Saturday, July 27, 2024

Fighting Violence with Sacrifice: Chapter 4 – And the World Moves on

Chapter 4 – And the World Moves on

The ever-mysterious crimson mists drop Erasmus in the middle of a city. Everyone around him looks at him with suspicion and wonder, especially since news of his humiliation of Draco and Bernhard is common knowledge now. He heads towards a meeting hall of royals that is guarded by elves from every region of the Holy Land, various beastmen, and heavily armored guards all of which he walks through even as they warn him not to interfere with the meeting and hit him a few times to no effect. By the time Erasmus enters the main meeting hall, he has guards all around him who warn the inhabitants of the danger he poses.

Evander, king of the elves, who is in the room laughs and then says, “This man walked through you all even as you beat his head in and stabbed him. He is no threat. In fact, I like him. Let him do what he needs to. I already had a feeling God would bring him to us, this infamous man from Onocrotalus.”

The guards reluctantly listen to Evander and the lords of the United Kingdoms of the Americas who agree with him. Erasmus then steps into the center of the room so that all the leaders of this part of the world can clearly see him. The lords whisper among themselves about him while Evander smirks in anticipation of what he'll say. Evander, the oldest man alive, looks no older than a young adult, has golden eyes, golden and green eyes, wears a crown with twelve jewels in it, and robed royal armor that was made in the Holy Land. The lords of the United Kingdom of the Americas are different kinds of beastmen such as men with the heads and bodies of eagles, snakes, goats, and lions while few of them are normal humans. Erasmus grinds his teeth while carefully considering his words and controlling his anger.

“What is the point of this meeting? Aren’t there conflicts you are all involved with? Lords of the United Kingdoms of the Americas, I noticed you were absent when I was in the Far East. Explain yourselves,” Erasmus says.

Answering for his colleagues, the eagle man says, “We were scattered in that region after the Asiatic states turned on each other and fractured and we haven’t been able to do much for Phasianus after Draco focused their attention on us for supporting them and Bernhard.”

“You solved that situation for them, so it looks like they didn’t need to involve themselves at all,” Evander points out. “I’ve already heard of you covering that part of the world in blood thanks to my allies sending me a conjured messenger bird. We already also know of you humiliating both Draco and Bernhard, which forced both kingdoms and their allies to agree to peace. You’ve done a lot in half a month and I must thank you for all of it.”

“As for the point of this meeting,” the eagle man says, “We are meeting because of Evander’s want to increase trade and create a more formal relationship between us.”

“Yes, we’ve never had this kind of meeting before because of how dangerous it is to go from one side of the world to the world, we don’t have the same luxury of teleporting through the crimson mist as you do, so I thought since the other side of the world didn’t need my full attention thanks to your efforts, I could build my bond with these fine gentlemen and ladies. The world continues to move on and never rests, after all.”

“God isn’t on your side as much as you think, Evander.”

“What are you talking about? He has blessed this world with a sudden end to the wars that were consuming the world and brought peace to it in no time at all. I’d say we see eye to eye.”

“That’s what you think. You’d better wake up from your dreams before they consume the world.”

Evander smirks and says, “I’ll keep it in mind.”

“And keep an eye on your assistant, Priscilla, as well. She may become more destructive than you think.”

“She’s a great agent for me and her home of the United Kingdoms of the Americas. She’ll be fine.”

The United Kingdoms of the Americas lords start questioning Erasmus to explain what he meant by his warnings, however, he turns his back to leave the building, which makes the lords turn their questions to Evander since he seems to know what Erasmus was talking about. While he is walking out, Erasmus bleeds more than usual and starts to feel the effects of beatings and fights, and his age catches up to him. He begins to stumble around until falling to the ground and dying. His body then turns to a bloodied dust that flies into the crimson mist to become one with it. Now, after centuries of struggling, pain, and suffering, Erasmus finds peace in the arms of God having fulfilled his duty to its completion.

“Is…is it really over?” Erasmus says in disbelief. “There’s still so much more to do.”

“There is always more to do and plenty of workers who can fulfill those duties. Let tomorrow worry about itself. You have earned your eternal rest, my faithful servant,” the Lord says as Erasmus embraces love Itself and cries tears of joy for the first time in centuries.


The End

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