Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Burdened by Legacy: Chapter 4 – Loyal to a Fault

Chapter 4 – Loyal to a Fault

I remember when I was little, I said to my father that it must be a great honor that God made him into an emperor. He looked at me with a gentle expression on his face and kneeled.

“Being an emperor is a great honor, but the greatest honor God gave me is being your father and husband to your mother,” he said.

My father is known to say such things that endear people to him. He’s a master of smooth-talking and saying the right things to them, which is why so many follow him with me being one of them. I promised myself and prayed to God to be a son that he is always proud of and to go above and beyond just like he did for my grandfather. That is why I am currently studying Draco’s history just as my father did. It’s better than mingling with my fellow knights while we wait to engage in our next battle.

I read that back when the world was secular, the Draco of the past led the charge for change on our side of the world to not fall behind the United Kingdoms. After hundreds of years, when the world fell back into secularism, Draco stood staunchly faithful to God in the face of it and kept many of the Church’s weapons safe for our eventual rebellion to take back the world that wouldn’t happen until humanity conquered the stars. Just like other cultures, Draco had their planets all to themselves while allowing others to intermingle with them to a degree. Another hundred or so years passed and a civil war broke apart the Church, which our enemies from the false faiths took advantage of. It was a hard-fought battle, but the Church won and humanity was saved even though the technology we relied upon was destroyed in the process and humanity trapped itself on its planet of origin.

We then tried to rekindle what we once had, however, tapering with the technology from the past only further changed the planet and gave rise to ratmen, orcs, elves, and beastmen. Now, the technology from the past is considered unsalvageable or destroyed and that’s true except for the technology that Draco has to make our specialized weapons and armor. Perhaps our ancestors foresaw humanity reverting to the dark ages, but the simple technology that our blacksmiths use has helped us make armor that changes along with us when we transform and weapons that are stronger than anything else made by other kingdoms. Because of our strength, wisdom, and weaponry, we’ve been able to hold off many threats in the Asiatic regions such as Vicar Sylvatic and his ratmen who we were able to hold back without much help from the West.

“Quon, are you ready?” my commander asks.

“Yes, I am,” I say while closing the history book.

“Let’s get a move on then. We’ve been given our target.”

“Yes, sir.”

Taking my history book, I probably wrap it up in weather-proof fabrics and put it in my bag that I lock with a key. Knowledge and truth like this must be protected with the utmost security, especially since most other kingdoms don’t have such extensive knowledge of history in their own books. Perhaps, we will later influence their schools to have similar books taught in their school, but for now, we can only teach them by talking to them and allowing them to study in our libraries. Leaving my tent, I remind my guards to keep my possessions safe while thanking them again for their service. They want to go with me to help me in battle, but I want them here, not only to protect what I have but also to protect the wounded and men who aren’t able to fight.

Heading out on my horse with the rest of the knights, we make our way to the location of our target. We are heading to the ruins of a city that is partially inhabited by traitors and bandits. Cities like these were destroyed in the war that trapped humanity here with not too many being able to be rebuilt. This particular city is being built by Draco and the other kingdoms to build it up to its former glory and create a proper settlement for those who still call these ruins home. Unfortunately, some of the people here are criminals who only want it for themselves and a base for their vainglorious goals.

This is another reason why Draco is aiding in rebuilding destroyed cities and towns, so we can clear out the scum that inhabits them and no greater threats can arise from them. There are already too many large bandit groups that terrorize these lands and the worst villain in recent history, Vicar Sylvatic, still has ratmen who build undercities and kidnap people to experiment on and create more of them. The bandits I am going after are comprised of men from Canis and Corvus who weren’t satisfied with their God-given roles in lives and decided to live out here, fight rival gangs, and pretend they’re their own kingdom when they’re really nothing more than a pathetic band of fools. To aid me in this task of clearing them out are not only knights from Draco, but also knights from Leo, Noctua, and Equus. This is a sort of bonding exercise for the kingdoms as we fight together for a common cause and deepen our relationship with one another.

I transform into my ox form and take the large siege shield that was brought from Draco. While charging into battle from the front, I use the large shield to give the men behind me cover from the incoming fire spells and arrows. Once I reach the gates, I use the shield as a battering ram and break through the tepidly constructed gates that the bandits have made, switch to my regular shield and sword, and start cutting and charging through the enemy. With my bestial strength, I crush the enemy under my feet and launch them into the air while impaling some on my horns. Along with my fellow countrymen from Draco, we are able to cut through the enemy and even stop the undead men from Corvus from casting their poisonous spells and conjuring their flesh-eating insects.

Breaking through the inner castle, we slaughter the remaining bandits and their leadership. While fighting them, they speak some drivel that I don’t care to listen to. Something about being inspired by Draco, how we manipulate people, take what we want, and had previous deals with them. I don’t know how much of it is true nor do I know if it’s why my father wanted me to get rid of these bandits. I only care about accomplishing this mission, my father’s will, and punishing these criminals for their actions to enact God’s justice.

With the mission done and all our enemies slaughtered, we cheer for victory. Some of the knights head to the part of the city that is properly built up to go to the restaurants and bars to celebrate while others such as I, go back to camp. Once back at camp, I am told by the guards that my father is here and waiting at the top of the hill. I immediately rush to meet him and find that he is sitting on some boxes eating rations and drinking water.

Getting down on my knees, I say, “I’m here, father. What is the special occasion of your visit?”

“Sit with me, Quon,” my father says. I do as he says and sit on the box he is sitting on. He offers me a ration that I take and eat. “I didn’t want my guards to bring the higher quality food we have at our castle. Eating rations and drinking plain water like this can better ready a man for battle.”

“You’re going to fight with us?”

“I thought I would since your mother and sister are busy with tasks of their own and it’s been a while since we spent any amount of time together. Also, I’d like to inform you that you’re going to get another sibling soon.”

“Really? That’s great news.”

“Your mother is overjoyed, but Min is even happier now that she can call herself a big sister.”

“I’m sure she’ll teach my new sibling how to pull pranks on get on my nerves.”

“Ha! I’m sure of that as well. Quon, what do you think of the progress we’ve made for Draco? Have I been a good leader?”

My father’s words give me pause since they’re so strange to me.

“Of course you have been! You’ve brought Draco to heights of power and influence that it hasn’t seen in hundreds of years. The only way we could go any higher is if we could have the moon and sun under our control.”

“You’re right. It’s just that I feel like there’s something more that needs to be done.”

“There is always more.” My father’s words from the past find their way into my memory, which makes me say my next words without thinking. “I am proud to be your son and I hope and pray that I will never do anything to dishonor you or make you ashamed of me.”

My father gives me the same gentle expression he did when I was a kid.

“I’ll never be ashamed to call you my son. I’ll love you no matter what you do.” My father hugs me and I hug him back while holding back my tears of joy. “Thank you, Quon. That’s what I needed to hear. Now, let us enjoy the sunset. Tomorrow, we have a battle to fight together.”

“Who are we facing this time?”

“Just the usual trash, but winning the battle means taking the ruins for ourselves.”

“Did the royals of Leo allow it?”

“They did so tepidly, thanks to your mother. They’re allowed to make sure we are following their laws and not doing anything suspicious.”

“Heh, I’m sure mother could get them to give us their entire island.”

“Don’t tempt me to ask her.”

My father and I both laugh as we sit together and talk about the bright future ahead of us where we lead the world to do as God wills and bring peace and happiness to it. A future that my family and fellow countrymen will soon make a reality.


The End

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