Saturday, June 8, 2024

Righteous Rejects of Heaven: Chapter 5 – End of the Journey

Chapter 5 – End of the Journey

Evander always told me to make time for rest and not be all about business despite the importance of my job like how many politicians, bishops, and businessmen are. He said it would spoil my soul and upset God since He taught us to rest and not rush things. Perhaps, my time with David will be full of rest, and if he does try getting secrets out of me, I’ll make sure his efforts are in vain. I do hope it will go well since I have particular feelings for him. Will he like me back in the same way that I like him?

My high elf father from Oron and my mother from Polypus loved each other despite being from different races and the stigma of half-breeds in certain cultures, especially that of the high elves. Evander and his allies didn’t mind me being of mixed race. In fact, it was one of the reasons why he welcomed me into his ranks. Only those of mixed race can use the magic and abilities of both races, so I guess it was obvious that he would be interested in my abilities. Part of me also wondered if it was part of his plan since my father and mother were already his allies. Nevertheless, his kindness and vision to help the world is what keeps me fighting for him and I hope that David will return my feelings to him when I reveal them on our date.

For now, I should focus on business as we overlook Constantinople from a vantage point with our allies in the St. Dismas group and legions of orcs and knights of Canis. Ahead of us is an army that seems to be twice our number with ratmen, beastmen, and traitors from other races that stand between us and the gates of the city. On the various skyscrapers and tall churches are the abominations with tree-like bodies with more ratmen being formed from them and on the largest church is Vicar Sylvatic. He obviously wants us to attack first so he can show off the strength of his army, but his pride and confidence in this army of scum and abominations will fail him.

“It looks like we won’t be able to strike in the shadows much during this battle,” David says to Rota.

“That’s fine with me. I’ll fight with my bare teeth if it means that the Vicar dies today,” he says.

The rest of the St. Dismas group agree to fight with us though they will all be in the back and mostly fight in the city. Our party gathers together to formulate a plan for ourselves while the orcs and knights of Canis prepare themselves to act as our distraction.

“Marcel will form their white sun fireball with the rest of the white flame knights to thin out the army before we attack. From there, Saanvi will conjure an ice elephant to act as our battering ram and then the big guy, Hossam, and Lieselotte will be our next battering ram as we make our way through the church the Vicar is in,” David says.

“And where will you be?” Lieselotte asks.

“I’ll mask our advance with dark fog and spew acid from my hands to take care of long-ranged targets you and Hossam can’t along with Saanvi who will be doing the same with her magic. What do you think?”

“I think it’s a good plan,” Hossam says.

“It’s simple but effective. I like it,” Marcel says.

“Well, if you think so, then I guess I have to agree,” Lieselotte admits.

“I’d like to add that I can teleport us just in case we get overwhelmed though I will need to catch my breath for a minute or two before I can be of use again,” Saanvi says.

“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. Now, are we ready to bring God’s justice to this corrupted vicar?”

We all yell in agreement and then act in accordance with our plan. The white flame knights of Canis create their huge fireball and melt a majority of our enemies defending the gates of Constantinople even as the enemy fires its canons at us. While this is happening the orcs and knights of Canis charge at the city’s gates and we charge on an icy elephant I’ve conjured. David uses his dark fog to mask our advance, which throws off the aim of the canons that nearly hit us. Thankfully, we can make it to the gates and bust through them as we charge through the city.

Above us, we see that the abominations are quickly creating more ratmen much to their detriment as their bodies begin falling apart since they can’t regenerate fast enough to keep up with the rate at which they are reproducing soldiers. Seeing that we are going to be overwhelmed, I use my high elf magic to blind the ratmen before teleporting us close to the church the Vicar is at with my magic from Polypus. This causes the icy elephant to slowly begin to fall apart, but it manages to stay together until it breaks apart as we bust through the doors of the church. David carries me in his arms as he and the rest of the party leap from the broken elephant. He smiles and winks at me as he does so much like a storybook hero. I could’ve leaped by myself but wanted this to happen because I need to conserve my strength for more important matters.

David defends me while I catch my breath and the other three clear the enemies around us. Once I do, I use my high elf magic to melt the ratmen with beams of light and impale and freeze them with Polypus ice magic. David conjures more dark fog to mask our movements so he can enter it to dodge attacks and quickly traverse to places to get rid of ranged foes. Hossam, Lieselotte, and Marcel carve through the many ratmen around them and despite appearing to wade through tides of enemies, they manage to dispel them as they charge up the steps of the church as we all make it to the very top where Vicar Sylvatic continues to create ratmen.

“My reign will not end here! Tremble in fear for you face God’s chosen one!” the Vicar says.

Using all of our abilities and skills together, we begin our final attack against the Vicar. Marcel, Hossam, and Lieselotte carve through the ratmen around him and those that he produces while David and I attack him from a distance. David melts him and his spawn with his acids while I use the magic from both of my bloodlines to wear him down. By the end of our assault, the Vicar is unable to produce any more ratmen and is nothing more than a blob of flesh clothed in his tattered papal clothing. Even so, he lives on and tries to fight us with his papal scythe that he can barely swing. Each one of us then attacks him with our own attacks to finally finish him off and bring an end to his miserable life.

“You can’t…you can’t kill God’s chosen…I…I…St. Peter, intercede for me…” Vicar Sylvatic says in his final words.

“Was he asking for St. Peter to help save his soul or to help him continue fighting?” Marcel asks.

“Regardless, we must pray for his soul,” Hossam says as he clasps his hands together.

“Pray? For trash like him?” Lieselotte says.

“Sin makes us trash like him and he is a Pope, so we must pray for his soul,” David says as he prays.

“Tch. Fine.”

We all pray for the Vicar’s soul and those who died today. After we’re done, we look at what’s happening below us. From this height, I see the armies of orcs and knights of Canis finishing off the Vicar’s forces and chasing them away from the city. While my friends catch their breaths and congratulate one another on a job well done, I charge my teleportation spell and then cast it, which saps most of my strength. Evander, several mages from Polypus and Ordon, and a seemingly normal human woman with red and black hair appear on the roof. Everyone in my party is surprised to see this except for David. The mages and high elves use their magic to teleport the Vicar’s body away before teleporting to the other abominations and teleporting them away as well.

“Well done, all of you,” Evander says. “You’ve secured a future for the Church and humanity through your heroic deeds. I hope the bishops reward you enough so that you can live in peace for the rest of your lives.”

“What are you planning to do with the Vicar’s body and the bodies of the abominations, Evander?” David asks.

“It’s just research to create medicine, to repair tissue at a rapid rate, I assure you. Is this the man you are so fond of, Saanvi?”

“He is,” I admit.

“David, I know you wish to learn more, so you will in your future work with Saanvi. I’ll contact you when that day happens.”

“I look forward to it.”

“I’ve…we’ve also arranged a day to be together. Just the two of us,” I say.

“Ah, so you’re an even better man than it seems, David. Do ensure you don’t break Saanvi’s heart like you did with Viktoria’s?”

“I’ll try not to,” David says with a cocky smile.

After the battle and we head back to the Vatican to report our success, we are celebrated as heroes along with those in the St. Dismas group and the orcs and knights of Canis. Bernhard begins to colonize Eastern Europe claiming Constantinople and giving its brother nation, Canis, some of the land as well much to the dismay of the Church and other kingdoms. Hossam is now a guard at the Vatican while Marcel and Lieselotte have settled down for a bit to raise a family. Meanwhile, David and I are on our first date, or at least what I want to be a date. He offers me his hand with a smile that I take with a smile of my own as we begin our day together, the first of many more to come.

The End

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