Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Society's Monsters posts #1

I've been posting under #SocietysMonsters on Twitter to get Society's Monsters as a group going. Here are the posts I have so far. The more I get, the more I'll post here since I feel like I need a bunch to constitute a blog post. Consider joining by using the #SocietyMonsters and contacting me.

"We are devils to modern society. We are sinners redeemed by Christ's sacrifice. We are Society's Monsters."

I think this song perfectly fits Society's Monsters. This is what we're about.
"Won't bow to man. Won't bow to government.
Won't trust in a failed system of self-fulfilling lust.
Won't love a world where my God is mocked.
I defy."

If there is nothing that you dedicate your life to, then you don't love anything. Love is extreme and if you won't sacrifice yourself for a cause or a person that you love, then there is nothing that you truly love other than maybe yourself.

In the beginnings of Christianity, the apostles only had the Spirit in them to help spread Christ's saving message of salvation for all. We have so much more than they do, so why aren't we accomplishing more? We should be doing more to bring souls to salvation.

The worst people in the world aren't the ones that know they're sinful, it's the hypocritical people that think they're good. They masquerade and think they're good people, but they're nothing but a wolf in sheep's clothing and sometimes they're you.

Only Catholics are allowed to be part of Society's Monsters not only because extra ecclesiam nulla salus, but also because we are unified under Christ just like the Catholic Church. This unity is our strength. This is why the gates of hell will never prevail against God's Church.

Society's Monsters is based off a bunch of dreams I had that I think might be memories. Read the free story linked below for a quick summary of it. You don't need to know it in order to join the group, but it might be interesting for you to know.

Sometimes knowing and doing what's right makes you look like evil to other people. Humble yourself, learn the truth, then follow Jesus Christ and love others as He loves us.

Spread the love and joy Christ has given you and don't keep it to yourself and the people you deem worthy. God welcomes everyone including the worst of humanity to receive the gift of salvation and eternal joy. If they reject it that's their loss.

Society's Monsters should focus on the salvation of souls primarily and everything else secondary. We should also focus on educating the young. Our education system is flawed and doesn't teach them the right things they need to know, therefore, we need to be the teachers they need.

People nowadays are entrenched in willful ignorance despite having the internet and dozens of useful books. They'd rather entrench themselves in what they believe to be true than humble themselves to the truth. Pray that these people let go of their pride.

There are two reasons why G.K. Chesterton became Catholic. "One is that he believes it to be solid objective truth, which is true whether he likes it or not; and the other is that he seeks liberation from sin." Catholicism is the truth and must be shared.

I highly recommend the recordings of Fulton Sheen on YouTube if you want to learn more about Catholicism. I also recommend his books; The Mystical Body of Christ and Victory over Vice.

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