Thursday, June 20, 2024

Love Found Amdist Violence: Chapter 4 – A Just Massacre

Chapter 4 – A Just Massacre

Our Schlachten envelops every kingdom in the world with our allied kingdoms allowing us to dispense justice without resistance while those even in our allied kingdoms uselessly try to stop us from getting to our prey. Matilda and I are deployed to the Draco kingdom which is currently giving us the most resistance. So far, we’ve managed to easily carve our way through the kingdom because of the knights and guards we have in it and we’re currently in the kingdom’s capital where Emperor Guo is said to be personally defending our prey. Currently, our catapults have peppered the walls and targeted the buildings of our prey with constant fire while our guards protect them. We’ve also been making use of the cannons that we got from the spoils of the war with Vicar Sylvatic to add to our bombardment.

From our vantage point, Matilda and I see King Keule rallying the soldiers just as the final bombardment breaks down several areas of the walls giving the army an easy way in. Before charging into battle, Matilda and I kiss and then join our fellow soldiers in this glorious battle. We cut our way through the streets careful not to hit any fleeing civilians or our allies from other kingdoms and those from Draco who are aiding us. Matilda and I make sure to watch each other’s back while also not focusing solely on each other so we can help our allies. King Keule and our leading officers lead our charge as we push back the enemy until we reach the gates of the central castle, which have already been breached thanks to our catapults and allied mages. Beyond the walls and rubble, we see Emperor Guo and the rest of his army standing behind him.

“Stand out of our way, emperor, unless you want to die like the rest of the trash,” King Keule says.

“I know that your kind honor duels like my people do. If I slay you in a one-on-one duel, will your men retreat from the city?” Emperor Guo says.

“If you know my kind, then you know that we don’t follow rules or our superiors that well if we think it goes against what we think is right.”

“That’s what I thought you’d say, you savage.” Emperor Guo transforms into a large golden dragon dressed in his royal armor. “You’re so predictable, and yet, that was what I was counting on, so I could kill you and your men without holding back.”

“Heh, and you say we’re the savages.”

Charging at Emperor Guo’s men who transform into beastmen, our forces clash in one big battle of blood, blades, and magic. In this sort of battle, no amount of skill can save a man. The chaos blinds him as he can only concentrate on saving himself first and those around him second. Everyone from the rookies to the veterans is at risk of dying an immediate and unexpected death from a spell fired from a mage out of sight or a knight cutting their head off from behind. It’s times like these that remind men of war and battle that your life is truly in God’s hands in every moment of life and that it can be taken away before you know it, and by God’s graces, we’ve won.

We may have lost many men, but the majority of us are alive and the enemy lays dead at our feet. King Keule stands above the dragon body of Emperor Guo whose head he cut off, raises his axes to the sky, and we yell out in victory and praise God for it. Running over to Matilda, I pick her up in my arms as we embrace and kiss. I then watch as his hands shake spastically before clasping together in prayer. Seeing this makes the cheering die down until it is quiet again.

“It…it is right to pray for our enemies even if they fought for an unjust cause so that they may have a chance at Heaven and we may not become the savages that they think we are,” King Keule says as the rest of us do as he does.

After our prayers, we allow the dead to be properly cared for by both sides. During this process, a legion of elves aided by men from Draco and Phasianus approach the city bearing arms. They race into the city seeing the damage that we did and are horrified by it.

One of their leaders, a high elf, approaches King Keule and says, “This…all this…I hope you’re happy with this atrocity you have committed because you will soon pay for it. You and your men.”

“Are you sure you want to do this?” King Keule asks. “Look around you. You know that if you want to fight then you’ll lose. You’re more outnumbered than you think and even if you manage to survive there are orcs spread throughout the world who will hunt you down till the day you die.”

The elf is visibly even more nervous as he swallows and struggles to utter a word.

“Leave this place. Our Schlachten is coming to an end and peace will be restored to the world and I suggest not giving us a reason to turn our wrath onto you and your friends.”

After a few seconds, the high elf turns away and commands his legion to do the same. We don’t even cheer over this victory and instead laugh about it. Once we care for the dead and our forces have confirmed that all of our targets are dead, we all head home to celebrate, however, Matilda and I go our own way to be married by Pope Landsknecht. While we wait outside the Vatican for everything to get set up, we look up at the eternal night star-filled sky of Noctua in silence.

“The events that surrounded our meeting and marriage have been eventful, to say the least,” Matilda says.

“That’s how you know it was meant to be,” I say.

“Gunther, do you think we’ll always be fighting or will there ever be a lasting peace?”

“I don’t think there’ll be true peace until Christ’s second coming. People will continue to wage war and fight because they love God or themselves. We can only create a more peaceful world through our actions and continue to maintain it through the legacy we leave.”

“Then let’s do it. We’ll fight as our ancestors have and raise the next generation to be just as noble if not more.”

Matilda offers her hand to me. I take it, kiss it, and hold it as I say, “We will. Our war is just getting started. May God help us and have mercy on our enemies.”

“Because we sure won’t.”

I laugh with Matilda and continue looking up at the sky with her with the hopes of a better future in my mind and heart.


The End

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