Thursday, July 11, 2024

A Fight Worth Losing: Chapter 2 – Justified Violence

Chapter 2 – Justified Violence

After declaring war against Draco, the Asiatic states chose their sides, however, the people within them split the states in half with some choosing to go against the side their leaders picked, which caused rebellions to form in each one. There are even soldiers in the Draco army from different states especially from Phasianus that defected from their ranks once the war was declared. Both events gave us enough time to mobilize our army and obtain new recruits just in time for the first waves of attacks that we managed to win without taking too heavy a loss from each one. During these turbulent times, I am, of course, feeding and giving to the poor, like always while my generals and allied lords of the Asiatic states form their plans of defense and offense. While doing my usual work of charity in the town where we’re temporarily staying, my sons, Raijin and Fujin help me.

“Father, should we really be out here? The lords may be deciding something that you should have input in,” Fujin says.

“I have already made the important decisions that I care about. We are to focus on defense so that the United Kingdoms of the Americas can bring their troops to this side of the world and attack various military bases to stall for time and weaken the enemy. The specifics about the attack are something that I cannot meaningfully contribute to, so I leave it up to those with military experience,” I say.

“Yes, but aren’t those meetings more important and pressing than what we’re doing now?”

“You listen too much to mother,” Rajin says. “Look at the poor here. They’re starving and the shop owners and workers need our charity now rather than later.”

“You’re right, brother.”

“If it keeps bothering you, remember that our actions have inspired some to join the army or contribute to it in some way, especially since they aren’t under the tax of Draco.”

“That’s true. Thank you for reminding me.”

Izanami has refused to talk to me and engage in current events ever since the war started. She spends her days quietly thinking to herself in the palace while also hardly speaking to the servants and tending to her garden. I pray and hope that she understands why I made my decision and helps me in my endeavors. Thankfully, My children are on my side, though this only further upset Izanami. Both boys take after me more than their mother, but Fujin acts like and has a lot of his mother’s features while Raijin looks and acts like me.

A messenger comes to me and lets me know the decisions made during the meeting. The Asiatic lords and my generals will send most of our forces to protect the ports that the UKA’s soldiers will be coming in from. Smaller units will attack various military outposts and bases to keep Draco preoccupied and thinking that we’re going on the offense when we’re really stalling for time. I am also told that I am to help defend a city in an Asiatic state not too far from here that’s come under attack. It’s managed to defend itself but will not survive a second attack and there’s word from our shinobi that another is coming soon.

Not wanting to be late for this second battle, my boys and I stop what we’re doing and join the men in going to this town’s defense. Within hours, we manage to make it and see that the battle hasn’t happened yet, but the scars of the previous battle remain. The walls of the town are scorched and mostly broken down, dried blood soaks the ground around us, and broken limbs and heads that have yet to be cleaned up litter the ground outside the town and inside of it. Many of the civilians and guards are arguing and fighting among themselves about the opposing side with either side giving us honor or scorn. I send Raijin and Fujin to watch the side of the walls that are most defended so they don’t have to deal with these people and enter the meager and damaged building that acts as the meeting place for the lords and me.

Of course, I immediately do what I do best and help the poor of the city by feeding them and helping to clean up around the town even as some mock and throw insults at me. My boys, in the example of me, do the same as me and help out, which I want to reprimand them for but don’t. My pride in their charity prevents me from doing so. While we work, the insults thrown at us get to Raijin and Fujin has to keep him in check and control.

“Why shouldn’t we jail, exile, or even execute these people who are against us?” Raijin says.

“They’re just civilians who are upset with us. Just because they’re against us doesn’t necessarily mean they’re a threat we should deal with,” I say.

“But didn’t you execute those lords of Draco?”

“I did because they were a threat and the war had already been declared, so I was in my full right as emperor to execute them. Violence isn’t necessarily an evil act, but just like all actions, it can be with the wrong intention and degree to which it is used.”

“I understand, father. I’ll try to cool my temper unless the situation calls for me to use it.”

The day passes without much happening and we’re about to sleep until we are told by our shinobi that a unit sent by Draco is quickly approaching. My boys and I leap up from our beds, don our armor, and join the rest of the troops who are already lining up on the damaged walls and waiting outside the gates. Fujin changes part of his face and his arms into crossbows while Raijin changes both of his arms into large swords. Meanwhile, I do as I always do and change one arm into a shield, the other arm into a sword, and part of my face into a crossbow. Many of the men from Phasianus do the same with their bodies while those from Draco change into their particular animals the size of large humans such as oxen, horses, and dogs. As for the normal humans, they take up their arms and armor and the half-breeds partially turn into beastmen or living weapons.

The unit from Draco soon approaches from the forest on the horizon, and as soon as they’re within range, we unleash barrage after barrage of arrows and bolts at them to cut down their number. Even though it seems like we kill more than a hundred of them, they keep coming and eventually reach the gates where meet them and try to push them back until we hear news of another side of the town being overwhelmed. Once the forces here are whittled down, I send some men to help my allies. After finally finishing off the enemies here, I join my allies only to find absolute chaos in the streets of the town with most of the civilians joining the fight on their preferred side.

“Can we kill them now, father?” Raijin asks.

“Yes. Execute each and every one of our enemies,” I say.

Heading into the battle, my boys, allies, and I fight back against Draco’s forces and the civilians that are on their side until we emerge victorious. We’ve lost many soldiers and civilians during the battle and the town looks even more inhospitable than it did before. Because of this, I offer the civilians a home in another more well-defended town which they accept with some vowing to join the ranks of our military. While we are taking care of the dead and wounded, a commotion catches our attention. Thinking it’s another assault by Draco, my boys and I race to the scene ready to fight only to find that my soldiers and the civilians have tied up wounded enemy soldiers and civilians.

“Emperor Ryujin, we found these traitors trying to escape,” an allied knight says.

“You call us traitors?! All this bloodshed would’ve been avoided if you had just accepted the terms the lords of Draco gave you! Now look at this place! It looks like the ruined cities of the past that are beyond repair,” the tied-up civilian says.

“What should we do with them, my lord?”

“You should let us go!” an enemy soldier says. “Draco already thinks you’re all barbarians, but if you spare us, it’ll show them that you’re not even if you don’t convince all of them.”

“This coward is just trying to save his own life! He killed many of the brave men and neighbors trying to defend us. Why should we let him get away with such a crime?” a civilian says.

“Emperor Ryujin, show them you’re the better man and set us free. Mercy is what God values over justice after all.”

“Father, should we perhaps let them go? That man seems to be speaking the truth,” Fujin asks.

“Why should we let them get away with murder?” Raijin asks.

“It’s not murder if they kill in a battle, brother.”

“It is murder when you’re fighting on the wrong side!”

“Enough!” I yell to silence the constant questions and arguing.

Thankfully, everyone quiets down and gives me a few seconds to think. I use these seconds to pray and allow God to make me move past my hesitation and come to a decision.

“My decision is that they should be executed. They brought their death upon themselves when they chose to fight against us who are defending ourselves and our God-given rights,” I say much to the approval of most of the crowd.

“Is this truly the most Christian thing to do?” I hear a voice say.

“If you doubt the virtue in my decision, then bring a priest over so that they may confess their sins before death. I didn’t say that they shouldn’t be able to relieve themselves of their sins so that they have a chance to enter God’s embrace.”

“All the priests are dead!” another voice says.

Seeing as how most if not all the inhabitants of the town are here and none of them are garbed in a priest’s robes, I look at the tied-up soldiers and civilians and say, “Then I pray that your confession to God is acceptable to Him. Kill them now as painlessly as possible.”

The captives are lined up and their heads are cut off one by one with each either cursing us, begging God for help, or asking God for mercy with their dying breaths. Many in the crowd cheer after the execution happens while I clench my hands in prayer for the people of both sides of this conflict both living and dead.

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