Saturday, July 13, 2024

A Fight Worth Losing: Chapter 4 – Traditional Victory Unnecessary

Chapter 4 – Traditional Victory Unnecessary

The war has been wearing both sides down since no one has managed to get an advantage. We’ve managed to get some ratmen on our side to act as our scouts and informants, we got more support from European kingdoms, and Emperor Jianyu is finally turning his attention this way to see the corruption in his leaders and supposedly doing something about it rather than focusing on his conflict with the elves, orcs, and Canis. The United Kingdoms of the Americas’ armies hold their own and need little support from us. At the same time, the Asiatic states have finally cemented their stance on the war while also dividing into new states because of it. Izanami is starting to talk to me and my sons are just as supportive of me as they were when the war started, which is probably the brightest spot in this entire conflict.

I don’t see this war ending anytime soon despite the tides turning in our favor because of how much land and influence Draco has over the Church and the world. Maybe I’m just being cynical since I’m not helping the poor at this moment because Draco managed to turn most of them against me in the town I’m in. Some legitimately were against my rebellion because of the suffering it caused them while others said they were forced to fight me because Draco’s assassins threatened to kill their families, both sides were killed the same by me, my sons, and knights. Ever since then, I’ve been sitting in quiet isolation thinking to myself how to better end this war quicker to stop events like this from happening again. I’m not sure how much more pain my heart can hold, how many more times I can fight someone who was once an ally, or reassure a suffering family that they’re fighting for the right cause and that this war isn’t fought in vain. My sons, Fujin and Raijin, suddenly rush into my room with news of a surprise attack coming for us.

“They’re too many for us to handle and there are no allies around us to reach us in time. I suggest we retreat,” Fujin says.

“I hate to admit it, but Fujin is right, however, that doesn’t mean we can’t fight back while the civilians and you escape,” Raijin adds.

“I don’t need to escape. I need to help cover the retreat. Besides, the army is after me,” I say.

“Father, you can’t!” my boys say.

“I’ll do my best to catch up to you.”

“We’ll fight with you then.”

“You need to retreat with everyone else because you are the future of Phasianus. Don’t worry about me.”

Fujin and Raijin try to convince me to change my mind with their arguments and talking over each other.

“This is an order and I’m not changing it.”

The brothers look at each other, then at me, and then tepidly accept my orders. While the men man the walls and stand outside the gates with me, my sons are helping everyone else evacuate. By the time Draco’s forces arrive, most of everyone has escaped, so I order a barrage of arrows and bolts unleashed upon our enemy before telling my army behind me to cover the retreat of everyone else. We go back into the town and pretend to hold it against the enemy for a few minutes before retreating further and then blow up the explosives that we got from our allies in the UKA to eliminate a substantial part of the enemy’s forces. Still, there are too many for us to handle, so I tell the rest of my men to retreat.

Some of my men listen to me while others choose to fight with me until the end, which I can’t help but accept. Those who remain hold off the enemy with me until I am the last man standing. Switching my shield arm into a sword, I throw myself into battle against the army trying to take down as many as I can while not trying to let my injuries get to me until my body no longer listens to me. At the end of it all, I am still surrounded, but at least everyone else managed to get far away. Draco’s forces surround me as I lay kneeling on the ground broken and bloodied. Their lords come from the back of their units and look down upon me.

“With your death, the rest of your rebellion will fall and Phasianus will suffer for generations because of your actions,” one of the lords says.

“No. They’ll keep fighting until the end. You won’t force us to submit to unjust laws again. I promise you that,” I say.

“Then they’ll all be wiped out, such is the legacy that you have left. I hope your vain war was worth fighting for you.”

“I fought for God, my family, and my subjects. It doesn’t matter what legacy I left or how vain you think my actions were. All that matters is that I lived and died for God.”

The lord spits on me before raising his sword to strike me down, however, a dragon flying in the sky stops him from bringing the sword down. This same dragon transforms back into a man and reveals himself as Emperor Jianyu. All of Draco’s soldiers bow in honor of their emperor and give him praise.

“I didn’t know you would be here, my emperor. Would you like the honor of striking down this rebel scum?” a lord of Draco asks.

“Fools! I put you in charge of faithfully managing the Asiatic states and Phasianus and you let your power corrupt you so much that you caused them to rebel.”

“But, my emperor, they-”

Jianyu immediately cuts the heads off the lords of Draco.

“You all should be ashamed of yourselves as well!” Jianyu says while pointing his sword at all his soldiers.

“But they told us to fight-”

Again, Jianyu cuts down one of his own.

“You fight for and follow God’s commandments first, not those of corrupt men! Now, take off your weapons and armor and leave them in the dirt. They’re better suited to be there than on your disgraceful bodies. Go to the nearest Church for confession and penance. I might spare your lives if you do so.”

Jianyu’s knights frantically do so as he says and run away. He turns to me, holds me up, and gives me a gentle smile.

“I’m sorry for what happened to you. I’ll make sure your allies and people are treated fairly,” he says.

He continues to talk, but I can’t hear him. From the looks on his face, he appears upset and on the verge of tears. What Jianyu did was completely in character for such an honestly devious man. At least I know, if anything, he’s telling the truth, even if it means he’ll expect Phasianus to give back later in time. For now, I’m happy that my people will finally get some relief and the war will end. Izanami, Raijin, Fujin. Please, don’t grieve over my death too much. I’ll be praying for you in Heaven with the rest of its saintly royalty who are taking my soul to its proper resting place.


The End

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