Saturday, September 21, 2024

Through Hell to Heaven: Chapter 4 – From Death to Life

Chapter 4 – From Death to Life

The water from the mouth of the whale is filtered out in the many small holes within it while I manage to stay in it. After throwing up the salty water, I look around the whale’s mouth and look up at the eye within it that is staring me down.

“What do you want? Huh?!” I ask. “You’ve been a thorn in my side for days, so what are you going to do now? Eat me alive? Tear me apart with those tendrils on your eye? Has my use for your God been used up?”

No answer comes from the whale as it continues to look at me with a judging stare.

“Yeah, I figured you wouldn’t say anything. I don’t know why you would. You’re just a tool for God like I was. I feel like I have no idea where he wants me to go or what to do anymore because what am I even supposed to do now? Let’s say I escape this mouth. What then? Do I join a losing battle in the hopes of help coming in just in time or are the fishmen meant to bring me to the Pope who I give my message of Priscilla’s threat in my final breaths? I don’t know.”

I start pacing back and forth trying to sort out my many thoughts and plans that have now changed.

“I don’t think I’ve ever felt more stuck and helpless except for that time that Priscilla had me stuck in a dream where I was raped by every kind of man, woman, and beast all at once for revenge for what I did to her. She’s a threat to the world and my friends and must be stopped. I thought I was supposed to play an important part in it and I’m stuck here because of you. I no longer want revenge against her nor the glory of beating her and only want to stop her, so why won’t you let me?”

“You must learn to allow me to have complete control of your heart and not just a partial part of it,” God says.

“What’s the point?  I do what you want me to, ask for your help, and I end up like this. Do you abandon all your faithful or just men like me who don’t have your favor? It’s no wonder why so many of your faithful fall to sin regularly and don’t do what they’re told since you’re such a pain in the ass and don’t give your aid when it's most needed!”

“Father,” a boy’s voice says as a light shines out of nowhere.

From the light, an infant child clothed in grey with his head in his left-hand floats to me. A golden light shines from his chest and the neck where his head presumably was and his eyes and mouth seem to glow with light as well.

“Father? Who are you to call me father?” I ask.

“I am the son you had with Priscilla, the same one she brutally sacrificed to gain incredible dark power. I have been in Limbo for some time until I entered Heaven where I saw grandpop and grandma and was taught the Divine Truths of God in no time at all. Now, I’m here to convince you to serve God and help you along the way.

“You’re using my dead son to convince me? I can’t believe this,” I say to the monstrance. “What of your brothers and sisters? Did you see what happened to their souls?”

“They’re all in Hell along with your wives and many of your friends and family where they’ll forever suffer for the evil they’ve done.”

“What? Many of your siblings were young. How are they in Hell?”

“They were past the age of reason and they did the evil you commanded them to do. Even now, they curse your name and cry for undeserved mercy.”

Falling to my knees and trying to hold back tears, I remember the smiles of my children and loved ones and the good times we had together.

“You say you’re here to convince me to serve God, but you’re doing a bad job of it. Why should I help when he’s damned many of those that I loved?”

“The damned have decided their own fate, and though you must pay for your part in it, the fate of your soul is yet to be set in stone in the present. You can still save yourself and mother, and join me, grandpop, grandma, and God in Heaven.”

“You still call her your mother even though she killed you as you were born?”

“Nothing will stop her from being my mother nor do I have any feelings of hatred toward her for what she did. I love her and as long as she lives, she can be saved despite the atrocities she is committing.”

“I see…”

I consider what I should do, but there’s only really one sensible choice.


“What now?”

“Can you name me?”

“Huh? God didn’t give you a name yet?”

“No. He wanted to give that honor to you.”

“Hmm. I did plan on calling you Harald. How do you like that name?”

“I love it!”

Harald floats up to me with a smile on his face and embraces me, my only child, that hasn’t been damned because of me. What kind of father am I that leads his children and loved ones to damnation and can still be saved? Do I truly deserve that mercy? I guess it’s just as Harald says. As long as I live, there’s a chance for me despite what I’ve done. Okay then, I’ll do it.

“God, you can have my heart. All of it,” I say.

The whale suddenly ascends upward, forcing me to hold onto its tongue so I don’t fall into its eye and tendrils. When it opens its mouth, it reveals that we’re flying in the sky. It then uses its long tongue to put me on top of it. From the top of the whale, I see the four wings on the side of the whale and the battle happening below us.

“Don’t fly us away from them! They need our help!” I say to the whale who immediately flies down. “Woah! Not so fast!”

I hold on for dear life while the whale crashes into the enemy and uses its tendrils to crush and eat the enemy’s troops. The enemy tries to fight back against it, but none of their attacks can pierce the whale’s body and tendrils, and any slight cut made is regenerated almost instantaneously. This goes on for a period until our reinforcements come in and help us force the enemy to retreat. Everyone stares up at me in amazement including Gerardus who is the most relieved to see me.

“This victory is God’s!” I say as I stand up on the whale and raise my hands in the air.

We all cheer out for our victory and head back to the floating city. Some of the guards stay behind to collect the dead bodies of our allies that haven’t sunk to the bottom of the sea that not even the fishmen can reach. The rest of the city cheers for us and celebrates our victory with confetti and music. Lucy runs up to give me a hug and Fr. Titus does much the same.

“I’m ready,” I say.

“Ready? Ready for what,” he asks with a smile that suggests he knows what I mean but is asking just to be sure.

“Ready to be baptized.”

My friends, Gerardus, Lucy, and Fr. Titus, are overjoyed to hear this and arrange to have me baptized the next day. After resting, I immediately wake up full of energy and head to the church. The ceremony and being baptized feel like I’m starting to breathe for the first time as if I’m truly alive. Once the ceremony is done, my friends mention how I look different now ever since I came back from the battle. I look at my reflection in the water and see that they’re right. I used to not have a proper nose, but now I do. My wings are no longer sharp and heavy. Instead, they are light, soft, and have white feathers on them. Additionally, my eyes aren’t red and dark gold anymore but are now white, red, and bright gold as if there were a miniature sun in them. God has truly changed me and made me into a new man.

I stay for an additional day in the floating city to mourn the dead who bravely died in the battle before God tells me I must leave to go to the Vatican with my friends behind me as witnesses to my deeds and faith. The people of the city say thankful goodbyes to me as I leave and give me parting gifts of food and water so I can be prepared for the journey ahead, however, I don’t think I’ll need as much as they give me as the whale from before emerges from the ocean. God tells Fr. Titus and I that he will be our transportation to get there, a fact that is both comforting and uneasy since we must ride in its mouth. Sure enough, we get to the Vatican in what feels like less than a day and the whale drops us off directly onto the streets of the Vatican in the eternal night kingdom of Noctua.

We’ve gathered a large crowd because of our sudden appearance and the flying whale that brought us here that flies away after dropping us off. The Pope who is a high elf steps out of the Vatican with his guards, cardinals, and archbishops to join the crowd and asks why we are here. I tell him everything I know about Priscilla while holding the monstrance in my hands and my friends back up my claims to attest to my repentance and virtue.

“I’ve heard reports of Priscilla doing something of the sort in the Americas, but didn’t believe them. She’s been a friend of my family for generations and has always been a virtuous woman, however, your testament has convinced me otherwise,” Pope Jude the Third says. “I will gather the forces of the Church and deploy them to stop Priscilla from putting the world under another dream reality.”

“I will gladly join the fight, if you’ll allow me,” I say with one knee on the ground. “She’s my wife and I played a major part in corrupting her.”

“I’ll allow this for all you have done for the faithful fishmen of the Atlantic and convincing me of Priscilla’s threat.”

Fr. Titus adds, “May I suggest that he receive all the sacraments while you gather our forces? He was only baptized and receiving the sacraments will strengthen him against Priscilla’s cursed magic.”

“I don’t see why not, that is, if that’s what he wants as well.”

Everyone looks at me as I think for a second and then agree. Why shouldn’t I receive the sacraments and even grow closer to God, after all? Once I do, I feel even more empowered and ready to face Priscilla. After all that God has put me through, I feel like a new, improved man who has become who I was meant to be. Within me, I still feel my old urges claw at me, but now I’m strong enough to resist them. Thank you, God, for breaking me down to this.

“I am overjoyed to finally have the greatest treasure of all, your love,” God says. “Welcome home, my son.”


The End

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