Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The Disease Killing Me is You: Chapter 2 – Still Burning for Love

Chapter 2 – Still Burning for Love
The rest of these corridors are just as cramped as the ones we came out of. It’s like this place is meant to be filled with obstacles to stop people from escaping. Some of these rooms have people in them.
Maybe we should free them?
I don’t think so, Bianca. We’d just attract more attention to us by our “parents”.
Why do you say it that way?
Because I’m still not sure if our parents are the ones after us.
We heard your mom speak. She may look different now, but her hair, face, and voice are what we remember them to be. We’re remembering now that our parents are experts in the medical field.
Yeah, I’m remembering that they were surgeons and doctors who were specialized in different fields.
Your mom said she wanted to make us into an immortal being. Why do you think that is?
I’m not sure, but we may find out later. Also, you’ve seemed to have gotten sane after merging with me.
Yeah, I don’t know what I was thinking before, but you have to admit that this is kind of cool. I know you’re in disbelief but isn’t this kind of what we’ve always wanted. The memories are coming back to me now of times when we would spend entire days by each other’s side.
I don’t think this is how we imagined our future would be at all. I’m sure you’re wondering what I am.
Can we ever be together again?
I don’t know. I barely remember what our life was like together. I don’t even know if you’ll go crazy like you did before.
I understand. I’ll try to prove that I’m in control now.
Speaking about control, do you see that up there past all the floors of cells? It looks like a person in the control room controlling everything like an orchestra. Is that-
My dad?
He looks like he’s noticed us. He’s speaking into a microphone.
“I’m so glad you too came here. Your friends and our family have been waiting for you.”
“Dad, what is going on?”
“This is all for your immortality. All of this.”
“What are you talking about dad? This isn’t making any sense.”
“I told you I’d do anything to make you live forever, Bianca. You probably don’t remember it, but it is every father’s duty to make sure that their child lives as long as happy as possible. The others and I are making sure that happens. If you want to learn more, please make your way to me. I’ll be happy to answer your questions.”
What do you think, Bianca? Is it a trap?
Maybe, but we won’t know until we get to him.
This sure seems like a trap. Do you see all the microphones and cameras around us? The cells around us are also open and close enough for the people in them to reach through, or can we call these people now? Look at how deformed and mutated and deformed their bodies are. They look like us.
We aren’t-
You know we are.
“As part of your gaining of immortality, I will have to bring my test subjects into the mix. Do not worry about being harmed. I can put you back together if anything bad happens.”
Was that supposed to make us comfortable? A few of the cell doors are opening. Be careful. There are people reaching out at us and there’s barely any room to move. Ah!
“Get off!”
Their cold hands drive chills up my spine.
“We must have your skin!”
“Help us leave by being one with us!”
“He’s mine! Hands off him!”
I’ll keep them away with our heavy hitting hand. Just try to stay away from them, Bianco.
Okay. It’s really tough to do so especially when they grab ahold of me.
Don’t worry about them. I won’t let them take you.
‘I’ll be yours forever.’
‘And I’ll be yours forever and ever.’
Did we just remember that? I wonder why we did now of all times.
Tense situations tend to make your mind work overtime is what I think my parents said once. Hurry and head up the stairs. I hear the cell doors opening.
Why does this place look so simple and yet, it’s like a maze?
I guess it’s because our parents want to test our abilities.
Well, screw that. You know what I’m thinking?
You don’t even need to ask.
Then let’s break through these walls! We’re taking a shortcut.
Get out of the way! Or get a face full of our fist!
There we go. We’re almost to your dad.
“That was an impressive display of power you two. A bit messy and unexpected, but these are great results. Your combined strength is amazing, and you have good coordination. I guess we should’ve expected this considering how in tune you two were previously.”
We’re here. The door is solid, but we can force it open.
“Hello, Bianca and Bianco. I’m glad you made it here. The others you saw weren’t able to coordinate with each other like how you can despite how much testing they were put through. So, a personal bond is what affects coordination, huh?”
Is he really writing notes on this?
Dad always liked keeping track of interesting things. It’s no wonder why he’s in charge of so many cells with different kinds of people in them.
“Oh! I’m sorry. Now, you wanted to know more, right?”
“Of course we do! What the heck is going on?”
“Ah! Your voices combined when you shared a major concern. I’ll have to write that down later. Anyway, we, your parents, have used this old asylum as our secret experimental facility to help you two live forever together. We couldn’t bear to lose another life in our line of work. In reality, doctors don’t save lives, they just extend them. Everyone eventually dies, and we didn’t want that to happen to you two, who were always so energetic and full of joy, so the four of us have done this all for you.”
That explains a bit more, but not enough.
“Why did you have to involve other people in this?”
“Because we needed test subjects before we experimented on you. Who knows what could happen on our first attempt? First, we kidnapped people close to us then we took our neighbors, then whoever is in the area of this asylum. You don’t have to worry about them. Once you’re perfected, they will share in your gift and so shall we.”
Ah! We’re caught in chains. How did my mom sneak up on us?
“The test you put them through was decent, Rosso, but I don’t think they’ll need anymore. I need to make sure their decay lessens or stops entirely.”
“You worry too much, Violet. We can always bring them back.”
“We thought that about so many of our patients, but how many have we actually saved besides our kids? There’s no such thing as worrying too much when it comes to preserving life.”
We have to escape while they’re busy talking to each other. These chains are so tight. I barely have enough room to move. If we could only have enough room to make our strong arm break the chains. Huh? Do you hear that?
Look! It’s the other people!
I’m not sure if this’ll be a good thing or bad, but it definitely feels bad.
They’re loosening the chains. We have to put up with it for a bit-Whoa!
“Stay away from my children!”
“Be careful with them, Violet!”
Does my mom really need to fling me around to keep me away from these people?!
No, this helps way more! We can move our arm!
Come on, keep breaking the chains! There we go!
“Get them, Rosso, while I keep these subjects away!”
“No, let’s see what the other tests can show us.”
“This is our children we’re talking about! Get them!”
Hurry, he’s after us! Your dad has way more arms than my mom does, but are those robotic arms? He’s controlling the cells with them-Watch out!
Give me control! That was close!
I think he’s controlling these traps with his arms too.
I’ll need to control things from here.
Okay, I trust you.
These traps are everywhere. On the walls, floors, and ceiling.
It’s a good thing you’re so quick on your feet and arms then. There’s an exit over there! Watch out!
I’m not that quick it seems. I should’ve known that there would be a trap at the exit.
“You’re amazing as always, Bianca. I know it was you controlling both of you because I know that athleticism anywhere.”
“Fix us, dad, or let us go.”
“I will fix you, my loves. I’ll cure you of your mortality.”
“What you’re doing is wrong! You have to stop.”
“I’ve told you before. I’ll do anything to see you happy. Death brings only sadness and grief. I’m making sure that death never has its effect on you. I promise.”
‘Your sun is always going to shine.’
‘I’m going to make sure you’re never going to suffer.’
‘My love for you conquers death.’
Our parents always did tell us things like that.
“I love you, dad, but I’m not going to let you do what you want.”
This trap is easier than it looks to break. Why isn’t dad chasing after us?
Remember he said he wanted to see what the other tests can show them?
There’s going to be more awful sights like the ones we just saw then. I don’t know if I can take it.
It’s going to be fine because I’m with you, Bianca. I promise you that we’ll make it through this one way or another.
Thank you. I needed that.
I know you did, and I didn’t need to read your thoughts to know.

The song that inspired the title of this chapter is Still Burning by Fight the Fury (Not Skillet, but Skillet).

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