Saturday, February 5, 2022

Washed by Blood, Clothed with Grace: Chapter 3 – Temptations of False Grace

Chapter 3 – Temptations of False Grace

Finally, after a long journey, Rina finds herself at a lake where the light of the moon shines on it. She cautiously approaches it until a woman appears out of it. A red light radiates from her that appears to clothe her in what can be called grace and looks like Our Lady of Sorrows that Rina has seen in so many paintings, statues, and stained glass art in churches.

Rina falls to the ground to venerate the woman and says, “I’ve come so far to meet you, My Lady. Command me whatever you wish so that I may serve Your Son perfectly.”

“Receive my blessing, my daughter. You deserve it after having come so far,” the woman says while holding out her arms towards Rina.

The light from the moon and woman expands itself to shine on Rina who begins to feel strange. This feeling fills Rina with warmth to the point where she begins to feel lightheaded.

“You did well to come to me and abandon your kingdom and family for I will give you a new crown,” the woman says.

Because of the woman’s power, the black and rotten parts of Rina’s body move to her crown on her head until her body appears immaculately white with little trace of red in it. Rina is about to express her thanks until her black crown digs into her head and clouds her thoughts.

“You will be my servant and I will be your queen, my daughter,” the woman says in a somewhat distorted voice.

“Who-who are you? You’re not…” Rina asks as she does her best to resist the woman’s imposed will on her.

“I am the Lady you have been searching for. I’ve been collecting and gathering people like you to overthrow this kingdom and your kingdom to make them my own.”

“N-no, please. Let me go.”

An arrow of light hits the shoulder of the woman and her true appearance is revealed. Her eyes are black and the area around it is rotten along with her arms and stomach.

“Get the princess out of here and kill that witch!” a knight says as they take Rina anyway.

“Kill them and get me back the princess no matter the cost!”

A small troop of rotten sinners comes out of the trees and ground to meet the knights in battle. The armor that’s formed from their blood identifies them as knights of Albinia. Some of them can form crossbows that materialize arrows of light made from the grace in their souls to defeat the growing horde in front of them while the others have strengthened armor with sharp shields and others beside them conjure multiple weapons that float around them.

After having gotten a good distance away, the knight lays Rina behind some trees a bush then says to her, “Stay here while we fight for you, princess. We promise that we’ll win!”


The knight heads out before they hear what Rina said. Soon after, the witch forms a broken cross with her magic that tempts the minds of the knights and Rina and dulls their senses.

“We-we will not fall for your magic, witch! We are strengthened by God’s grace and will cut you down in His name!” a knight says before the rest of them cheer and fight on.

“I-I have to fight this!” Rina says as she struggles to fight the witch’s influence, “There’s still time to redeem myself. I can still…”

Rina struggles to fight the witch’s power over her until it fades away. This is when she is able to manifest her weapons and joins the fight but finds that it’s already over with both sides having killed each other.

She falls to her knees and says, “Why? Why?! I’ve come so far for nothing and lost more because of it. These loyal soldiers didn’t deserve to die for someone like me. I came all the way here abandoning all that I had to serve you, God, and you too, My Lady, but no matter how many times I prayed and submitted my soul to your holy will, I still fell to sin. I still made mistakes and I still did things that I know you wouldn’t approve of and considered evil. Why? I asked for guidance and received only some of the time. I asked for clarity and received silence. Can you answer this at least or do you hate me? Do you like seeing me suffer and fall to evil? Are you giving me the hopes of salvation only to take them away? Tell me the answer. I beg of you.”

In her despair, Rina waits and waits until another group of knights from her kingdom comes to get her, and with no answer received, her body begins to blacken. Seeing this, the knights try to cheer her up and remind her about God’s love for her, but she doesn’t listen.

“Your family and kingdom need you. We’ve been forced out of our home and came to this land for help and to find you,” a knight says.

This doesn’t help Rina at all. In fact, she despairs more so they quickly get her to her parents and family’s priest.

“Tell me what troubles you? What did the witch do to you?” her mother asks.

“She didn’t do anything other than take advantage of my want to be a better person. I don’t deserve any pity for my mistakes. I don’t even deserve to be called your daughter for what I’ve done to you and our people.”

Rina’s mother embraces her and says, “You’re always going to be my daughter no matter what you do. It doesn’t matter how many sins you commit over and over again. I will always be here to help you and there’s always a chance to make things right.”


Her father then embraces her as well then says, “Even I sin occasionally, we all do, but God didn’t sacrifice Himself for nothing. If we were all perfect, we would act like we wouldn’t need Him. Indeed, God sometimes lets us fall to our weaknesses even though we always ask for His help. We don’t always know why this is, but what we do know for sure is that He always gives us a way to get back up and that He does love us.”

In her mother’s and father’s words, Rina can hear a silent voice speak. She can’t hear what it’s saying, but it’s as if a voice only familiar to her soul can understand. She now remembers God’s infinite mercy for her with the most obvious proof being her still being alive and being in the arms of her parents with the reminder that she is loved though she is weak. She is loved though can be sinful, she is loved though she falls again and again, and she is loved and will be loved forevermore. Again, she confesses her faults to her parents with tears in her eyes before confessing to the family’s priest.

The family isn’t given long to rest as their enemies that forced them out of their homes have found them after a long chase. Restored to grace, Rina joins the front lines of the fight as she manifests all her weapons.

Wings form on her back along with a multitude of curved blades. A barrage of iron and wooden arrows rains down on them, but her blades cut the arrows while the wings expand and shield those who cannot shield themselves. In battle, it is as she is in a lethal dance as her blades flow through the air and cut down whoever they touch. Her wings protect her and her allies when they are about to be struck. It’s almost as if they were possessed and had a mind of their own and it can be said that they are. Rina has given herself again to the protection of Our Lady and her Son. Their Holy Grace flows through her and grants her kingdom victory in this battle.

Now filled with confidence and renewed trust, Rina retakes her place as princess of her kingdom and leads them alongside her family. Even though it is evident that she isn’t perfected by grace since her body isn’t completely light red, she is more comfortable in her imperfection than before.

She prays aloud, “I promise that I will not only do my best to serve you, My Lady and Lord, but also to never despair again, trust myself to your mercy, pick myself up when I fall, and to never take for granted what I have. Thank you for your many blessings, my family, and your love.”


The End

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