Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Righteous Rejects of Heaven: Prologue – Gathering the Party

Prologue – Gathering the Party

Archbishops from every kingdom from Polypus and Leo to Bernhard and Oron gather in a meeting room in the Vatican that is in the kingdom of the never-ending night, Noctua. After saying their before-meeting prayer, they immediately discuss the reason as to why they are here.

“Let us finalize our decision today. The war against Vicar Sylvatic and his legions of ratmen is coming to its close and I’d rather end it sooner rather than later.”

“Yes, let’s do that and start the draft rather than creating this party of ‘misfits’.”

“This again…Hundreds of thousands have died both civilians and soldiers in this war. Throwing bodies at the problem isn’t going to work. What will work is a concise strike by skilled individuals.”

“Throwing bodies at the problem is what got us to the near the end of this war, and do not mistake my attitude toward the casualties as being that of not caring for the lives already lost. I know it’s tragic, but if sacrificing more soldiers means ending the war sooner and saving our future then it’s a sacrifice that needs to be made.”

“How about we go with your solution when ours has failed? If anything, we’ll be in a better position at the end of it even if our plan fails.”

“So be it. I’m tired of arguing about hearing this point anyway and I hope for our sake and the sake of our troops that you’re right.”

“Now, with that done and finally out of the way, let us meet the members of the party. Guards, will you please let them in?”

The guards in the room do as they’re told and the four chosen members of the party walk into the room and stand in the center while the guards and archbishops are closely watching them.

“You are to each step forward when your name is called and bow down. First, is Hossam.”

The skeletal man with white skin and parts of his skull and bones sticking out of his body kneels. He wears a dark cloak and carries a sword half his size and a great shield with spikes on it.

“At your service,” Hossam says in a deep cold voice.

“The dark paladin, Hossam. Tell us, why do you carry around a shield? I thought the walking corpses of Corvus such as yourself do not need them.”

“It was a gift from a friend from Equus during one of my pilgrimages to die.”

“Hossam is on a constant quest for self-improvement. He wanders the lands helping and defending people and in some parts is known as the dark paladin or reaper knight. Strangely enough, he was the easiest to track down and convince to bring here.”

“That is because it is God’s will and I followed His voice. It is I who found you and not you that found me.”

“I see that. Next, is Lieselotte.”

An orc woman who is wearing light armor and black chain mail steps forward and then kneels. The plates on her light armor are colored crimson and dark gold, the axe that she wields is as tall as a normal man, and she has red war paint on her face. In contrast to her warrior appearance, her eyes are light blue and yellow, and her brown hair is tied up neatly.

“Let us be done with these pleasantries as quickly as possible. My husband, Marcel, is waiting for me,” Lieselotte says in a deep but feminine voice.

“Lieselotte was not our first choice, but after she defeated the orc we had in mind in a sparring match, we had no choice but to accept her. This isn’t the first time she’s done something like this to get closer to Marcel, such as the time she beat one of her commanders so she could fight alongside Marcel in a battle.”

“Ha! I like her.”

“Of course you would. You orcs don’t always have the most disciplined troops and people.”

“Remind me again which kingdom has sent the most soldiers against the ratmen threat besides Canis? I like her distinguished record that I read and if God allowed her to beat the best of our rank, then let her do as she pleases.”

“Marcel is one of the knights of Canis who with a legion of orcs have already gone ahead to face the Vicar’s forces head-on. They were supposed to wait for this party to form so they can act as a distraction while the party heads directly for the Vicar, but now, they’ll have to catch up to them.”

“Tch. Both kingdoms are full of hotheads,” an archbishop comments under his breath.

“Are we done yet?”

“Just give us a few more moments. David is next.”

A dark elf with red eyes and grey skin steps forward without a sound coming from his feet and kneels. He wears black and grey light armor and seemingly has no weapons on him that are visible to the naked eye.

“David was once an honorable commander in the dark elf army, however, he had an affair with a general’s wife and orchestrated his death during a battle so he could have him killed without directly bloodying his hands. It wasn’t until a mystic accused him of his crime did he confess. After spending fifty years in jail, the St. Dismas group offered to take more time off his sentence by giving him a chance to work for them.”

“Why should we trust a member of a thieves guild?”

“Because they’re the Church’s thieves guild.”

“Is that why there isn’t much on his record other than their recommendation? How can we be so sure of his abilities?”

David throws one of the archbishops a necklace that has a familiar picture in it.

“The guild sends its regards,” David says with his head bowed down.

The archbishop is astonished and checks his pockets before saying, “I thought I had this on me the entire day. How did you do that?”

“It’s a trade secret and should be sufficient proof of my skill.”

“It is. Thank you, David.”

“Despite my distrust of him, I assume that I have no say in possibly replacing this man with someone else at this last minute?”

“You do not. He is placed here by higher authorities than you in the Church.”

“Tch. Let’s continue then. This last one seems to be here for the same reason.”

“Sort of. Come forward, Saanvi.”

A woman with pale skin except for patches of gold comes forward and kneels. She has the knife ear of an elf, many irises in her two eyes, a third eye on her forehead, and blue tentacles with an eye on it for her left arm. Her crop top with a veil is gold while her skirt and leggings are blue.

“At God’s service, Your Excellencies,” Saanvi says in a youthful and calm voice.

“Don’t be so formal with us. We know you serve the king of the elves, Evander, more than you serve us.”

“I cannot deny that, but I will say that we are both on the same side.”

“So you say.”

“At least she’s honest.”

“Whatever Evander’s reasons are for putting you in this party, we’re glad to have you. With the introductions done, keep your heads down for our blessing.”

The archbishops say a prayer of blessing over the party. Once they are done, the Pope steps forward and adds to the blessing.

With his arms outstretched, Pope Urban XI says, “May you complete this sacred work to bring Vicar Sylvatic to justice, save humanity from the threat of his vile ratmen, and end generations of violence and degeneracy with the edge of your blades. God is with you and will be with you, Amen.”

“Amen,” the four members of the party say.

They get up and head out on their horses given to them by the Church.

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