Gentle Extermination: 549RCC - 700RCC
Pope Dolce V was already tired of the wars and crimes going on in the universe and the assassination attempt on his life and the destruction of the orphanage dedicated to his friend pushes him over the edge. He publicly declares that everyone who isn't submitted to God and His Holy Church is infinitely cursed. They must either submit or face execution. To show that he's serious about this, he executes the assassins that came after him and their co-conspirators. He then warns his enemies that their planets will face immediate destruction if they don't submit the next day. His message isn't taken seriously and because no empire submits themselves to the Church, he sends out specially armed space ships with a small escort to thirty planets and put them in a Purgatorial state that eradicates all life on the planets while also craving the face of Jesus or the cross with Jesus on it on the planets. This attack couldn't be countered and even the planetary defenses and groups of defense ships were destroyed by these ships and their few escorts. The fire that these ships rained down pierced through everything in its path and everything around it.
This is just the start of what is known as the Gentle Extermination by non-Catholics and Catholics alike as the Ecclesia Aeternam is on a relentless assault. Whoever refuses to convert is executed. The enemies of the Church try their best to fight back only to be crushed or win a small victory only to lose their winnings and more the next day if not the next hour. Civilians and soldiers alike start converting out of fear of the Church and fleeing their empires. With so many losses happening consistently across the many years, the other empires are forced far into the unknown regions of the galaxy where they struggle to find shelter. The Ecclesia Aeternam has essentially conquered the universe with every galaxy and planet bowing before God and His Church. Remnants of the other empires and heretics are constantly hunted down if they haven't fled while special groups within the Church hunt down and capture survivors of their enemies in the unknown regions while also keeping an eye on them.
Finally, peace is established in the universe. Pope Dolce V works with the construction workers and laborers to build back destroyed orphanages and schools in penance for the sins of his enemies, the sins of the Church, and any sins he might've committed through this war. When Pope Dolce V passes away, it's in the garden in the orphanage dedicated to his childhood friend. It is said that flowers were growing around him and still grow around him near his grave. Pope Extollo III takes his place and continues in his predecessor's ways. The known universe may be at peace, but in the unknown regions, the enemies of the Church make their next plot as they always do.
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