Tuesday, July 9, 2024

A Fight Worth Losing: Chapter 1 – A Humble Man’s Rage

Chapter 1 – A Humble Man’s Rage

“Thank you, sir,” a peasant says while I hand them some bread.

“Thank you, citizen,” a guard says while I hand him food and a bottle of water.

“Bless you, sir,” a weak aging nun says.

“Thank you so much for your donation,” a poor store owner says.

I continue to hand out food, water, and give money to the poor and struggling establishments until someone pulls back my hood. Turning around, I see my wife, Izanami, giving me a look of disappointment, annoyance, and a hint of sadness in her bright blue eyes. Unlike me who is wearing dirty rags, she wears her royal garb colored green and red with the design of a gold phoenix, and her black hair is held up in a top knot by a white tie. I can only awkwardly smile and laugh and then offer her what I’ve been giving everyone I’ve come across.

“No! I want you to be back at the palace where you belong. Dinner is ready,” Izanami says.

“I’ve already eaten bread and drank some water. I don’t need anything else,” I say.

“You need to eat more than your fasting allows. You have a meeting to attend and decisions to make, emperor.”

More people are looking at us now that they recognize me, so I take my wife’s hand and quickly move away from them.

“How can I eat well when my subjects are suffering? My fasting and handing out food and water will do more for them than attending any meeting.”

“Being a modern-day St. Elizabeth is good and all, but there are things you can do as emperor to help your people that you can’t do being on the streets like this.”

“Given how those lords from Draco keep taxing us and overstepping the boundaries of their power while Emperor Jianyu focuses his attention westward, I don’t think that’s the case.”

“Trust me. It’ll be different this time. We have more lords from the Asiatic states on our side than we’ve ever had and men from the United Kingdoms of the Americas have pledged their support to us.”

“That does change things…but still…”

“If anything, you have my word. Don’t you believe me?”

I look at her and she gives me the same meek expression that she always uses to get what she wants, so I sigh and agree to trust her. Going back to the palace, I get changed into my royal robe that is colored red, blue, and black with a sea serpent design on it, and tie up my long black hair into a ponytail. Looking into my red and white eyes in the mirror, I have to keep telling myself to trust Izanami and that everything will be okay. I then go to the meeting room where I help the servants of my palace prepare the tables and help make the food for the guests until Izanami yells at me for almost getting my robes dirty and gets me to sit down and go over the documents that detail the reason behind this visit and current situation in Phasianus. Thankfully, I don’t have to study for long as the guests soon arrive and we eat.

On my side are the many lords of the different Asiatic states, some of whom are from the United Kingdoms of the Americas while on the other side are lords from Draco. They are meant to make sure we are acting according to our agreement and are supposed to bring our concerns to Emperor Jianyu. They’re eating in such a royal and deliberate way while looking at us as if they’re making a silent statement about how to properly eat. Izanami eats similarly and elbows me to do the same. What’s the fuss about eating in such a way? Once we finish eating and say a prayer, the meeting begins in earnest.

Standing up from my seat, I clap my hands, put on my best smile, and then say, “Gentlemen and ladies, lords from all states, I am glad that you have all joined me here today and hope you have enjoyed our homecooked meals.”

“It’s really the only reason I came here,” a lord from Draco says.

Everyone awkwardly laughs before I clear my throat and continue. “It was only the start of a hopefully productive meeting where I hope our concerns will be heard and acted upon.”

“Do you think that allying yourself with these low lives will bolster the right you think you have to make demands upon us? They can hardly take care of their own territories without our intervention,” a lord of Draco points out.

As expected, the lords of the Asiatic states suck in their lips and bite their tongues. I unintentionally slightly move my hand in a circle beckoning them to defend themselves. Seeing as they won’t, I speak in their stead.

“These honorable men have tried their best to keep their people and crime under control, which brings me to one of my first points. We’d like you to release some of your control over them as it is one of the reasons many of the rebels claim to be causing so much chaos.”

“Our control is what brings those rebels to justice and quells the chaos they bring. Our soldiers are the ones guarding their people and possessions and our lords and leaders are the ones enforcing just laws.”

“Do these ‘just laws’ include overriding our traditions?” a lord from an Asiatic state stands up and says.

“You keep your traditions on the days you wish.”

“But we also have to practice the same ones as you and our work hours and the taxes you place on us don’t allow us much time to celebrate our state’s history in the way we wish. We can hardly even speak our native language.”

“What’s the point of speaking another your native language when no one else besides your state speaks it? Why do you complain about sharing in the traditions of a superior culture and the one that keeps your people alive? So what if your hours are long and hard and taxes expensive? Would you rather revert to the lawless and chaotic state you were in before Draco assumed control? Have you forgotten who protected you from the ratmen while the Church from the West could do nothing for you?”

The lord from the Asiatic state grits his teeth and sits down while the lord from Draco smiles.

“If you want to talk about control, then you should listen to us,” a lord from the United Kingdoms of the Americas says. “We have more than an entire continent under our control and haven’t had as much trouble keeping the peace as you have on this other side of the world. No offense, of course.”

“Ah, yes, the men from the bestial West. If I’m not mistaken, your lands are full of heathen and heretical beastmen who are either roving nations or own enough land to be considered a state.”

“They are being dealt with as we speak. No nation is free of criminals, as I’m sure you can relate to.”

“Yes, but our problems don’t spill out into other parts of the world like yours has. Rogue beastmen wander both the Western and Eastern parts of the European, Asiatic, and Southern lands creating large herds of bandits that cause havoc and inhabit the wrecked cities of old that we are trying to repair.”

“We have our soldiers and lords here who will gladly help you sort them out if you give us the chance. I’m sure we can work out a deal that will benefit us both.”

“We don’t need your help or whatever trade you can offer, so you might as well keep to yourselves on the other end of the world.”

The lord from the Americas sits back down and whispers with his allies what to say next leaving me standing by myself, as I expected. I try to keep my composure and not immediately bring an end to this façade of a meeting.

“Lords of Draco, we humbly implore you to give us another chance to prove our worth and that we can stand on our own two feet. I’m sure there is something we can offer you to do this,” I say.

“Emperor Ryujin. Your kingdom of Phasianus only stands independent because your people make good guards and soldiers because they can change their body parts into armor, shields, weapons, and bows and because you give us all your materials that would’ve been made for weapons,” a lord of Draco says.

“And you take your share of the food from our kingdom as well,” I add.

“Ryujin!” Izanami says as she grabs the sleeve of my robe.

“Yes, and I’ve heard that you spend most of your time handing out food and water to your citizens.”

“Yes, I do. Our Lord washed the feet of His disciples, so I must act similarly and am not ashamed to admit that I do the same for my people. They need help because of the food shortages and heavy tax burden that you place on them.”

“Then what help do you need from us if you’re able to feed them with the food that you have? Besides, those taxes placed on you are lesser than those placed on other Asiatic states and Phasianus seems to be getting along just fine with the way you’re running it. You’re definitely doing a better job than your predecessor.”

“Emperor Kenzo was a great leader! He did what you asked him for and then some or did you forget that he died fighting in a conflict with the orcs that you sent him to fight in?”

“Oh, yes, he was a great asset to Draco and died an honorable death.”

“Asset?” I say as my smile begins to fade.

“Yes, asset. All allies are assets to one another, so I didn’t mean any offense.”

“Of course not…”

The lords of Draco call for a short break so they can decide on their course of action after hearing our concerns. During the break, my allies aren’t optimistic about getting anything from this meeting. Some of them even storm out of the building quitting it entirely. Honestly, I want to do the same, but I’m pretty sure Izanami would drag me back in, so I stay and pray to God for the best to happen. Once the break is done, we reconvene and one of the lords from Draco is the first to stand up and speak.

“After hearing your concerns and discussing what we should do among ourselves, we have decided to give you the chance for greater independence, but to do so means proving yourselves. The Asiatic states under Draco’s control must increase what they are already giving to us by double for five years.”

Immediately, the lords of the Asiatic states are outraged at this and complain about it all at once but are quieted down once they are threatened with a further increase if they continue to complain and act “ungrateful”.

“You all should take after Phasianus’ example for their obedience to our laws has earned them a mere three years to suffer this increase. Now, as for the United Kingdoms of the Americas, their imported goods will face a ten percent tax increase because of how difficult it is to bring them here and they must bring students and soldiers here so that they may learn our history and traditions to increase the kingdom’s understanding of how things work on this side of the world.”

“You already influence the educational systems here and on our side of the world with your history that emphasizes your role in it. I think an exchange of history and tradition would be a better bonding exercise,” a lord of the UKA says.

“That can be arranged at a different time, but for now, what we have said is our decision and what will happen.”

Standing up, I say, “Are these further restrictions truly necessary? We are asking for relief, not further burdens.”

“As our Lord taught us, you must greatly suffer to earn the highest rewards. Five years, even three are a drop in the bucket in terms of time anyways.”

“But many will suffer because of it. My people are already dying in your conflicts and suffering as a result of food shortages and how goods such as mere clothes are getting too expensive to buy. Can we not discuss these matters further and work out a better deal?”

“You forget who gave you your office, Emperor Ryujin. We elected you and gave lords of your kingdom the privilege of keeping the title of Emperor. You are nothing more than a lord who answers to us and we make the decisions.”

“What was the point of calling this meeting then?” I say while my face probably loses any resemblance to a friendly face.

“To hear your concerns and decide whether or not to do anything about them. You should be glad that we did.”

“Well, I’m not. In fact, I won’t pay your tax, give you my men to fight in your conflicts, food, or anything else you’ve asked for.”

“Ryujin!” Izanami says as she stands up and I push her down.

“Shut up and let me say what needs to be said!”

Izanami looks at me in surprise and almost seems to be afraid of me.

“Are you refusing to pay the increase?” a lord of Draco asks.

“I’m not only refusing to pay the increase, but I’m also refusing to give you anything else. You’ll get nothing more from me or my people! You’ve bled us dry for too long!”

Everyone in the room starts speaking to one another as they start panicking over my decision.

“What you’re saying is treason!” a lord of the Asiatic states says.

“I think Emperor Ryujin is right,” a lord from the UKA says. “He has every right to stand up for himself and his people. Draco shouldn’t be taking advantage of him or any of us because of whatever protections and benefits they are giving us.”

“If you refuse to pay your dues, then you are declaring a defacto war on Draco.”

“If I need to declare war to save my people from further suffering, then so be it,” I say.

The weight of my decision brings surprise to all, silences it, and makes everyone not move a muscle.

“So be it. We will let our superiors know of your decision and be back with our army. Draco will further subjugate your kingdom and its people because of your insolence and rebellion. Know that you are the reason why future generations will suffer more than previous ones.”

“Why wait for the army to come to start a battle? The war starts now.”

I transform part of my face into the end of a crossbow with a bolt sticking out of it while my arms turn into a sword and a shield. I then leap at the lords of Draco and cut them all down in a single slash from my sword arm that extends to reach each of their necks. Their guards are slow to react to me because of their shock allowing me to take care of two of them before killing the rest. Looking back at my allied lords, most seem afraid and shocked while a few seem satisfied.

“Have our messengers take their bodies to Draco as a message and declaration of war,” I command my servants who do as I say immediately.

Izanami cautiously approaches me and says, “What have you done? We cannot hope to stand up to Draco’s armies and allies!”

“We may not be, but it’s better than the alternative. I refuse to let my people suffer and let Draco walk over us as if we were dirt,” I say before slamming my sword into the nearby table cutting it in half. “We will stand against them until our dying breath fighting each and every single day to drive them out of our lands and force them to respect us and show them that we are not to be disregarded and looked down upon. Even if I must die to create a better future for my people, then I’ll gladly do so a hundred times over if that’s what it takes. If you don’t agree with me, run like the cowardly dogs you are back to your masters. As for the rest of us, we will fight for the freedom we deserve and to fulfill our God-given roles as protectors of our people.”

The lords of the United Kingdoms of the Americas and some of the lords of the Asiatic states chose to side with me while the others leave with their heads down in shame. My allies and I yell out a battle cry and a promise to fight Draco with everything we have and then get to work formulating our plans to do so. Declaring this war may not have been the smartest decision, but it was the right one. Lord Jesus Christ, help us win our future battles and allow our sacrifices to create a better life for our people.

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