Sunday, April 5, 2020

Lizzie and the Lunatic's Library: Chapter 3 – Into the Madness

Chapter 3 – Into the Madness
The fall into the book knocks Lizzie unconscious as she hits the ground.
“She awakens to see herself in a library that looks similar to the one she was in.”
“The girl asks herself. She’s confused as to what happened to her and where she is.”
“Who’s narrating everything I do?”
“Questions race through her mind as to who it could be. She came to a mysterious library for answers and even after that, she has more questions than answers. The girl walks through the library and follows the sound of the voice to its source, but she opens the wrong door and comes across a ghastly sight.”
“What the?”
“She says in disbelief at looking at Harold who is still struggling to put himself together, but can you blame him? He has three head, four and a half arms, and three legs.”
“Sorry for my mess, miss, he says. I just need to find my heads to put myself back together. Not wanting to deal with him, the girl walks off to another room and opens it to see another sad sight.”
“Be careful. My eyes are all over the place. The slippery things just won’t stay in me. This is Ms. Madness as we call her here because of all her knowledge and her eyes, but because of all her knowledge, her burst from it and has a hard time keeping her head together. The girl closes the door and goes to check another one but stops and thinks before she opens another one. She walks around tuning her ears until she has a good idea of which door to open and would you look at that, she opens the right one! The mannequin who was narrating her events is a fine gentleman with a black tuxedo and black pants with eyes on it as if he didn’t already have enough eyes on his head.”
“Please, stop it.”
“And enough mouths on his head too.”
“Who are you and why are you narrating everything I’m doing?”
“I’m the author of this book you’re in. May I get your name? It can be repetitive for my readers to keep hearing you referred to as a girl.”
“Lizzie. What a wonderful name!”
“How did I get here?”
“You got thrown in here by that librarian. What was her name again?”
“Ms. Ebrietas.”
“Ah, yes. That’s it. That woman is a lunatic. She thinks that filling your soul and body with deeper knowledge will ascend your mind to a higher plane of knowledge so you can become smarter. It’s vanity as I have learned. I was a librarian before.”
“You were a librarian like her?”
“Similar, but not as crazy. What’s the good of all the knowledge in the universe if you aren’t going to use it properly or even use it at all. There’s a reason why it is said that the poet only asks to get his head into the heavens while the logician seeks to get the heavens into his head. The poet knows his limits and that his head will split if he tries to get the infinite into the finite.”
“But isn’t there any knowledge we don’t know that will be useful? There has to be.”
“That’s the same kind of thinking she had. Trust me when I saw that we were made with limits for a reason. You’ve seen what happens to people when they ‘ascend’. Ebrietas will end up the same way or worse in no time. That library needs to burn.”
“I guess there really isn’t any other choice,” Lizzie says as she sits down.
“There isn’t and you better get it through your head. If you were designed to handle deeper truths, then you wouldn’t fall apart and go insane when you had it.”
After a few moments of consideration, Lizzie says, “Fine. I understand now. Will you help me escape and destroy the library?”
“Nah, you can do that yourself. You shouldn’t really leave either.”
“When you leave here, you’ll be in a place where your mind will be constantly assaulted by deeper knowledge. You’ll hear all kinds of things including the secrets of the past, present, and future. They’ll sing sweetly to you and either drive you insane, turn you into eye-filled black sludge, or make you like Ebrietas and that’s when you have eyes within you. You don’t have any. That was a smart move, but you’re more likely to turn into eye-filled black sludge or go insane now.”
“I’m not going to stay here for the rest of my life.”
“Oh, my dear, if only that could happen. You can’t die here. Trust me, I’ve tried.”
“Then that gives me even more of a reason to get out of here. Didn’t you say that the library should burn?”
“I did, but it could do that without our help. If the book we’re in burns, then we’ll all burn and be freed.”
“Well, I’m going to escape and burn it myself.”
“Hold on there. If you’re serious about this, leaving the book isn’t going to be easy because there’s a lock on it.”
“How do I unlock it from here?”
“It’s a lock on a magical book. What makes you think it can be unlocked from the inside?”
“Come on, you’re a knowledgeable librarian. Don’t you have any ideas?”
“…you know there actually might be one thing you have to do, but you’re not going to like it.”
“If it means I’ll be able to get out of here, then I’ll do it. What am I supposed to do?”
“Disassemble yourself and roll your head all the way down there.”
“Down where?”
“Have you looked down at the lower floors of the library yet?’
Lizzie looks over the railings of the library and sees that the rest of the library is a mess of other places such as forests, houses, churches, cities, and much more. Above her is much of the same in what seems like an endless series of places that don’t mesh together with crazy mannequins with deformed bodies.
“This is a place for crazies and lunatics of all kinds,” the man explains, “The minds of the mad mannequins in here create what you see around you. The reason why the library around here seems so big is because I’m probably one of the only people in here who still has some sanity left in them.”
“I can’t even see the bottom. What about the rest of my body?”
“What about it?”
“I need it! What do you think?”
“I’ll send it down with you. Your mind is your most important instrument, right?”
Lizzie is still as she looks down and imagines falling down into the madness.
“If this is the only way…”
As Lizzie stands on top of the railing, she takes a deep breath before dissembling herself and falling into the madness below. Her head falls into a cone filled with eyes on its sides that is actually the head of a person. She exits the person’s head via his mouth and is spat out to a pinball-like area where other people’s heads are being bounced around by people who are playing the pinball game. A flipper misses her, and she goes down a hole into a mountain. The mountain rumbles as an avalanche of mannequin parts fall down the mountain. Lizzie is caught up in the avalanche as she then falls into a place filled with desserts.
The mannequins combine and eat ice cream, chocolates, and even the heads and body parts of the other mannequins that are covered in sweets. In the chaos, Lizzie manages to roll her head to a hole in the room that makes her fall into a golf course where she is hit into the mouth of a giant mannequin that is somewhat alive. The throat of this mannequin leads her to an ocean of black sludge. She sinks to the bottom of this ocean as mannequins who have made themselves into mermaids and other forms of aquatic life that swim around. At the bottom of the ocean, Lizzie is taken by the claw of a bird that brings her deeper down.
As the claw of the bird tears her away from the ocean, it tears a hole in the sky of the next place as a flood falls from the sky of a fantasy battlefield with mannequins who have made themselves into dragons, unicorns, elves, dwarves, knights, kings, and queens. A barrage of arrows flies into the air and hits the bird that lets go of Lizzie. She falls into a lake that ends in a waterfall that makes her fall further into the darkness. The fall isn’t too far, and she lands on total darkness.
“Whew. Is it finally over?” Lizzie says to herself.
A flash of light illuminates the area to reveal a single hole to escape from it. Lizzie begins rolling her head to it as another flash of light shines as several figures start approaching her.
“Oh, come on,” Lizzie complains.
Another flash happens seconds latter to reveal the monstrous mannequins with deformations in their body and eyes on their bodies and faces. Before the next flash, Lizzie is able to get to the hole just in time as the mannequins almost snatch her. This next place she lands in looks to be the bottom floor of the library she was in where she entered from. The man from before lands on the floor with the rest of Lizzie’s body.
He lays it on the ground and says, “Your body, madame.”
“I hope nothing bad happened to it,” Lizzie says as she reassembles herself.
“It wasn’t anything bad I couldn’t fix.”
“Ugh. What do I do now? Is there some kind of exit here or secret lock I need to break?”
“You don’t have to do anything. I’ll just send you through the lock.”
“What? Are you kidding me?”
“Nope! This isn’t even the bottom of this madness. I just created it here before you arrived.
“You made me go through that nightmarish obstacle course for nothing then?!”
“It wasn’t for nothing. What you were feeling was similar to what you’re going to feel when you get out of here. I was preparing you for it and seeing if you are truly serious about what you say you’re going to do.”
“Thanks then, I guess.”
“You’re most welcome. Oh, and when you see Ebrietas and a man by the name of Laurence, tell them to remember Master Willem’s advice.”
“Okay, I will.”
“Thank you. I’ll be praying for your success.”
Light generates from the fingertips of the man as he sends Lizzie out of the book. Even as she is exiting the book, she can feel the mental pressure of the outside heavily weighing on her, but she bears it and holds onto the hope that she can succeed despite it.

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