Thursday, June 6, 2024

Righteous Rejects of Heaven: Chapter 3 – The Fifth Party Member

Chapter 3 – The Fifth Party Member

Knights and soldiers of all kinds in Canis were taking trips out to different kingdoms and places with more scenic views to rest and recuperate. I was averse to doing this at first, but after being convinced by fellow white flame knights, I gave it a chance, especially since they said it would help me fight better. Even though I went to places that required me to wear heavy clothes and get used to using my flame magic more effectively for long periods so I wouldn’t exhaust myself while trying to stay warm in what was called pleasantly cool by the natives, I found the experience life-changing. In the battles I fought afterward, I was better than I ever was before and beat my superiors in sparing matches.

It was then that I became an advocate for taking the same kinds of rests I did and would try to take as many trips as I could to experience them as many times as possible. This ended up backfiring a bit when I was caught off guard by orc bandits and was almost killed by them if it weren’t for Lieselotte who saved me. She was hunting for them in this area with a squad of other orcs but went out on her own to find them herself. I fell in love with her at first sight and managed to convince her to rest with me, which was easy to do since she was injured. While we spent time together, she developed the same love that I have for her along with the want to take breaks like this.

Lieselotte and I got married shortly after, which was not short enough for Lieselotte who expected me to ask her for marriage a month after we met. We fought together in every battle we faced after marriage and promised our families that we would settle down and have children after the major ratmen threat to the world was dealt with. In the present day, the only reason why I went with my teammates to face the ratmen without Lieselotte and her party is because we didn’t want to wait for the archbishops to officially sanction their group and knew that Vicar Sylvatic could be enacting his plans while nothing was being done. I also wanted to save Lieselotte from the horrors found deeper in the wastelands of Eastern Europe, so that she wouldn’t have to experience them. No one should experience the horrors of war and that’s why I fight as much as I can so that peace may reign in this world scarred by constant wars. I’ve tried explaining all this to Lieselotte and her party after I introduced myself to the other three only for her to slap me in the face.

“I don’t care what lies ahead of us. As long as we’re together, we can overcome it. Remember that you’re with me until death and even then, we’ll never be separated from one another,” Lieselotte says while holding my hands.

Heh, I always did it when she showed both her rough and soft sides.

“I’m sorry, my love. Now that we’re together, nothing that the Vicar throws at us can stop us from delivering God’s justice to him,” I say.

“What about the rest of the orcs and knights of Canis? Will they help us or are they already all dead?” David asks.

“They should still be alive. We’ve faced no end of ambushes by the ratmen, the traitors, and beastmen who ally themselves with the Vicar, so I along with several other knights decided to hold off this latest ambush while they went ahead to an outpost to get help.”

“They aren’t back yet and the rest of your fellow knights are dead. That can’t be a good sign,” Hossam says.

“The big guy is right. We should go meet up with them to make sure they’re all right.”

“I wasn’t going to argue with you. I’m anxious to see if they’re okay and haven’t run into any more trouble along the way.”

“Let’s go then. We don’t have a moment to waste,” Lieselotte says.

I get on Lieselotte’s horse and ride with her to the outpost that I’ve marked on our maps. Being with her like this reminds me of the days we wandered the lands on horseback with no destination in mind while only wanting to spend as much time together as possible to keep the good times going forever. Remembering those times keeps me concentrated and motivated to see them again. My daydreaming is cut short as another ambush lies in our path. This time, beastmen and traitors from Bernhard and Canis lie ahead of us and come out from the dead trees behind us.

Immediately leaping into action and sprouting wings of white flame from my back, I use my white flame magic to blind and melt the enemies behind us. This same magic that turned my skin white and black is born of a true hatred for sin and evil and love for God and neighbor, and as such, doesn’t harm my allies even if it touches them. Many of our attackers die instantly screaming in pain as they go down. They try using ranged magic and arrows and attacking me from below the ground but I quickly dodge them and am aided by Lieselotte who pushes me out of the way of their attacks and kills them shortly after. She then quickly runs to aid her party once she sees that I’m safe.

Seeing her fight so effectively with others shows me how much she’s grown and it’s a pleasure to see. She was once a loner who pushed herself away from others. Now, she’s putting herself in danger for others and saving them. Before I can even join the fight, it's over and all our ambushers lie dead.

“There seems to be no end to the ambushes,” Saanvi says.

“And they’re employing other races,” Hossam adds.

“It’s just a sign of desperation. The Vicar knows he will meet his end soon and is in denial by delaying the inevitable,” Lieselotte says, a view that I echo.

“I don’t think they would just throw away their lives even if they were threatened,” David suggests. “The Vicar may have some bigger plans that gave them the confidence to fight for him.”

“Whatever the case is, we should hurry and bring an end to him,” I say to which the party agrees.

After we head out, we’re relieved to not be accosted by any more ambushes though at the same time, it’s worrying. Surely, my fellow knights are holding them off with the help of the orc and Canis knights from the outpost. We haven’t come across any bodies along the way to the outpost nor any signs of a struggle, only footprints and horse prints. It isn’t until the outpost is in sight do we begin to start worrying again as we see that it’s on fire with severe damage done to its walls and buildings. David advises us to be careful because of how quiet it is and we follow his advice. Going into the outpost that looks like a pseudo-town combined with a military camp, we’re ambushed by injured ratmen and find allied soldiers who are mostly dead or on the verge of death.

Thanks to David’s advice, we manage to clear out the outpost and find more allies who are hold up in some of the buildings. Saanvi doesn’t have time to heal all of the wounded and we don’t have much time to catch our breaths as a horde of ratmen, beastmen, and bandits approach from the distance. They make their arrival known by hailing down cannonballs that explode into acid, fire magic, ice magic, and arrows on us killing most who were outside and happened to be in the buildings that the attacks landed on. Those who can fight and even those who are injured take up their arms and immediately rush into battle. I along with Hossam and Lieselotte head into battle with them while David and Saanvi aid us from a distance with their magic.

To start the fight, I hang back before conjuring a large ball of white fire that lights up the gloomy dark sky as if it were a sun. I then throw it up into the sky where it rains down fire that targets our enemies. With that to aid us, I throw myself into the fray with my mace and axe raised high with the memories of my fellow soldiers giving me strength. I remember who I’m fighting for and push myself harder. I remember the precious moments with Lieselotte and go even further. Looking around me, I see the dead bodies of friends who I’ve shared laughs and fought in many battles with, and push myself beyond my limits.

It's then that I remember the many bastard children born because of the ratmen’s experiments and the mothers that were eaten alive by their children. I remember all the losses, those who valiantly sacrificed themselves to halt the tide of vermin, and who have been tortured by the ratmen for their pleasure and experiments. My flames burn even brighter and more intense now lighting up the entire area and depriving me of my stamina faster. Still, I fight on and keep pushing myself until the last of our enemies lay dead. Lieselotte then holds me from behind as I fall to my knees in exhaustion.

“It’s over, Marcel. You can stop pushing yourself so hard,” she says.

“But…all our allies are dead. We can’t stop moving now. We can’t let this tragedy impede God’s justice on the scum of this land,” I say.

“We’ll find a way to avenge them after we rest and come up with a plan.”

I reluctantly agree as Lieselotte helps me up and brings me back to the outpost. Now, it’s just the five of us against the remainder of the Vicar Sylvatic’s forces. I don’t know of any nearby reinforcements or outposts this close to Constantinople, but still, we can’t back down now. Not after so many lives have been lost. The Vicar may have bought himself some time before his execution, but that time is measured in seconds. He will face justice for what he’s done. The world will become a more peaceful one even if it costs me my life. I only hope and pray Lieselotte and my friends won’t die with me so they can enjoy it.

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