Monday, September 25, 2017

Final thoughts on atheism

Since I've been talking about atheism for a while, I thought I'd give some final thoughts on it so I can talk about Islam (though just looking at Robert Spencer's work will do that for you) when I get time and step away from comics. There's nothing more to say on it after this summary and if anyone has to say anything, then look up what I'm talking about. It should suffice and give you plenty of information.

Atheism: The religion of dividing by zero
If there is no meaning in life and you make your own, you are dividing by zero since there is zero meaning. This also has the chain effect of making everything else that has design and purpose and makes it mean nothing.

Atheist is the one of the best examples of willful ignorance
Atheists say they don't have a religion, but do a quick Google search and you'll see that they have churches, bibles, ideologies, and main thinking points which is there is no god. Don't let the atheists who tell you they just lack belief lie to you, everyone has beliefs and no one lacks it. No one lacks in faith either since faith is just another word for trust. You have to have faith that the person talking to you isn't lying, you have to have faith that what you learn is correct, you have to have faith in yourself and many other examples that happen everyday where you have to have some level of faith. Atheism is a main part of communism, an ideology that's kill as many or more people than the Muslim faith, however, just because you're an atheist it doesn't mean you're a communist, but if you're a communist, you have to be an atheist. Atheists are also the most ignorant people as they say there is no evidence for a god, but there are tons and tons of books that prove God. I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist, Cold Case Christianity, and The Reality of God: The Layman's Guide to Scientific Evidence for the Creator just to name a few. Sure, there are other books to refute books like these but they're based on pseudoscience and lies. I also recommend Max Klobe's Atheists Always Lie series on YouTube and Inspiring Philosophy's channel as well. Don't have time for that? Check out the arguments in this list.

I've been thinking of shorter ways of proving God and the best way that's short and easy is by showing them the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

I'd check out Inspiring Philosophy's The Resurrection of Jesus series of videos and other sources that you can easily find with a simple search.

To throw this post for a little loop, to you fellow Christians, don't misrepresent our faith and educate yourself in your faith if you want to argue about it. Don't even bother to argue if you don't have your facts straight, which goes out to everyone else who thinks they know Christianity.

Just with this you can see why atheism is completely illogical and just plain dumb, however, I'm not saying that all atheists are dumb, they're just dumb when it comes to religion and foundation to the reality we live in and the morals we live by.

I'm going to keep this post here in case someone tries to argue with me on this topic. If they don't bother to look at the evidence presented in it then I don't bother with them.

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