Taken from this video on the errors of Pentecostalism.
1. Faith will gradually diminish
-My faith increased ever since I had these dreams especially since it gave me the idea to write about them. I wanted to read more about my faith and increased in it as a result.
2. If left unrejected, these sensory things are an impediment of the spirit.
-I've tried rejecting the dreams several times with prayer. I've been focusing more on my faith and spirituality ever since.
3. The soul begins to develop a possessive attitude towards these communications and instead of seeking to possess God.
-I don't think I've ever been more possess of seeking God in years. I always try to be as sinless as possible by going to confession (every other week) and church (every week). I don't even really want to have the guilt and good feelings associated with these dreams if they are fake.
4. Individuals gradually lose the effect of these communications and the interior spirituality they produce. Placing emphasis on external manifestations is bad. Internal experiences are lost.
-There is no external experience. Everything is internal.
5. Individuals lose God's favors. A special opinion of yourself is developed. Vanity, loss of humility.
-I was a foot soldier for the most part. Just part of Society's Monsters and God's army and never a true leader. Even the part where God asks me if time should be reset He only asked me my opinion. It seemed like He was going to do it anyways.
6. Opens the door to the devil who works with the body aka the more exterior and corporeal the experiences, the less certain is their divine origin. Assume experiences are from the devil rather than God.
-I don't think dreams count as exterior. Everything has been from within my dreams.
Many do not return to God.
-I've returned to the Catholic Church.
Even if these experiences are from God, you should flee them. This rejection is no afront to God. God will work in a way that the devil cannot. God will make a person go from grace to grace till perfection.
-I think I've been getting better as a person spiritually. I examine my conscience once every week to keep checking on myself.
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