of years on top of that, and I’m sick of it. What did I do to deserve this isolated cell guarded day and night and magically reinforced? The only thing I can imagine is having a part in the dream reality that took hold of the world to bring peace to it and turn people into faithful servants until it was broken. Afterward, I was distraught and corrupted by a vile man and tried to put humanity back under the dream reality while putting those I deemed beyond redemption in an endless nightmare, and somehow, God favored my rapist, saved his soul, and broke the dream reality. At least I killed that piece of trash before I was detained and put in this cell.

Priests, various kinds of mystics, and old friends have tried to get me to change my mind and repent of my sins, but I haven’t committed any, so all I do is stay in this secluded cell isolated from the rest of the prison and world while eating stale meals, drinking water, and thinking. I’ve been thinking about the hundreds of years I’ve been living and how it’s all led to this. I brought people to God, saved lives, and did my part in helping the needy while sinning very little and repenting often. I am old enough to know right from wrong and when I am justified or guilty, so why am I here? Have I not done enough? Was I not faithful in everything I did, said, and thought?

Why has God allowed other people to live happy lives while I rot in this cell? Why did God save the vilest of sinners while doing nothing to save me? If I was ever wrong, why hasn’t He enlightened me as to why? Were my hundreds of years of faithful service done in vain? Was giving God my heart and soul not enough?

After thinking about these questions for an uncountable number of days and years, I’ve concluded that God hates me. He has thrown me away after I’ve outlived my usefulness and only keeps me alive to profit off my suffering as penance for the sins of others, so I refuse to suffer for Him or anyone else besides myself. He doesn’t care about my happiness or what I deserve anymore. I don’t think he’s cared about me for a while now. When my true love was taken away from me by a God-sent idiot, my chance at the happy life I desired was gone forever. Ever since then, I’ve been living in vain and being used as a tool for the salvation and happiness of others.

Because of this abandonment, I will spite him. I know that he’s coming to the world again, but if I can bring as many souls as I can to Hell with me, then I know he’ll be beyond upset and angry. Recently, I’ve been trying to build up my magic to enact my plan. I’m at the stage where the guards and people who visit me don’t notice when I cast my spell on them to carry my dark curse into the world. They don’t know that my hair has changed from black and red to white and red, the markings I’ve made on my naked body to enhance my magic, my sharper teeth, and how my eyes have changed to a deeper black and red while the one golden eye is a dull yellow.

My dark spells make people more vulnerable to sin and they jump from person to person to make more fall to sin. The more people fall to sin, the more powerful I become, and the closer I get to breaking out of this cell. It’s been easier than I thought to gain power, but then again, this is a sinful world prone to conflict and suffering. The dream reality could’ve permanently brought this to an end, but God didn’t want me to stop suffering. He wanted me to be perpetually unhappy so I’d keep coming back to him for help that he rarely gave. Well, I’m done trying to serve him. I revoke his grace and now live to serve only myself. If I can’t be happy, then no one will.

The day of my vengeance is here after gaining enough power over the months and the guards who’ve kept an eye on me all these years get the first taste of my power. When I cast my spell, the barrier keeping in my cell is broken and the first guard’s eyes pop out of his skull and writhe around on tendrils and his entire body shakes in ecstasy, especially his crotch. Beside him, the other guard’s skin becomes mush and flies start coming out of it and feeding on him. Both men are in excruciating pain as their demons manifest out of them, torturing them for their particular sins, and they would be dead if my spell wasn’t keeping them alive. While descending the prison, many more are affected, twisted, and deformed in unnatural and unique ways.

They all scream and cry all the same no matter the unique pains they suffer with few of them crying out to God for help and fewer still sustaining their cry to God. As I exit the prison, I find that my power has already affected the outskirts of the city I’m in and when I enter it, I see everyone there affected and suffering as well. The reach of my power has exponentially increased in such little time, but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Many are faithless in this day and age, and even fewer will hold onto their faith when tested by sustained suffering. Seeing all this suffering makes me happy to no end and laugh. God could easily stop these people from suffering, but doesn’t which means that these people are just as abandoned by him as I am.

Among those who suffer, I take special note of the suffering families, especially the mothers suffering with their children. I watch as demons manifest themselves out of the mother and torture their children by strangling them or afflicting them in the same way as their mothers. This is the most satisfying thing I’ve seen all day because I couldn’t be a mother as I wanted to. Instead, no man I married could give me a child except the man who violated me, but I didn’t want his child. I cut that bastard out of me as I was giving birth, cut his head off, and gouged out his heart as a sacrifice to increase my power. Could these mothers make such a sacrifice for the betterment of mankind? I don’t think so.

The demons in my head who have taught and given me my dark magic whisper in my ear to increase the suffering of these families and I do, which makes me smile and laugh more than I already was. As they suffer, the mothers can only cry and scream while being unable to help their children who do the same as their mothers. Many of them who call out to God stop doing so as they start to lose faith in him and increase my power and their suffering in the process as demons of despair mutate their bodies to further increase the pain they suffer. It’s all so wonderfully sad to witness this and I love every moment of it.

“Do you see how your people suffer, God? I know you do and I know that you’ll do nothing to save them as you did nothing for me. You’re only proving me right in my assumption that you never cared for me or anyone else. We’re just tools that you use and throw away at your convenience and you expect us to be thankful for allowing us to suffer for you. Well, no one will suffer for you anymore and when you come back to the world, you won’t find anyone here who loves you,” I say aloud.

While continuing to watch mothers and their children suffer as if I’m admiring art in a gallery, I watch as one person who is afflicted by my magic manages to walk through the city’s streets and his demons retreat into his body. Ah, so there is at least one somewhat faithful person here. He looks around confused until his eyes finally notice me standing in front of him.

“Who are you? What is happening? Why aren’t you suffering like everyone else?” the man says as he struggles to deal with his pain.

“So many questions and so little time to answer them. My name is Priscilla, everyone is suffering from their demons manifesting from them, and I am responsible for everything that is going on,” I say and then laugh while being proud for admitting my part in what is going on.

The man looks at me in shock and takes two steps away from me.

“Why? What is wrong with you?”

“Everything is and nothing is. I am merely taking my vengeance on God for not giving me what I deserve by making everyone suffer.”

“You…you should stop it. Now!”

“Oh, should I? What are you going to do, boy? Stop me yourself?”

To my surprise, the man shakes the fear from his face, pulls out a dagger hidden in his pocket, and starts charging at me with it. I easily dodge his attacks while trying and failing to contain my laughter at his pathetic attempts to kill me. Once I get bored of the man’s constant efforts, I use my spell to increase his suffering, however, he tries to fight past it and continues to stab at me. Ha! I like him, but since I have more important matters to attend to, I grab his arm and make him stab himself over and over again all the while getting his blood on me. Suddenly, I find my mind is taken to a dark void where I see a dim light in the far distance. A brighter light appears in front of me and an angel manifests from it. No…it’s not an angel. It’s my first and true love, Dominic.

He looks even better than I remember him even though he doesn’t have any legs and has some kind of wispy tail in its place. His right eye is still scarred and permanently closed, but the scar is golden along with his left green eye, hair, wings, jacket, and shirt. My true love really did go to Heaven, as if there was ever a doubt. I reach my hands up to him who is also reaching towards me.

“Repent, Priscilla.  Release these people from your nightmarish powers while you still have time,” Dominic says.

My true love’s words wake me up from the trance of his lovely sight and put me back into my right state of mind. The whisper of the demons resumes and reminds me why I started to curse people and spite God, to begin with. I retreat my hands and spit on the ground in disgust.

“I refuse, Dominic. If I can’t have you, and I know I can’t, then all of humanity will suffer and be damned.”

“Please, Priscilla. You know this is wrong and that you don’t want to do this.”

“You’re right, in part, but I have no better choice. I was deprived of my due happiness and now this is what I must do to get my vengeance on God. Haha! He must be in agony in Heaven as more of his faithful abandon him. That must be why you’re here. Well, I won’t change my mind and there’s nothing you can do to stop me!”

Dominic looks at me disappointed before disappearing into sparkles of light. Looking around me, I see that I’m back in the city as if I were just hallucinating for a mere second. I see that the faithful man I was stabbing is still struggling with his demons. He’s trying to get back up to face me while losing his faith and then regaining it. People like him shouldn’t surprise me, but he does for some reason.

The demons whisper to me that his offering of pain up for the penance of himself, the souls in Purgatory, and the sins of the world are weakening my spell even as the loss of faith in others strengthens it. They tell me I must seek out these people to make them lose their faith if I truly want to bring all of humanity down to Hell with me. I agree with them, use my magic to start floating in the air, and then head off in the direction they want me to go. Just as I broke, every one of God’s faithful will break and we will all rot in Hell. This is my hope and spiteful dream.

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