Monday, November 9, 2020

Soldier Prayers - (Song/Poem #87 from Fides Aeternam)

*personal prayers that soldiers, secret agents, and law enforcement say.

The Lord is my God. I shall not want.

My God is a God of Battles. I will not lose.

All of my enemies will fall before me.

Bullet to the skull, laser through the heart, fire to their foundation.

They will burn for their unrepentant sins while I burn in penance for my sins.

May God have mercy on my enemies because I will not.


I am the hammer and shield of the Lord.

My purpose is to be an unquestionable and loyal servant for all eternity.

My prayer comes in the form of bloodshed and destruction.

This is a prayer that even the heathens and heretics understand.

Let it pierce their soul like my weapons, so that they may come to their senses and be saved like the good thief on the cross.


*prayer said during the time of Infinitus Anathema

With Holy Fire, we burn all evil to ash.

We were cowards, but now we are bold.

We were merciful, but now we are executioners.

We were slaves, but now we are masters.

Our purpose is made new as we wage this Holy War.

Heretics, heathens, and traitors alike will be executed if they will not repent at this hour of their final judgment.

Evil had its hour and now God will have His day.

All will submit or perish as it was in the beginning will be now and ever shall be universe without end.


*prayer said during the War in Heaven otherwise known as the civil war within the Church

Though the gates of Hell will not prevail against the Church, she still suffers.

Within her walls lie wolves among the sheep.

Why did you let us go astray, Oh Lord?

Bring our brothers and sisters back and give us the strength to enact justice on those who resist and cause further division.

We rebuke the traitors and the demons that have a hold on their minds.

Grant your true Church victory and death to the false.

We ask this through the Blessed Virgin Mary and Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

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